

EvilP 更新于 2025-02-15 01:24


火幼虫 9 7 3 3~3 3 4 1 0
蚊蚋 7 3 3 2~2 3 2 0 0
蚊蚋看守者 7 4 6 2~3 4 3 0 0
蚊蚋劫掠者 7 6 3 2~2 5 4 0 0
恶蝗 10 5 4 2~4 5 5 0 0
滋长恶蝗 14 5 6 2~5 5 6 0 0
收割恶蝗 10 8 4 4~4 6 6 0 0
大黄蜂 16 8 10 4~8 5 8 0 0
咏唱蜂 20 8 10 4~8 7 9 0 0
毒刺蜂 16 8 10 4~8 6 8 0 0
螳螂 50 10 10 8~10 3 5 1 1
朱红螳螂 60 12 14 8~12 4 6 1 1
禁卫螳螂 50 14 12 10~12 4 6 1 1
掠夺者 45 18 14 10~30 5 8 1 0
凶恶掠夺者 45 18 20 15~25 6 10 1 0
疯狂掠夺者 45 22 16 10~30 6 10 2 0
魔蠕 125 20 20 17~18 7 5 0 1
噬蠕 125 20 20 21~22 9 6 0 2
火蠕 125 20 20 17~18 7 6 0 3
虫巢女王 200 25 25 40~40 6 6 0 0
虫巢育母 200 30 30 50~50 7 6 0 0
虫巢猎女 250 30 30 50~50 8 7 0 0
  • 和之前的数值相对,大黄蜂攻防各减2;咏唱蜂攻减2,防减8;毒刺蜂攻减8,防减2;三种模式的1士气均变为0;
  • 禁卫螳螂从4主动变为6主动;
  • 以下是螳螂适应系列能力效果;
  • Deals additional damage until the end of current round. Doesn't end the turn and is free to use.
  • 在本回合结束前造成额外伤害。使用不消耗回合和能量。
  • Takes reduced damage until the end of current round. Doesn't end the turn and is free to use.
  • 在本回合结束前受到的伤害降低。使用不消耗回合和能量。
  • Gains extra speed until the end of current round. Doesn't end the turn and is free to use.
  • 在本回合结束前获得额外的速度。使用不消耗回合和能量。
  • 掠夺者的技能;
  • Rapid Assault: Performs a special attack that doesn't provoke a Counterattack.
  • 急速突袭:发动一次特殊攻击,此次攻击不会引发反击。
  • Terror: Cackles with terrifying laughter, forbidding lower tier enemies from attacking it until the end of current round.
  • 恐怖威慑:发出可怕的狂笑,使低阶敌人在本回合结束前无法攻击它。
  • 虫巢女王的技能;
  • Soul Assimilator: At the beginning of a battle, gains different bonuses for each faction present in the enemy's army until the end of battle.
  • 灵魂同化者:在战斗开始时,针对敌方军队中存在的每个阵营,获得不同的加成效果,持续到战斗结束。
  • Blasphemous Adoration: Prays to her Master, who graciously doubles her “Soul Assimilator” effects until the end of the next round. Doesn't end the turn.
  • 亵渎崇敬:向她的主人祈祷,主人将慷慨地使她的“灵魂同化者”效果在下回合结束前翻倍。此技能不会结束回合。
  • Promise of Love: When cast on an enemy, reduces its Speed and Initiative. When cast on a friendly creature, increases its Speed and Initiative. Join the Master and enjoy his boons.
  • 爱的承诺:当作用于敌人时,会降低其速度和主动性;当作用于友方生物时,会提升其速度和主动性。追随主人,享受他的恩赐。
  • 另外出现了八个英雄的头像,包括之前的塔薇;
  • 四个执行者:Curson - Duke of Rage,Maelstrom,Tavi,Zoran - Self-Founded;
  • 四个传令官:Groo,Khariseth,Leira,Xirr;
弗拉基喵尔 回复于 2025-02-17 08:40:
wudevils 回复于 2025-02-15 16:42:
