EvilP 更新于 2024-12-22 23:31
回顾:最初在游戏刚公布时,保罗在youtube上回复说在五月份第一轮和UBI因为时间原因和价格因素没谈拢,随后几天又透露在谈第二轮,之后就没有了下文。然后今天22号大料和部分人预测的一样是保罗回归,并且视频上还有Heroes Orchestra项目的人出现,应该也参与了音乐制作,毕竟原本就说了第一轮没谈拢的原因就有工期不足。
- Paul Anthony Romero — the iconic composer of the Might and Magic series, returns to grace us all with his legacy with his new original music for Olden Era;
- 保罗·安东尼·罗梅罗:魔法门系列的标志性作曲家,将带着他为上古纪元创作的新原创音乐回归,为我们带来他的传奇;
- Cris Velasco — known for his legendary tracks from games such as God of War, Starcraft II, Borderlands, Bloodborne and Mass Effect, Cris will bring his unique vision and power music into the halls of Olden Era;
- 克里斯·贝拉斯科:以《战神》、《星际争霸2》、《无主之地》、《血源诅咒》和《质量效应》等游戏中的传奇曲目而闻名,克里斯将把他独特的视角和强大的音乐带入上古纪元的殿堂;Cris Velasco曾经为黑暗弥塞亚做过音乐。
- Mateusz Alberski and Heroes Orchestra — a marvelous team of musicians and long-time fans of the series and its music who have previously worked with Paul Romero on orchestral adaptations of in-game soundtracks. Mateusz and his Heroes Orchestra will be responsible for the beautiful orchestrations of the melodies composed by the Maestros.
- 马特乌什·阿尔贝斯基和英雄管弦乐队(Heroes Orchestra):一支由音乐家和该系列及其音乐的长期粉丝组成的出色团队,他们曾与保罗·罗梅罗合作改编游戏配乐。马特乌什和他的英雄管弦乐队将负责为大师创作的旋律进行美妙的编曲。