| 太公望 回复于 2010-11-12 19:25: 好类似Fall From Heaven:Fall further里的亡灵设定:亡灵代表的是永恒常序的美。
I will break the door of Hell, and smash the bolts;
I will bring up the dead to eat food with the living,
and the living shall be outnumbered by the host of them.
- The Epic of Gilgamesh
The Scions of Patria assert they are the resurgent princes of the proudest empire Erebus has ever known. Released from the Second Vault, the so-called "Bottomless Tomb,"
the Scions promise to restore the glory of Patria: They will drive out the jealous warring angels and set humankind as the rulers of Erebus.
The Scions have already conquered disease, infirmity, and even death. Or perhaps they have been conquered by death. What they are, exactly, is disputed even among the wise. They do not seem to be the mindless horrors one expects of the undead. But in a world of magic seeming often means very little. That those living in the harsh Age of Rebirth find the promises seductive is, however, all too clear.
The Risen Emperor intends to rule all Erebus. What sort of detente he will accept, if any, is unknown.
Within Scion cities the overwhelming majority are the dead, and most are set on enjoying the Emperor's Gift to the fullest. Treasures of the Age of Rebirth flow into the Scion cities to feed the appetites and desires of a people intent on eternal lives of ease and luxury.
Where most Scions take pride in the comeliness of their unageing and unblighted flesh the Scions' military takes full advantage of its malleability. As a rule Scions are very handsome, at least, possessing the look of perfect health. But the soldiers of Patria Reborn are terrifying. Skull-like visages, headless spearmen, and bodies of perfect darkness clothed in bright armor are among the horrors her enemies must face.
While the Emperor rules directly the Scions will worship no other God. Extreme displays of sacrifice and devotion are not uncommon outcomes of exposure to the Emperor's presense. Many Martyrs of Patria, for example, were once his personal attendents. The semi-official Apparat of the Imperial Cult is easily equal in size to that of the Church of the Gift. Within every city of Patria Reborn the quest for eternal pleasure, the call of eternal devotion, and the threat of eternal existance compete for the soul and mind of each Scion.
"Undead?" It's a word fraught with traps laid by your Hierarchs, good sir. Look about you, believe your own eyes. Is not this, the city of Scions, cleaner and stronger than your own? Our magics, our knowledge, that of Patria reborn, gives us buildings of gilt marble and metals where you have wood and base granite. To be one of us you need only give up your desperate animal hungers, your diseases, your fear of death. You have heard the tales, and they are all true. Our needs are few, our flesh imperishable, our devices varied and potent. Join us and your life, excuse me, your eternal existence, will be one of ease and delight."
Your calls to Junil, you have now seen, are fruitless. That old man, if he ever cared - if he ever existed - cannot help you. Of us... you have heard the tales and they are true. But they do not tell of everything. Our pleasures are similarly varied and refined. The Auspix will arrive in a moment with the straps and the flenser and these pleasures, good sir, I will show you." |
| 14# [i]ydd319[/i]
5代里面不就可以嘛,只不过是要打相应的兵种。 |
| 看来 吸血鬼是比巫妖更高级的姿态~~~ |
| skass 回复于 2010-10-13 13:52: 设定上只有高级死亡领主变成的吸血鬼才是高级的,完美的。实际游戏里就不一定,你能想象你领着一堆伯爵、侯爵、子爵上战场吗……
何况h6的兵种等级设定已经发生变化,吸血鬼和巫妖可能同属于精英兵种,也就是说实际属性数值差距并不大。 |
| 恶魔之父 回复于 2010-10-13 13:29: Vampire竟然比Lich高级!这是对魔法的亵渎。 |
| H6 的吸血贵将会是比lich更高级的存在吗? |
| 除了4代宗师招魂,哪还有招魂CC的。。。
ydd319 发表于 2010-9-25 17:41
这位看来从来没有接触过H5,从1-7级所有兵都可以招魂。 |
| 安戴德耐特 回复于 2010-09-26 20:14: 我当然知道木乃伊和巫妖是两回事...BUT,H5的巫妖是骷髅呀~肉体已经骨骼化了,不是有个吐槽么,H5的巫妖本体其实是那本书,身体不过是随便抓了个骷髅兵换身法袍迷惑人而已。
那代邪眼强是强就是太丑了~那秃头...那触手...不像邪眼倒像飞行水母... |
| skass 回复于 2010-09-26 19:27: 第一,即使在h5,巫妖身上也是缠着布条的,而且远比h6的巫妖多
其实我挺怀念邪眼的,远程攻击附加不同负面状态,太棒了…… |
| 安戴德耐特 回复于 2010-09-26 15:10: 但是能在现实历史与传说中同时存在并有巨大影响力的就一定要算上木乃伊了~绝对的传统题材哑! |
| Jaina 回复于 2010-09-26 13:33: 点开荔枝的图仔细看看,荔枝身上竟然还缠着布条呢!这货不是荔枝是麻米呀!
安戴德耐特 发表于 2010-9-26 09:28
话说木乃伊在H系列虽然露脸的不少,但是一直非主流。 |
| 安戴德耐特 回复于 2010-09-26 09:28: 点开荔枝的图仔细看看,荔枝身上竟然还缠着布条呢!这货不是荔枝是麻米呀!
看来要是制作组不想偷工减料的话N朝元老木乃伊和巫妖必须要少一个了~~~ |
| 安戴德耐特 回复于 2010-09-25 22:15: 谁让吸吸的粉丝比荔枝多呢~ |
| 金属发条 回复于 2010-09-25 21:50: 吸血鬼随着H系列的发展而超越了巫妖的地位。。。 |
| 那个,楼主。那个蜘蛛兵种长啥样啊??
yxwd5 发表于 2010-9-25 21:44
不看置顶也不看版规则的要拍死。。 |
| yxwd5 回复于 2010-09-25 21:44: 那个,楼主。那个蜘蛛兵种长啥样啊?? |
| skass 回复于 2010-09-25 20:06: 不戴头盔太妖,戴了头盔太衰orz
不过对一拿剑砍人的小强也没法做啥要求了…… |
| 月亮熊 回复于 2010-09-25 20:00: 设定有新意,但是我还是得说嘻嘻的人设太难看 |
| skass 回复于 2010-09-25 19:26: 那肯定就是Jeff嘛……
[url]http://www.jeffspock.com/[/url] |
| 严格说,h6的吸血鬼,吸血的确不是为了生存,只是为了维持形态。从介绍来看,他们需要吸食人血,并不是为了维持生存,只是为了维持毒液浓度,以保证躯体的正常存在,血液甚至不算食品。我不认为毒液融化躯体会导致他 ...
skass 发表于 2010-9-25 19:04
制作和管理这个世界模版的老大就是东方部落,黑米,英雄交锋还有H6的制作人 Erwan Le Breton
剧本作者是Jeff Spock
基本上可以认为是这两人弄出来的。。 |
| 安戴德耐特 回复于 2010-09-25 19:20: T.T还是蛛女懂俺呀 |
| skass 回复于 2010-09-25 19:04: 严格说,h6的吸血鬼,吸血的确不是为了生存,只是为了维持形态。从介绍来看,他们需要吸食人血,并不是为了维持生存,只是为了维持毒液浓度,以保证躯体的正常存在,血液甚至不算食品。我不认为毒液融化躯体会导致他们步入真正的死亡。
举例来说,伊丽莎白只是从极为粗糙的角度,把用血沐浴当做一个偏方,一般传说中的吸血鬼,其实与需要食肉的老虎狮子没有区别。但是h6亡灵巫师发展出的吸血鬼,则是一套理论和哲学的现实模板。我真好奇是谁给h6做设定了,真是大手笔。恶魔方面,看起来卡勒贝斯已经要变成一个独特的理想家和政治实践家了。 |
| aghar 回复于 2010-09-25 18:11: 8# skass
H6的吸吸看起来还是人,不过是转职了的 ...
安戴德耐特 发表于 2010-9-25 17:06
其实光看介绍的话,这H6的CC只能吸食人血... |
| 除了4代宗师招魂,哪还有招魂CC的。。。 |
| 安戴德耐特 回复于 2010-09-25 17:06: 8# [i]skass[/i]
H6的吸吸看起来还是人,不过是转职了的高阶形态的人,是女神的仆从~而且这么一来......你们再也不能靠招魂术量产吸血鬼了!!! |
话说被蜘蛛咬一口就可以长生不老外带永恒 ...
skass 发表于 2010-9-24 22:01
被咬一口变蜘蛛侠我都干了 |
| 冰雷魔导师 回复于 2010-09-25 12:49: 这高级吸血鬼完全没有气派 娘们死了 |
| 漂白粉H6满赛满满赛 |
| 月亮熊 回复于 2010-09-24 23:15: 于是h6其实大家都是好人,人类帝国是最坏的 |
| skass 回复于 2010-09-24 22:01: 吸血鬼不再需要吃喝、睡觉、呼吸,它们的器官将会石化,而且他们它们没有血液,神圣的蜘蛛女神的毒液流淌于他们的血管里。
这 ...
安戴德耐特 发表于 2010-9-24 21:01
话说被蜘蛛咬一口就可以长生不老外带永恒青春,寿命自己掌握,有这么好康的代志,满世界的人都跑去干了吧…… |
| 这yy的 |
| 安戴德耐特 回复于 2010-09-24 21:01: 吸血鬼不再需要吃喝、睡觉、呼吸,它们的器官将会石化,而且他们它们没有血液,神圣的蜘蛛女神的毒液流淌于他们的血管里。
这算是在洗白亚山的吸血鬼么?不再是嗜血的魔鬼,不再有对鲜血的饥渴,吸血仅仅是为了......“生存”?! |
| Jaina 回复于 2010-09-24 20:53: 这一代中吸血鬼成为比巫妖高级的单位了么…… |
| 安戴德耐特 回复于 2010-09-24 20:29: 吸吸升级变漂亮了,荔枝还真是越老越干巴~还我骨架荔枝呀~! |
| skass 回复于 2010-09-24 20:00: 这跟你哪天放出来的旧文 的第二部分,论赫莱士的上层结构,内容基本一样。转化仪式需要南塔茹蜘蛛的毒液注入,第二步则是在达到一定时间后,转化为吸血鬼,成为长生不老,青春永驻的不朽者。
巴比伦、苏美尔系的神话我完全没接触过,太难懂了=。= |
| Necropolis is at the beginning of their rise to power, and power they have. They are currently fighting for emancipation and acceptance from their brethren the Wizards of the Seven Cities. They do not seek to convert all the nations of Ashan to their morbid belief, nor to kill them all and raise them as undead, but rather to have a dominant place in the world as protectors of the equilibrium between the worlds of life and death.
They see the upcoming Demon Invasions as an opportunity to sanctify their religious order and justify its existence to the other factions of Ashan.
Higher ranking Necromancers (the priests of the Spider Goddess) are given a life-prolonging elixir that is “milked from the venom of the Goddess’s sacred spiders, and that they must mix their food.
This “treatment” turns them into Asakkus, or “Liches”, their bodies desiccated but now freed from the passions of the flesh. They keep aging however, until they look little more than walking mummies... The venom mixture also colors their whole eyes bright green.The Arch Lich is an upgraded Lich.
As they grow in power, Liches may earn the right to be embraced by the Spider Goddess herself to die and be reborn as Akhkharus, or “Vampires”. They undergo an excruciating ritual but gain a rejuvenated body, cleansed from all defects. Vampires don’t need to eat, drink, sleep or breathe anymore as all their organs are “petrified” and it is not blood, but the sacred spider’s venom, that now flows in their veins.
However, they need to drink human blood on a regular basis to thin this venom down, and prevent it from dissolving their body from the inside.The Vampire Lord is an upgraded Vampire.
In Babylonian mythology, the Asakku were one type of Mesopotamian evil spirits and monsters, classed with good spirits as Utukku. Asakku demons attack and kill human beings, especially by means of head fevers. They are mentioned in poetical enumerations of diseases and are named for Asag, a monstrous demon whom the god Ninurta/Ningirsu defeated. Other types of demon were the Edimmu. |