

EvilP 更新于 2013-04-26 22:47



  • Will it be possible to use all of the Dynasty features from vanilla H6 in Shades of Darkness?
  • 幽暗之影中能用原版的王朝特性吗?
  • Yes, you will be able to do so if you already own Vanilla H6.
  • 可以,如果你已经买过原版。
  • Are there any plans for a possible Heroes 7 game?
  • H7有计划吗?
  • There are always ideas and discussions about a next Heroes game, we are always thinking about what we could do with it in the future. Right now, it`s still too early to discuss a next installment, but when the time will right, you will be the first to know ;)
  • 现在说这个还是时候未到。
  • What do you think about possible developments and additions to the usual terrain types? Do you plan to add some new ones in a possible new game or to work on the ones you have?
  • 有考虑过增加地形种类吗?
  • Nope, unfortunately that notion was not heavily developed in Heroes 6. So we don`t have much room to iterate on those. But it`s definitely a notion we would like to make a strong comeback if we make a new Heroes.
  • H6是不可能了,不过下一代的话或许是个不错的主意。
  • Do you see any of H6 lore elements as potentially problematic for future developments, or you`re happy about how it turned out?
  • 你觉得H6的背景设定对未来的开发有没潜在的问题?
  • On the contrary, the lore elements that were developed for Heroes 6 opened up a new world of possibilities for our writing / art / design teams. For instance, there were a lot of discussions about the afterlife in Ashan – the soul`s progress through the Void to the Moon (Asha`s resting cocoon), the principles governing reincarnation, etc. This led us to develop further the concept of the Void and create exciting new creatures, artifacts and abilities related to it (that you can discover in Shades of Darkness, H6`s standalone expansion, but also in Duel of Champions, and – when you get the chance to play it – in Heroes Online).
  • 这些设定元素给开发组带来新的世界发展潜力,比如有很多的讨论关于灵魂穿越虚空到达月茧,然后重生的控制原理等等,这些使我们继续扩展关于虚空的概念和创建新的生物、宝物、相关能力。
  • Did Sandro really die from Cyrus`s hands in Lorekeep?
  • 学识要塞那次,桑德罗真的死在塞勒斯手上?
  • Sandro`s physical form has been destroyed by Cyrus. But if you read the biography of the city of Lorekeep in Heroes V, you know Sandro`s spirit form still haunts the ruins of Lorekeep… So knowing him, it`s possible he`ll find some way to come back one day :-)
  • 桑德罗的物理存在(躯体)的确被塞勒斯所毁坏,不过如果你看过H5中学识要塞的介绍,你就会知道桑德罗的灵魂一直在废墟中出没,所以或许终有一天他会回来的。
  • What happened to the hydras and shall we hear about them again in future?
  • 九头蛇怎么了,以后还会见到了?
  • While hydras don`t appear in the line-ups of Heroes VI, they are still part of the bestiary of Ashan and might return in a future game.
  • 虽然H6里并没有九头蛇出现,不过它依然在亚山的生物图鉴里,会在以后的游戏里出现。
  • What are your views on adding completely new creatures and even factions?
  • 你对添加全新的兵种和对等的势力有啥看法?
  • Adding a tenth faction to the world of Ashan is something that is forbidden by our “Universe Commandments”. However, we only mean by that the main races / nations. So there`s a lot of creative freedom for adding what we call “sub-factions” or “minor factions” (for instance the Crimson Wizards who are a split-faction of Academy, the Pirates who are a Neutral minor faction, etc.). As for adding new creatures, we have guidelines to justify the presence of any given creature on Ashan. Because of the “9 factions” rule, we will not add new civilized races like Halflings or Gnomes (for instance), but there`s a lot of room for unbridled creativity in some Creature categories like the Spirits, Constructs, Undead, Beastmen, etc. For instance, we could decide that Rainbow Fairies (Spirits), Starsilver Surfers (Constructs) or Wererabbits (Beastmen) exist in Ashan, and that would fit the rules of our universe :-)
  • 在我们的“世界戒条”里,在亚山世界添加第十个势力是被绝对禁止的。当然,我们的意思是主要的势力/国家,不包括类似于次势力/小势力,比如深红法师是学院的分势力,海盗是个中立的小势力。至于新生物,我们对现有的亚山生物都有合理的指导解释,因为九势力原则,我们不会添加新的文明势力像半身人或者侏儒,但是还有很大无限制创意空间给一些生物种类,像魂灵、构装、亡灵、兽型人等,我们可以创建例如彩虹仙子(魂灵类),星银冲浪者(构装),兔人(兽型人)这样符合亚山世界规则的存在。
  • Will Raelag`s sister Eruina be featured in Shades of Darkness?
  • 雷拉格的姐/妹埃莉娜会在幽暗之影中出现么?
  • While she doesn`t play a role in the story, Eruina is one of the “tavern” heroes in Shades of Darkness.
  • 战役剧情中没出现,但是会在酒馆中作为招募英雄出场。
  • What happened to Azkaal after the events of H6?
  • H6之后阿兹卡尔怎么了?
  • He seemed to be destroyed, but in the epilogues he`s still bound to Kirill. Kiril might have decided to destroy Azkaal with the power of the Invisible Library, but since he decided to keep the Library and move it to Sheogh, he also kept Azkaal. We believe Kiril came to enjoy the power Azkaal brought to him, a bit like Bruce Banner never really get rid of the Hulk.
  • 看起来是被灭了,不过在终章时还是和基里尔绑定的。基里尔可能会用隐形图书馆的力量来毁灭阿兹卡尔,不过鉴于他最后把图书馆移到谢尔戈中,所以是保留了阿兹卡尔。所以基里尔应该很享受阿兹卡尔所带来的力量,有点像布鲁斯·班纳永远无法摆脱绿巨人一样。
  • Why do centaurs and manticores have horns in Ashan? And seeing how the jaguar warrior upgrades into the panther warrior, are panthers somehow different (and stronger) than in our world?
  • 为啥亚山的半人马和蝎狮是有角的?斑豹战士是如何升级至黑豹战士的,你觉得亚山的黑豹比现实世界的有何不同?更强吗?
  • There are many different versions of the Manticore in mythology. Some of them have horns. We felt it made a cool creature design so our Manticore has horns too. Centaurs (and Orcs) sometimes have horns due to their Demon blood. Our artists did several sketches for the centaurs, with and without horns, and we felt the horned version worked better. For the panthers, I think we first have to rectify something about panthers in general. People have a tendency to use the word panther solely as a synonym to leopard. In truth, the word panther refers any cat of the “panthera” genus: lions, tigers, leopards and jaguars. So even in the real world, a panther is not necessarily smaller or weaker than a jaguar, they can be the same animal. Many creatures of Might & Magic are inspired by various mythologies: pre-colombian tribes of South America often believed the black jaguars were stronger and more dangerous than the “normal” jaguars, and in Ashan, this myth is actually true :-)
  • 在神话中蝎狮有很多个版本,某些版本中是有角的。在设计形象时我们觉得有角很酷所以就有了。半人马有角是因为它们的恶魔血统。原画师最初设计时画过很多个版本,有角和没角的,最终我们觉得有角的版本更好。……一堆关于豹子狮虎的名词解释不太好翻不想翻……很多魔法门的生物参考于各式各样的神话:古南美人的部落相信黑豹比普通的豹子更加的凶猛和危险,至于在亚山,这是事实。
  • Seeing how Belketh turned out to be an angel, could you tell us more about the disciples of Sar-Elam and their respective races?
  • 贝尔克斯是怎么忽的变成了天使,能说说更多关于萨-艾朗的弟子和相关的势力?
  • Belketh was not directly a disciple of Sar-Elam, but a disciple of Sar-Shazzar (who was a disciple of Sar-Elam). Being nearly mythological figures in Ashan, the actual race and genders of the seven disciples remain shrouded in mystery. The only certainty is that they all belonged to the Elder Races (Angels, Faceless, Dwarves, Elves, Nagas, Humans) as the Orcs, Vampires or Beastmen did not exist at that time, and Sar-Elam would probably not accept a Demon as a disciple…
  • 贝尔克斯不是萨-艾朗的亲传弟子,而是徒孙,其师萨-沙扎才是萨-艾朗的弟子。而七弟子的实际性别和种族依然是秘密,唯一能确定的他们全是长老种族(也就是兽人吸血鬼和兽型人还不存在的年代),萨-艾朗也不绝不可能接受一个恶魔成为其信徒。
  • The Dragon Knights are supposed to be an order, but seeing how Cate operates on her own, was there really no one to stop her? Do Dragon Knights interfere with each others` plans? Do they have a codex of sort which allows or prohibits their actions?
  • 龙骑士不是应该是守序的吗?但是看凯特的所为,就没人来阻止她?龙骑士会干涉其它龙骑士的计划吗?他们有律法来限定他们的所作所为吗?
  • Dragon Knights are indeed an Order with a Codex that regulates their actions, but their main concern is the preservation of the Cosmic Balance in Ashan. They act only when Chaos or Order becomes too extreme. Cate had an agenda of her own, that sometimes conflicted with her Order. But her superiors decided to no to interfere because her actions were mainly beneficial, rather than harmful, to the preservation of the Balance.
  • 龙骑士自然有他们自己的戒条,不过他们的主要任务是维护亚山世界的整体平衡,他们只有在混乱或者秩序过于极端时介入。凯特有她自己的议程,虽然有时和她应该遵守的戒条有冲突,但是她的上司决定不介入,因为她的行为对整体的平衡的有利一面大于有害一面。
6jiji 回复于 2013-04-29 23:00:
塞勒斯 回复于 2013-04-29 14:03:
[color=DarkRed]pre-colombian[/color] tribes of South America often believed the black jaguars were stronger and more dangerous than the “normal” jaguars, and in Ashan, this myth is actually true :-)
zym32167 回复于 2013-04-28 23:04:
wudevils 回复于 2013-04-28 15:20:
塞勒斯 回复于 2013-04-28 12:31:
忘情潇洒哥 回复于 2013-04-27 00:13:
