“I know ho-how important the scholars are, but what about the small-smallfolk? On the way here I witnessed the horrors f-first hand: families torn to-to shreds, blood and gore on the roads, houses on fire, cattle felled or gone m-m-mad. These people need our help too. If we ignore and leave them to their fa-fates, then even if we avert the crisis, there will be nobody lef-left to s-save. Lady Zenith and her Lightweavers sent aid to who-whoever we were able to reach out to, but our supplies aren’t sizable enough to provide for everyone — sooner or la-later hunger will take hold of every-hold of everyone affected by these.”
She may have been the youngest among the gathered diplomats, but compassion for the poor and the hardworking was the one trait the priestess expressed in abundance — the result of her roots as an initiate. Hushed whispers of approval were exchanged among the envoys’ guards, which were then quickly silenced as Oona had chosen to address the council.
农民 - Peasant - 2级中立兵种
The backbone of every kingdom's economy, peasants work the fields and pay taxes. Just don't ask if they voted for you.
村庄 - Village
They say that the hearth of a welcoming village is worth a thousand gold on a cold day. Once per week, grants a random amount of a common resource of their choice to the first visiting hero.
人们说,在寒冷的日子里,一个热情好客村庄里的炉火价值千金。每周一次,向第一位来访的英雄提供随机数量的普通资源。(通常来说common resource指的木石)