

EvilP 更新于 2024-08-24 07:06




  • 外网总结的,准确性不能完全保证,需要确认的可以自己看源视频(50分钟长);
  • 确认有双升级,像骷髅就有近战和远程两种升级;
  • first of all we will have it in Early Access, and then we have a full road map of how the game will progress from early access to to release and we will add new features and expansions...... during that period for free of course so we will keep adding stuff;
  • we actually need a Early Access, the game will release in Early Access with six factions, it's feature complete it has a lot of content it could have been a full release, but we feel that we need more time to interact with the community to gather the data on how people actually play the game;
  • 明年上线的抢先体验会是个相当完整的版本,官方希望有更多的时间来优化游戏;
  • the game will launch in Early Access with a selection of templates;
  • 会有随机图模版编辑器;
  • at the beginning of Early Access there will be map editor;
  • EA开始时就会有地图编辑器;
  • I'm so excited to say that it will be nonlinear, so you will be able to make choices in quest, you will be able to choose from a number of missions and influence the outcome of events......... First Act that we will release in Early Access will be let's say around six hours, it will depend on like the way you play;
  • 战役不是线性的,抢先体验的第一章大概需要玩6小时;
  • 圣杯大宝还有,但是机制会变弱,但是用上的机会更大;H3元素那种太OP了;
  • 士气/幸运会一点不一样;
  • if we will decide to to introduce some kind of mod support, it should be done after 1.0 version;
  • 完整的MOD的支持需要在1.0正式发行后确定;
  • 多人游戏:会有观战模式,大概会有录制模式(replay啥的?);会有匹配系统;开始时可以选择模版,双方都可以选择屏蔽掉自己不想出现的东西;
  • 大约是下周会出一个官方版本的FAQ,以及开发blog啥的;
wudevils 回复于 2024-08-28 17:19:
