EvilP 更新于 2025-03-07 02:24
- 截图上的墓园兵种产量和之前Discord上的爆料的又有所不同,所以数值一直在改仅供参考;
- We have a similar system as in Heroes 3, so with the difficulty level, your resources change. if you play on an impossible level, you have nothing – unless in PvP mode, because there was a separate rule that allowed you to start with the right amount of gold to hire an additional hero.
- 难度模式和H3差不多,不过pvp模式的初始资源会有点不一样,最高难度不会是光板资源;
- The two basics that were in the series from the first Heroes are wood and ore. From the rare resources we have gems, crystals and mercury. A novelty is the alchemical dust that replaces sulfur. It is a special resource that we use to improve settlements, objects, spells and more.
- 资源上,木石宝石水晶水银不变,作用也不变;硫磺被炼金粉尘替代,变为特殊资源,作用上是用于升级建筑、宝物、魔法;
- There’s also what we now call a subclass system, inspired by Heroes 4: Each Hero Class can choose between two subclasses depending on what skills points are invested in. This is underlined by a special icon that shows whether you choose a skill that you just like, or a skill for the subclass you want.
- 有类似H4的英雄子职业系统,根据你所学的技能来决定你英雄的职业;
- We tried to make the heroes of magic a little more attractive as an option and to distinguish themselves from the heroes of power. Some people can cast two spells on turn.
- 有人会双C!
- Each faction has its own set of laws that affect your capabilities; they can be compared to a unique technology tree. As your characters discover the map, they gain experience, take over objects, and generate points; some points are also passively generated by your instalines. You use these points to make more laws; theoretically, during a long enough game, everything can be unlocked, but I don’t think it will work in multiplayer mode in most cases.
- 律法的作用类似于科技树,不过似乎不是用资源解锁,而是你平时的行动,比如开图,获取经验,占领建筑,城镇自动产生;
- At the moment, we do not have such plans. We want to release the game on Steam; of course we were thinking about consoles, but adapting UI to handle pads is another story. At the moment, we do not plan to release Olden Era in the mobile version.
- 和我想的一样,这UI和操作想上手机,整个UI操作部分得重新做,所以暂时肯定是不会上移动平台;(主机同理,至于mac的市场份额只能呵呵)
- In HoMM3 you could recruit 8 heroes, in Olden Era you can recruit 10 of them.
- 英雄招募上限是10个;(躲城里的怎么没说
- It starts to get interesting when we develop the skill to an advanced and expert level. Five perks are assigned to each of them, three available at the first promotion and two at the second. Each time we can choose one of them. For example, developing morals to the advanced level, I could choose an option that gave my units additional points of life. From the annotation next to it, I learned that if I simultaneously had a skill called “paidnerz”, this bonus will be doubled.)
- 子技能的学习:总共5个,在主技能中级时3选1,高级时剩下2选1;例如,当我将士气提升到高级时,我可以选择一个选项,给我的单位额外增加两个生命值。通过它的注释,我了解到,如果我还拥有一个名为“伙伴”的技能,这个奖励将加倍。
- During the game I found a ring or another amulet increasing the strength points of the units by two, and the upgrade doubled this bonus. Set this with a pre-mentioned morale and paid combination. Bonuses added up, so my first-level petonesses with a tentary strength of 10 had already 18 HP.
- 宝物可以升级,(最多?)数值可以升级到加倍;