

EvilP 更新于 2025-02-24 23:41

卡瑞塞斯 - Khariseth

虫巢传令官 - Hive Herald

heroSpotlight Khariseth

Khariseth was born from the Murmurwoods’ first betrayal. When Taviola urged insects to multiply and take more than the forest could give, many gorged themselves not only on matter, but on mana itself. Their newfound power led to exile, yet it also forged a crude collective — just enough to hear the Dragonfly King’s call.


To wield their stolen magic, and to sustain it, they felt compelled to stay together. To do that, they needed a name for they say there is power hidden within names — a piece of knowledge stolen from their former home. What they didn’t know was the meaning behind their chosen name. Khariseth was a title granted to an ancient energy vortex that was a part of the Ifarine Sea in ages past.


Clinging to that identity, they compressed themselves into a single form, vaguely humanoid yet still a writhing mass beneath the surface. A hivemind within the mind of the Hive, they exist to consume, wielding the stolen energies of Murmurwoods and always hungering for more — a raging whirlpool given purpose.


SPECIALIZATION: Primal Weaving: Receives extra levels to primal magic spells, the amount granted increasing every few levels.

英雄特长:原初编织 - 原初魔法获得额外等级,英雄等级每增加?级会提升额外的魔法等级。
