兵种技能 - Troop Abilities
录入时间:2022-05-12 16:30:03 最后修改时间:2022-05-25 23:11:02
Reload 重新装弹 | 『被动能力』,这只部队的远程攻击每隔一回合才能使用一次。 Troop can perform one ranged attack, then needs to reload for a turn. |
Stakes 木桩 | 『主动技能』,在你前方的格子中放置一个木桩,木桩的生命值和你队伍中的单位数量一致。 Erect stakes in the hex in front of you with HP equal to the amount of units in the troop. |
Ambush 伏击 | 『主动技能』,攻击第一个进入你致命射程内的敌人。 Attack the first enemy moving into your Deadly Range. |
Fear No Foe 无惧敌人 | 『主动技能』,友方+5防御力,+5%魔法伤害减免。 +5 Defence,+5% Spell Damage Resistance to friendly. |
Stoutheart Shall Stand 斯托瑟尔特终将崛起 | 『主动技能』,友方+10防御力,+10%魔法伤害减免。 +10 Defence, +10% Spell Damage Resistance to friendly. |
Shielded 护盾 | 『被动能力』,+50%远程伤害减免。 +50% Ranged Resistance. |
Protect 保护 | 『主动技能』,给予1格内的友方单位: +25 防御力,+25% 魔法伤害减免。 Give friendly units within 1 hexagons: +25 Defence, +25% Spell Damage Resistance. |
Charger 充能 | 『被动能力』,每走一步会获得:+10近战攻击力。不必一次走直线,可以来回一格一格蹭。 Receives for each step: +10 Melee Offence. |
Strengthen 增强 | 『主动技能』,给予1格内的友方单位:+20 近战攻击力,+20远程攻击力,+1伤害。 Give friendly units within 1 hexagons: +20 Melee Offence, +20 Ranged Offence, +1 Damage. |
Berserker 狂战士 | 『被动能力』,受到伤害后会获得:+1部队战场移动力,+2伤害,-25防御力。 Receives when damaged: +1 Troop Movement, +2 Damage, -25 Defence. |
Defend 防御 | 『主动技能』,+25防御力,+25%魔法伤害减免。 +25 Defence. +25% Spell Damage Resistance. |
Quick 先发制人 | 『被动能力』,这个部队会抢先反击。 This troop will retaliate first. |
Wait 等待 | 『主动技能』,推迟你的回合。 Postpone your turn. |
Double Strike 连击 | 『被动能力』,+1攻击次数。 +1 Attacks. |
Inspiring 激励 | 『被动能力』,给予1格内的友方单位:+5 近战攻击力,+5远程攻击力,+5主动性。 Give friendly units within 1 hexagons: +5 Melee Offence, +5 Ranged Offence, +5 Initiative. |
Faey Fire 法夜之火 | 『主动技能』,发射4枚能量法球,随机攻击敌方目标,可以攻击相同目标。算法的初步测试结果大约是:兵种基础伤害(25~30)/4×数量×攻防修正,基础伤害向下取整还是没取整未知,因为取不取差距对结果影响非常小,法夜的攻击取默认的远程攻击也就是41,防御方取实际防御值。不受各种减伤影响。 Fire bolts of energy at random enemy targets. |
Helpless 无助 | 『被动能力』,部队不能反击。 Troop Can't retaliate. |
Venomous 剧毒 | 『被动能力』,当攻击其他部队时给予部队:25%该次攻击伤害的额外伤害(向上取整),持续2回合。 Give troop when it attacks another troop: 0 damage. |
Of Glories Gone 过去的荣耀 | 『主动技能』,友方部队+10%魔法伤害。 +10% Spell Damage Power to friendly troops. |
Aurelia Eternal 奥雷莉亚永恒 | 『主动技能』,友方部队+20%魔法伤害。 +20% Spell Damage Power to friendly troops. |
Aim 瞄准 | 『主动技能』,+3攻击距离,+3伤害。 +3 Range, +3 Damage. |
Charge Essence 精华充能 | 『主动技能』,为行使者生成该单位的精华。 Generate this unit's Essence for the wielder. |
Persistent 持续的 | 『被动能力』,+9999反击次数。 +9999 Retaliations. |
Oathbound Sacrifice 誓约束缚者的祭品 | 『主动技能』,牺牲1个单位,在你的前方召唤一支含有15个单位的临时誓约束缚者部队。 Sacrifice 1 unit and summon a Temporary Oathbound with 15 units in front of you. |
Stealthy 潜行 | 『被动能力』,无视控制区域,不会被借机攻击。 Ignores Zone of Control. |
Intimidating 威吓 | 『被动能力』,给予1格内的敌方单位:-10 防御力,-10主动性。 Give enemy units within 1 hexagons: -10 Defence, -10 Initiative. |
Sweeping Attacks 横扫攻击 | 『被动能力』,横扫攻击,对初始目标左右的目标也会造成伤害。(但是也会额外攻击的目标反击) Attacks in a sweeping arc, dealing damage to targets next to the initial one. |
The Jig of Jugs 夜莺之歌 | 『主动技能』,友方+5主动性。 +5 Initiative to friendly. |
For the Coin in my Hand 金钱至上 | 『主动技能』,友方+5主动性,+5近战攻击力,友方+5远程攻击力。 +5 Initiative to friendly, +5 Melee Offence to friendly, +5 Ranged Offence to friendly. |
Reach 距离掌握 | 『被动能力』,+1近战攻击距离。 +1 Melee Range. |
Spearwall 长矛墙 | 『主动技能』,攻击第一个进入你近战范围的敌人。 Attack the first enemy that moves into your Melee Range. |
Place Mine 放置地雷 | 『主动技能』,在一支部队的前方放置枚地雷,伤害数值是部队中的单位数量x10。 Place a mine in front of the troop with damage is equal to 10x the amount of units in the troop. |
Flame Attacks 火焰攻击 | 『被动能力』,攻击的同时会对目标身后的部队造成伤害。 Attacks also deal damage to troops behind target. |
Backstabber 背信弃义 | 『被动能力』,攻击不受反击。 Troop Enemies can't retaliate. |
Barrage 弹幕射击 | 『被动能力』,远程攻击会使周围的所有部队受到伤害。 Ranged attacks also damage all surrounding troops. |
Guard 守卫 | 『被动能力』,给予1格内的友方单位:+10 防御力。 Give friendly units within 1 hexagons: +10 Defence. |
The Dragon's Roar 恶龙咆哮 | 『主动技能』,敌方-10防御力,敌方-5主动性。 -10 Defence to enemy, -5 Initiative to enemy. |
Frightful 可怕的 | 『被动能力』,给予1格内的敌方单位:部队不能反击。 Give enemy units within 1 hexagons: Troop Can't retaliate. |
Magic Resistance 法术抵抗 | 『被动能力』,+50%魔法伤害减免。 +50% Spell Damage Resistance. |
Essence Fighter 精华战士 | 『被动能力』,攻击时会获得双倍精华。 Receives when attacking: +100% Order Essence, +100% Creation Essence, +100% Chaos Essence, +100% Arcana Essence, +100% Destruction Essence. |
Magic Immunity 魔法免疫 | 『被动能力』,获得100%魔法抵抗效果。 Get 100% magic resistance. |
Disrupt Essence 精华扰乱 | 『被动能力』,给予1格内的敌方单位: -100% 精华获得; Give enemy units within 1 hexagons: -100% Order Essence, -100% Creation Essence, -100% Chaos Essence, -100% Arcana Essence, -100% Destruction Essence. |
Mobile 灵动 | 『被动能力』,移动时不受远程攻击伤害削减影响。 No ranged attack damage penalties from moving. |
Drain Essence 吸取精华 | 『主动技能』,偷取你身边敌对部队的精华。 Steal the essence of hostile troops next to you. |
Bolster 激励 | 『主动技能』,+5防御力,+5近战攻击力,+5主动性。 +5 Defence, +5 Melee Offence, +5 Initiative. |
Front Line Fighter 前线战士 | 『被动能力』,每个可攻击的敌人:+10近战攻击力,+10防御力,+10主动性。 Per attackable enemy: +10 Melee Offence, +10 Defence, +10 Initiative. |
Bombard 轰炸 | 『主动技能』,攻击目标格子及其所有相邻格子。 Attack target hex and all adjacent hexes. |
Bull Rush 公牛冲击 | 『主动技能』,勇往无前地向前突击直到撞到障碍物。 Rush forward until a blocker is reached. |
Burrow 潜伏 | 『主动技能』,暂时离开战斗一回合,并在下一轮以无机动力的状态的情况下出现在目标格子中。 Removed from battle for one round, then appear in target hex without any movement. |
Menacing Roar 威胁咆哮 | 『主动技能』,削减2格内敌人的战场移动力和主动性。 Lowers movement and initiative for hostiles within 2 hexes. |
Dance Of The Vanir 瓦尼尔之舞 | 『主动技能』,友方部队+5近战攻击力 友方部队+5远程攻击力 +5 Melee Offence to friendly troops +5 Ranged Offence to friendly troops |
What's Yours is Mine 你的就是我的 | 『主动技能』,友方部队+10近战攻击力 友方部队+10远程攻击力 +10 Melee Offence to friendly troops +10 Ranged Offence to friendly troops |
Throw Spear 长矛投掷 | 『被动能力』,该部队可投掷长矛进行一次远程攻击,然后抽出合适的武器进行近战。 This troop can throw its spear for one ranged attack, then draws a weapon suited for melee combat. |
Leap 腾跃 | 『主动技能』,立即腾跃至范围内的目标格子消耗等同于腾跃距离的机动力。 Instantly leap to a targeted hex within range, consuming Movement equal to the distance leaped. |
Bull Rush 公牛冲击 | 『主动技能』,勇往无前地向前突击直到撞到障碍物。 Rush forward until a blocker is reached. |
Eternal 永恒 | 『被动能力』,该部队阵亡的单位会返回至招募池。 Defeated units of this troop return to the recruiting pool. |
Challenge 挑战 | 『主动技能』,瞄准3格范围内的敌人,目标会立即尝试攻击该部队。 Target enemy within 3 hexes; it will immediately attempt reaching this troop for an attack. |
Switch 切换 | 『主动技能』,在远程武器和近战武器之间切换战斗风格每回合只能切换一次。 Switch fighting style between ranged weapon and melee weapon. Switching is available once per turn. |
Feed 供养 | 『主动技能』,从附近所有敌人身上汲取生命,并在此过程中恢复自身此能力的威能随部队中单位数量的变化而变化。 Drains life from all adjacent enemies, healing itself in the process. This ability's power scales with the amount of units in this troop. |
Ravenform 乌鸦形态 | 『被动能力』,变成一群乌鸦飞向任意敌人,并施展近战攻击,随后撤退。。 Transforms into a flock of ravens that flies to any enemy and attacks them in melee, then retreats.. |
Improved Ravenform 强化乌鸦形态 | 『被动能力』,变成一群乌鸦飞向任意敌人,并施展近战攻击(敌人不会反击),随后撤退。。 Transforms into a flock of ravens that flies to any enemy and attacks them in melee without enemy retaliation, then retreats. |
Slam 猛击 | 『主动技能』,攻击目标格子,并对周围所有格子造成溅射伤害。 Attack targeted hex and deal splash damage to all surrounding hexes. |
Ethereal 虚灵 | 『被动能力』,+50%的近战防御力,+50%的远程防御力。 +50% Ranged Resistance, +50% Melee Resistance. |