魔法门十Open Dev Blog
EvilP 更新于 2013-06-07 20:42
官方今天开放了一个Open Dev Blog:https://mightandmagicx-legacy.ubi.com/opendev/faq
下面是相关的Q/A和FAQ的翻译,以及网站上还有个关于游戏中某地下城的投票:A. 重制一个经典的旧作地下城场景;B. 全新的地下城;C. 以某个fansite之名的地下城,与管理员和某些会员为NPC为战。
愿景宣言 - Open Dev Vision Statement
- What is Open Dev and why are we doing it?
- Open Dev(透明开发)是啥,我们为什么要这么做?
- We simply love what we do, and we want to share our passion for MMX with you in this Open Dev blog. Join us if you`re interested in exclusive info on game production. Help us make the best possible game by giving us feedback. Discuss features and issues with the dev team and other players. Get behind the scenes! We know this is a very ambitious plan. We are aware that there won`t be too many chances for players to decide about critical game features, since the release of MMX is quite close already. However, we have been working with a small group of fans for some time now, and our teamwork has been really fruitful. We`re thrilled to expand collaboration now to a larger scale!
- 我们纯粹是出于热爱而做的,也想在这个博客里与你分享我们对MMX的激情。如果你对游戏的独家消息感兴趣的话,请加入我们。给我们反馈,帮助我们做出最好的游戏。和开发组以及其他玩家一道讨论游戏的特色和问题。了解幕后的一切!我们知道这样想难免狂妄了些。我们也清楚,MMX发行之日在即,玩家能决定游戏关键要素的机会也并不多。但是,我们已经和一小群玩家合作了一段时间了,并且成果丰富。我们现在要再次的扩大合作的圈子,令人振奋!
- What can I do with Might & Magic X Open Dev?
- 在MMX的透明开发中,玩家能干些什么?
- The Open Dev website will allow you to participate in the development of a unique dungeon. Every week you can connect to the Open Dev and vote for a new dungeon feature. Also, you will be able to read exclusive info on the game`s development and comment on it. Access to the forums will allow fans and developers to engage in a shared conversation about the direction of Might & Magic X. Everybody will have his own Open Dev profile which will detail achievements attained in the game for bragging rights on the website!
- 你可以通过透明开发组的网站来参与一个特殊地下城的设计。每周,你都可以在网站上,对地下城的新特色进行投票。还有,你还可以了解到关于游戏开发的一些独家的消息和评论。论坛为玩家和开发者提供了一个交流的平台,他们可以一起讨论MMX的走向。每个人在游戏中取得的成就,都会详尽记录在开发组论坛他们的个人资料里,让他们可以尽情炫耀。
- Who is behind Might & Magic X Open Dev?
- 谁是MMX透明开发组的幕后人员?
- The Might & Magic X team (a mix between Limbic Entertainment and Ubisoft people) will keep you updated on almost every detail of MMX development. We are looking forward to introducing our team members to you in the future.
- MMX小组(有来自Limbic 和 Ubisoft双方的人员) 会让你们随时了解关于MMX的一切进展。我们希望以后能把开发组的成员介绍给大家认识认识。
- How do I access the Might & Magic X Open Dev?
- 我要通过什么途径参与MMX的透明开发?
- Might & Magic X Open Dev will be open to everyone and accessible through a dedicated link at mightandmagicx.com. If you want to participate, log in with your existing Uplay account or click here to register a new Uplay account.
- MMX的开发是面向每一个人的。你可以通过mightandmaigcx.com上的一个专门的连接找到开发组的页面。如果你想参与的话,登陆你的Uplay账号或者注册一个就可以了。
- Does this mean you want a DRM or always-online copy protection in Might & Magic X?
- 是不是说你们要在MMX中加入DRM或者在线的版权保护机制呢?
- No, there will be no “always-online” copy protection! Buy, download, play, that`s it. However, implementing Uplay is a Ubisoft corporate policy and Might & Magic X – Legacy will not be different from any other Ubisoft title. So yes, Uplay will be in and you`ll need to be online for ONE time activation.
- 不会,不会有必须连线才能玩的保护机制!给钱,下载,就行了。不过,植入Uplay是公司的一项政策,MMX也不例外,所以还是需要联网激活一次。
- What is the influence of Might & Magic X Open Dev on the game itself?
- MMX透明开发对游戏本身会有什么影响呢?
- Players who participate in Might & Magic X Open Dev will determine one Dungeon of the game. Moreover you will be able to contribute to mod support, game balancing changes, game design formulas, difficulty settings as well as decide on spotlights for the Open Dev. Inspire us, discuss with us and challenge us!
- 参与MMX透明开发的玩家会负责游戏中其中一个地城的设计。此外,玩家可以对这几件事建言: MOD支持,游戏平衡调整,游戏设计方案,难度设置以及为开发组调整游戏光线等等。给我们灵感,和我们讨论,给我们挑战!
- Why can we only vote for one Dungeon? And why can`t we vote for several features of the game?
- 为什么我们玩家只能对一个地下城投票呢? 为什么不能为游戏的其他功能投票?
- As this is a new way of working for us, we`ve limited the scope of the Open Dev to a single dungeon for the time being. However, this dungeon will be composed of numerous features that players will determine one by one each week, so contributors will have an input to many aspects of play. This way the dungeon will be proudly named the community dungeon in reference to its contributors!
- 因为这种开发方式对我来说是全新的,所以我们现在只在透明开发中开放一个地下城。不过,这个地下城会汇集难以计数的特点,这些特点都是玩家一周一周投票决定的,所以参与者对游戏的方方面面都会有一定影响。这样一来,我们可以自豪的把这个地下城叫做魔友地城,以此向玩家们致敬。
游戏常见问题 - Game FAQ
- What type of game is Might & Magic X – Legacy?
- 魔法门十-传承是什么类型的游戏?
- Might & Magic X – Legacy is a tribute and sequel to the early Might & Magic RPGs, but updated to today`s standards: Old school – new rules!
- MMX-传承是对早期魔法门系列的致敬,也是它们的延续,但又达到了现今游戏的标准:老旧的风格-全新的规则!
- What does tribute mean and what are the “main facts” of the game?
- “致敬”一说是怎么来的? 游戏主要特征是什么?
- MMXL is a first person, party-based 3D RPG, with a true “retro-feel”. With tile-based movement and turn-based combat, MMXL is in the vein of the early Might & Magic games.
- MMXL是第一人称,以团队模式游戏的3D RPG,并且有强烈的“古典风”。加上走格子和回合制战斗,MMXL和早期的魔法门游戏一脉相承。
- What does tile-based movement mean? No free exploration?
- 走格子是啥意思? 是说不能自由探索吗?
- Tile-based movement means that you walk on a grid, but in MMXL you can nevertheless leave the linear paths, so you are free to explore every last corner of the map. The grid based movement adds a strategic depth to the game experience, but does not prevent you from exploring a huge open world.
- 走格子就是说你每走步就移动一格。但在MMXL中你反正是可以不走大路的,所以你能探索到地图的每一个角落。走格子的移动模式增加了游戏的战略深度,也不会限制你探索整个世界。
- How many party members will the game have?
- 游戏队伍有多少队员?
- Your party will consist of 4 characters. Stay tuned for more info about the races, classes and the party creation!
- 你的队伍会有4名队员。请随时关注队员种族,职业及如何组建队伍的信息。
- Will there be hirelings available in the game?
- 游戏会有可雇佣NPC吗?
- Yes, there will be two slots for hirelings available in the game. More info on the hireling system will be revealed on the dev blog soon!
- 有,有两个空位用来雇佣NPC。开发组博客即将给大家来带更多这方面的信息。
- Will there be trainers in the game?
- 游戏里有训练师吗?
- Yes, although there is an automatic level-up, there will still be trainers in the game. Stay tuned for more details and info on that topic. We will share it on the blog soon!
- 有。尽管游戏里可以自动升级,还是会有训练师。请随时关注关于这方面的更多信息。我们会在博客上和大家分享。
- Will the game have an moddable engine ?
- 游戏会有可MOD的引擎吗?
- Yes, fans will be able to create mods for the game later on. We will keep you updated about that on the blog.
- 有的,玩家可以以后可以自行制作MOD。我们会及时让你们得知这方面的消息。
- Will the game have portrait expressions?
- 游戏角色会有自己的脸部表情吗?
- Yes, MMXL will have portrait expressions of course, and we`ll share some early art expressions with you guys on the open dev blog soon! Stay tuned!
- 有的。MMXL的角色当然会有自己的脸部表情。我们会在透明开发组博客上和你们分享以前的一些作品!敬请期待!