Dreadnoughts work in a world of pulleys, boilers, engines and gears. The Commonwealth esteems their machines because they can automate everyday chores. Their tanks and battleships allow the common man to safely slay monstrous creatures. However, the power of steam doesn`t come without its price, so Dreadnought lords have pioneered new ways of stripping resources from the earth.
部队和技能一窥 - Unit & Skill samples
Below you will find several examples of units and skills that are exclusive to the Dreadnought.
| 加农炮 - Cannon |
We kept the cannons concealed at the highest point of the battlefield. Nothing can withstand the blast, and unlike a trebuchet, cannons are easy to aim. My orcs manning the cannon had no difficulty blasting enemies between their guardians. In a few volleys, we cleared the battlefield and blasted down the city gates. The High Elf city of Bellowine was mine.
| 喷火坦克 - Flame tank |
Set the town on fire, for just a few easy payments, with the Commonwealth`s latest in Flame Throwing technology! Improving this classic invention, what was once a highly volatile weapon is now an elegant vehicle capable of drenching your enemies in flaming hot death, without the hassle of setting other flame-throwers ablaze. With a secret fire-proof coating, a few operators can drive a whole fleet of Flame Tanks!
只需小小的花费,就能让城市成为火海,联盟国度的最新喷火科技,你值得拥有!这项经典的发明在经过改进后,从以前的高危武器,摇身一变,成了精密的战车,可以将你的敌人淹没在火海中,还不会误伤其他喷火坦克。只要装备秘制的防火外套,少量人手就能驾驶一整队的喷火坦克!——《研发者的档案》作者:Londo Mouler,无畏技师装备经销商
| 陆战舰 - Landship |
"The earth rumbled. My teeth chattered, forced together by the rapid vibrations beneath me. The Juggernaut lumbered forward, crushing everything in its path. The thing was massive--a fortress on crushing grinding wheels that stopped for nothing. The thing was lined with cannons and blasted its way through the enemy lines. The troops that rode atop the massive contraption could strike us with impunity."
“大地震颤,我的牙齿也因此而打架。那个巨无霸向前缓慢地挪动着,途经之处皆成平地。那东西如此巨大--就像一座架在不可阻挡的碾轮上的堡垒。那东西身上一圈都是大炮,冲入敌阵势如破竹。坐在那机器顶上的部队还可以毫发无伤地攻击我们。”——《Everwind城的沦陷》作者:Pinchleaf Farseer.精灵俘虏。
| 火枪手 - Musketeer |
The Musketeer leered at the horde before lifting the long iron tube to his shoulder. He loosed a blast into the enemy`s berserkers. Ducking behind the cover of a tree, he prepared a second shot. With each shot, he downed another man with such range and accuracy that by the time we engaged the enemy most were wounded. Within a few moments, we were the last standing on the battlefield. Now for every battle I hope we have musketeers in my company.
火枪手们朝着敌军冷笑,接着扛起了他们那长枪管,向着敌军中的狂战士开火。他蹲伏在一棵树的后面,准备着第二次射击。他以无与伦比的射程和精度,一枪放倒一个人。等到我们与敌人短兵相接时,许多人都已是重伤。眨眼之间,我们就成了最后还未倒下的人。现在,我希望每场战斗,我的队伍中都有火枪手。——《保险证明》作者:Warden Raworthy
| 工程师 - Engineer |
This man was nothing like Leonus. This engineer droned on about pulley ratios and how to improve siege engines. Naturally, I thought the man mad, but when we reached the battlefield, he fixed a damaged landship that kept us both alive. With just a few well-placed taps of his wrench, he located a weak point in the city`s wall and broke a hole so the troops could advance unobstructed.
这人和Leonus(一美漫人物,狮头人身)毫无相似之处。这工程师不停地支吾着滑轮比例什么的和如何改进攻城器械。自然地,我觉得这人不正常。但是当我们上了战场,他修好了一艘破损的陆战舰,让我们得以求全。然后他用他的扳手在城墙上恰到好处地敲了几下,就找出了一个弱点,并打出一个洞让部队继续前行。——《帝王的胜利号角》作者:Hannah Azenat,传记作家。
| 魔力反应核 - Destabilized Mana Core |
This is one of the most destructive skills of the Dreadnought. Even though this class is not skilled in the arts of magic, it still knows how to cause terrible destruction by applying technology to magical elements, leading to chain reactions and widespread destruction on the battlefield. Beware, as this technology also causes great damage to friendly units.
| 力场盾 - Force Field |
The Force Field is another of the Dreadnoughts technological marvels. It protects units when in the heat of battle and reduces damage done to them. Very convenient in case a Dreadnought decides to use its feared Destabilized Mana Core skill.
| 法术干涉器 - Spell Jammer |
The Spell Jammer is the best defense for the Dreadnought against magic from opponents during combat. Building this structure causes distortion in the magical ether, which disrupts the magic abilities of opponents.