弩兵 - Crossbowman
Humans have never mastered the gentle art of talking to beasts. Perhaps these crossbowmen with their loyal hawks are an exception; or perhaps they just offer treats. (It's treats.)
驯鹰弩兵 - Astringer
Some of their crossbowmen rely on their birds so much, they become one with their instinct and sharp sight. That allows them to strike more often. Does their so- called "Chalice" (i.e. the Sun) accept such souls as well?
重装弩兵 - Heavy Crossbowman
Neither blessings nor gentle arts win wars. Good armor does. The Temple of the Sun puts great emphasis on forging — one's soul, body, and heavy plate. To them it is mantra — however, the popularity of smithing among the flock doesn't hurt their warfare capabilities.