不抱有什么期望了 |
| 我举得仙剑4、仙剑5,这样的3D视角不错,参考这样的视角也行
而且可以切换可视人物 |
| 感觉育碧只会做动作游戏。,,现在的都是些追求画面,没啥内涵的货。多少系列被育碧毁了。。这个回合制。。悲催的感觉。。貌似要毁 |
| 一切有利可图的东西都会有人去做的,节操那啥的算啥呢 |
| 黄栌苦竹 回复于 2013-05-30 22:00: silent_wind 发表于 2013-5-30 19:27
其实我觉得魔法门感觉和生化危机很相似,都是到了某一代改变很大,然后分裂成两派玩家,毕竟前后已经算是不 ... 有官方mod工具的游戏,只要不出大BUG,基本上是没有问题的,就算不是很火,也会出现很多忠心的玩家,就比如魔岩山传说那样。
不管怎么说,我还是喜欢走格子的,有些人担心这样减少自由度,其实我觉得是无谓的担心。这样游戏的自由度主要取决于游戏在场景设计时设计了多少玩家能走的地方,而不是哪种走法。你像魔法门9,就是全3D的,但是自由度很差,玩者只能按照固定的路线走,其余的地方都被制作者用障碍挡上了。相反,有些走格子的游戏,比如时空道标,自由度就很大。制作者将足够多的东西开放给了玩家。 |
| 其实我觉得魔法门感觉和生化危机很相似,都是到了某一代改变很大,然后分裂成两派玩家,毕竟前后已经算是不同类型的游戏了。中国来说大部分玩家都是678代的,然而国外仍然有不少人更喜欢5代。不过感觉大部分还是倾向于动作越来越自由的方向,例如生化危机,寂静岭等,日式rpg也由回合制变成即时制了。但是最近欧美也突然流行复古风,尤其是Kickstarter上面的项目。所以我觉得魔法门10还是有希望的,但前提是制作质量一定要好。 |
| 安戴德耐特 回复于 2013-05-30 14:07: 其实我玩MM678的时候就喜欢满地图乱跑接任务,接了也不急着做照样乱跑,跑也不沿路跑,跑到ZONE边就切回合制然后鼠标点一下“步行到XXXX要YYY天。继续。”等地图读完被新ZONE的怪物夹道欢迎吓一跳神马的最有意思了XD。 |
| 黄栌苦竹 回复于 2013-05-29 13:44: silent_wind 发表于 2013-5-29 00:51
现在很难说吧,如果走格子游戏这么讨人厌,那么魔岩山传奇又怎么会成功,或许魔法门10能找到自己的市场也不 ... 走格子游戏其实更适合RPG,自由行走对于FPS更适合。因为RPG不像FPS那样需要充分利用环境,所以要走的路其实都差不多固定好了,就算能够自由行走,玩家还是会按照走格子的思路去走(参考上古卷轴系列) |
| 现在很难说吧,如果走格子游戏这么讨人厌,那么魔岩山传奇又怎么会成功,或许魔法门10能找到自己的市场也不一定。 |
| 黄栌苦竹 回复于 2013-05-28 23:57: Pλppet 发表于 2013-5-28 18:28
我自己还是更 ... 老滚2和魔法门45一个时代的,那时候名声已然不小,可能国内玩到的不多所以名声不大吧(没有汉化) |
| 黄栌苦竹 发表于 2013-5-27 19:52
没有的事吧,魔法门一直被老滚超前。在魔法门只能走格子的时代,老滚就是3D了,在魔法门3D化后不久,老 ... 我说的是老滚2的时候,知名度远不及魔法门。到了老滚3画面提升了很大,就开始超越魔法门了
我自己还是更喜欢魔法门一些,可惜已经不复当年 |
| 黄栌苦竹 回复于 2013-05-27 19:52: Pλppet 发表于 2013-5-27 01:40
刻意模仿老魔法门,抛弃即时制,不能讨新玩家喜欢,再套个新剧情,新风格,老玩家也不喜欢,再加上少得可怜 ...
当初魔法门能兴盛起来,就是因为它与老滚等经典RPG不同,对话选项少,任务直接,人物属性简单,不像那些游戏,创建个人物都得半个多小时,最后玩起来还得考虑这个,考虑那个,一堆好感度,判定什么的,让人操心。魔法门的好玩之处在于点一下开始就能开始,然后可以尽情去体验宏大的剧情和各种富有挑战性的迷宫。有个游戏叫做魔岩山之迷,比较完美的还原了魔法门当初的游戏感(可惜只有地下城没有剧情)。 |
| Pλppet 发表于 2013-5-27 01:40
刻意模仿老魔法门,抛弃即时制,不能讨新玩家喜欢,再套个新剧情,新风格,老玩家也不喜欢,再加上少得可怜 ... MM+H的版权才130万美元。。光一个H5就够赚回来了。。 |
| 牛顿他二叔 回复于 2013-05-27 07:32: Pλppet 发表于 2013-5-27 01:40
刻意模仿老魔法门,抛弃即时制,不能讨新玩家喜欢,再套个新剧情,新风格,老玩家也不喜欢,再加上少得可怜 ... 唉,这正是大家所担心的。。。 |
| 刻意模仿老魔法门,抛弃即时制,不能讨新玩家喜欢,再套个新剧情,新风格,老玩家也不喜欢,再加上少得可怜的预算,预测这个四不像作品最终比H6还惨淡。如果育碧一直按照这个态度来压榨着魔法门剩余的价值,能不能赚回买下版权的钱还是个问题。
当初的魔法门是完全碾压老滚,再看看现在的老滚5,完爆这个所谓的魔法门10 十条街 |
| 黄栌苦竹 回复于 2013-05-25 00:49: 就算能自由走,估计也没有人不走路(参考上古卷轴系列),还不如走格子呢。 |
| 黄栌苦竹 回复于 2013-05-25 00:48: 我喜欢走格子。 |
| 男狼 发表于 2013-5-18 13:13
< □ >
[/font] |
| 邪翼 发表于 2013-5-18 12:43
那是八臂娜迦。。。 八臂娜迦是这样:
| 男狼 发表于 2013-5-18 12:26
八只手都同时显示呗 那是八臂娜迦。。。 |
| 邪翼 发表于 2013-3-22 04:15
四人组伸谁的手好,点下头像换下手么。。。 八只手都同时显示呗 |
| 说实话,就算用MM6,7.8原有的模式,搞个画面好点的都可以了
最好能把H5的技能方式搞进来就不错了 |
| 我想这里的大部人不接受的不是剧情,而是走格子式冒险吧
我对剧情倒是没有那么在意,走格子式冒险我也不反感,最重要还是游戏的整体设计如何,目前来看系统上的设定还可以,看看关卡设计如何。E3应该会有更多信息释出。 |
| 像我们这些死忠是不会接受崭新的剧情的,如果剧情还是不回归经典,我想我不会去买 |
| 牛顿他二叔 发表于 2013-5-5 22:47
根据肉e的说法,升级的确像大菠萝,但是,技能晋升还是MM系列的习惯,要去找相应的NPC晋升。 这次升级技能倒是比以前难,宗师级还得做额外的任务,以往都不用做任务 |
| 阿俊 发表于 2013-5-5 22:27
新的剧情,新的引擎,加上新的设定。我 ... 我在H5之后就是这样的看法,那只是另一个魔幻战棋游戏而已。 |
| 牛顿他二叔 回复于 2013-05-05 22:47: 阿俊 发表于 2013-5-5 22:27
新的剧情,新的引擎,加上新的设定。我 ... 根据肉e的说法,升级的确像大菠萝,但是,技能晋升还是MM系列的习惯,要去找相应的NPC晋升。 |
| 看起来和魔兽、diablo很像了,升级/学技能估计也不用满世界找大师。
新的剧情,新的引擎,加上新的设定。我想起那句话,我有一个斧子,去年换了斧头,今年换了斧柄,那它还是以前的斧子吗? |
| UBI算不算毁人不倦。。。 |
| 仍然抱着侥幸在等待着
| 天堂の令 回复于 2013-04-08 04:52: 期待了多年,总算有新的东西可以玩了。。 |
| 不错,不错 |
| 新访谈出炉,介绍了一些新内容
10.虽然没有科幻元素,但会有一些涉及远古神民的内容 |
| 道路是没有限制的,视频里不能走是因为与敌人靠近了(游戏似乎设定为与敌人靠近后就不能移动),你认真看那个视频就知道遇上敌人前是可以走到草坪上了。
另外,最新的访谈有透漏战斗系统有参考巫术PS2上的Wizardry: Tale of the Sacred Land,即除了魔法外,也会有几个战斗技能(如格挡,挑衅,掩护同伴等),我去看了一下那个游戏,一个高级战士有6种以上的攻击能力,好像什么扫击,双击,假攻击,冲撞攻击,击晕等等。预计战斗模式上会有重大改变。
| cruse 回复于 2013-04-04 16:56: 好好的6~9模式不继承,UBI肿么跟天朝似的,总是抓住搅屎棒有屎的那一端? |
| 牛顿他二叔 回复于 2013-04-04 15:51: 竟然没有飞行。。。如果敌人会流星雨之类的召唤魔法,岂不乖乖滴团灭?。。。不会是说,这类魔法也取消了吧。。。 |
| zeroieme 发表于 2013-4-4 11:45
http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2248444200 最新的可玩版本里好像道路限制放宽了。。不过飞行术估计还是不用想的。。 |
| 可以死了
[url]http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2248444200[/url] |
| 单身游侠 回复于 2013-04-04 11:08: 难道这个版又要活了? |
| 有点小期待啊 |
| 邪翼 发表于 2013-3-29 19:48
赶紧醒醒。。。 呃,完了没兴趣了,ubi去死吧 |
| p92 发表于 2013-3-29 15:53
呃......一激动给打错了,是M&M1-5给3D复刻一下 如果真复刻就神了,我觉得1-5的故事要比6-9的吸引,而且1-5刚好讲的就是一个完整的故事,不像6-8虽然互相关联,但是支离破碎。最好是最终BOSS是sheltem,我看国外的论坛有很多人埋怨追捕了sheltem这么久竟然最后不能和它打,就一个动画草草了事。这就好像MM8里面几个谜题就能拯救世界,元素之王一把钥匙救一个那么坑爹。 |
| clashofheroes 发表于 2013-3-29 19:42
我说不会是纯回合制的吧。。。希望像九代那样 赶紧醒醒。。。 |
| 我说不会是纯回合制的吧。。。希望像九代那样 |
| p92 回复于 2013-03-29 15:53: Berein 发表于 2013-3-29 01:27
h5也要3D复刻 这算是高级黑么 呃......一激动给打错了,是M&M1-5给3D复刻一下 |
| p92 发表于 2013-3-26 18:06
看方向控制里只有前、后、左 ... h5也要3D复刻 这算是高级黑么 |
| 安戴德耐特 回复于 2013-03-28 09:01: 一个道具只有一个小方格!
洗洗睡吧 |
| uno 回复于 2013-03-28 03:40: 看图更象大菠萝 |
| 历经11年,终于看到魔法门10了,但似乎大家都对回归MM3-5模式有意见,不过我个人还是很期待的,毕竟有新作了,希望制作人能将关卡和战斗设计的好,还有迷宫会大一点,对我来说就满足了。
PS:很多人想知道有没有飞行术,我觉得应该会取消了,但可能会回归MM3-5等常用的冒险魔法如漂浮术和传送术。 |
| [color=DarkOliveGreen][color=Red][size=6]发张Legend of Grimrock 2的截图。。。。[/size][/color][/color] |
| p92 回复于 2013-03-26 18:06: 看截图大概猜测一下
看方向控制里只有前、后、左、右和左转、右转,那真是变成OLD SCHOOL,只是画面变成纯3D版了。
其实这种复古的游戏前一阵还真有一个叫《魔岩山传说(Legend of Grimrock)》的,不过那个是纯地牢爬格子,没有室外场景。
还有如果这种复古式的系统成功的话?会不会把H1-5给3D复刻一下? |
| cruse 回复于 2013-03-26 16:02: 那还是洗洗睡鸟,等11吧 |
| cruse 发表于 2013-3-26 15:46
坛子里有能跟UBI说上话的吗?强烈要求回到6-9的模式 除非UBI自己改主意否则谁去说都没有用的。。。 |
| cruse 回复于 2013-03-26 15:46: 坛子里有能跟UBI说上话的吗?强烈要求回到6-9的模式 |
| 牛顿他二叔 回复于 2013-03-26 15:41: 唉,何必要放弃很有特色的很方便的即时/回合切换呢? |
| 牛顿他二叔 发表于 2013-3-26 14:47
如果附近若干远程敌人,不但会卡,还会被射死吧。。。回合制下对付远程太悲催,变成靶子了,。。。 这个制作时就会避免区域内有太密集的野怪。。。比如DEMO里就没碰过要一次打三只怪的。。- - |
| 牛顿他二叔 回复于 2013-03-26 14:47: 邪翼 发表于 2013-3-26 12:33
不过自然也没什么流畅的感觉 如果附近若干远程敌人,不但会卡,还会被射死吧。。。回合制下对付远程太悲催,变成靶子了,。。。 |
| 牛顿他二叔 发表于 2013-3-26 12:30
不过自然也没什么流畅的感觉 |
| 牛顿他二叔 回复于 2013-03-26 12:30: 回合制走路是怎么回事?要按一下键走一步,然后,敌人也要花时间来走一步? |
| MKII 回复于 2013-03-26 11:14: 貌似这怪物都是H6的模样嘛…… |
| |
| [url]http://www.strategyinformer.com/pc/mightmagicx/previews.html[/url]
Might & Magic X: Legacy Preview (PC)
Back in 1986, New World Computing released an expansion, ambitious roleplaying game set in an open 3D world, Might & Magic. The game defined roleplaying games alongside Bard's Tale, Wizardry and Ultima, and might be considered a predecessor to such massive map games like The Elder Scrolls, albeit turn-based. The series let to the classic Heroes of Might & Magic games as well.
Since its release, the game had regular updates roughly every 2 years until the disastrous Might & Magic IX arrived in 2002; the game suffered major launch bugs, and shortly after its release, 3DO was dissolved, after only one official patch had been released. Since then, no Might & Magic game had been announced. Til now.
A few days ago, Ubisoft announced Might & Magic X: Legacy, and the name is appropos, as the feel, strategy and style of the game harkens back to 1986 with scintillatingly retro gameplay. In short, the game is the original Might & Magic with more modern bells and whistles.
For one, towns are once again static pictures of people at the location which have basic dialog options. Clicking on, say, the local alcemist brings up a rumor she heard (more or less a tooltip in the game I played), while another option opened up a basic trade screen for potions.
Leaving the town places the player on what is essentially a giant square-grid map in which players move and turn step by step through the wilderness. If the player get too close to enemies, they become locked in combat.
From there, the player's four man party can engage the enemy or enemies with melee or ranged combat, cast spells, use items or take a defensive stance. Combat is simple unless multiple enemy types are in combat, when it becomes important to close in quickly to prevent ranged units from allowing melee units to move in and engage.(老实说我也很喜欢射射射。。尤其面对只会近战的)
Each character has different levels of multiple skills, from a range of 0 to 25. When characters level, the player is given a few skill points to distribute amongst the skills. Levels range from unskilled to grandmaster. Do you add some points to the Block skill for your heavy melee guy, or do you invest more in his blunt weapon skills? The characters also have a very basic paper doll system for equipping items, as well as a shared inventory.
Finally, the graphics in the build were functional, and while it may be that the game's visuals will get more polish (one of the death animations is a little over the top and comical), it's unlikely to be on the level of The Elder Scrolls - nor is it aiming to be.
Might & Magic X: Legacy is supremely faithful to the original 1986 game, gleefully eschewing such modern standard gameplay mechanics as real-time 3D rendering. Instead it harkens back to the days when roleplaying games were as much about tactical strategy as it was about telling a story. Nostalgic gamers will drown themselves in its simple-yet-complex gameplay, and perhaps with the comeback of "retraux" gaming, young gamers may enjoy its style without having to deal with blocky characters.
Most Anticipated Moment: Seeing just how big Ubisoft will make the world map, with today's PC processing power.
Might and Magic X Legacy returns to the series' roots with a modern development process
Might and Magic X Legacy will be the first entry in the original Might and Magic series since Might and Magic 9, which the now-defunct 3DO released in 2001. Its developers are looking to bring back the old games' classic feel, but they're doing it in a modern way.
Their main goal is "being truly faithful to the series," said Erwan Le Breton, Might and Magic series creative director, in an interview with Polygon at PAX East 2013.
According to Le Breton, the word "legacy" in the title is meant to signal that intention to fans of the franchise, which consisted of traditional turn-based RPGs. Might and Magic X Legacy is being designed in that vein. You move through the world one pace at a time, and with each step, something may or may not happen — an enemy might attack, or a character might give you a quest. Everything takes place from a first-person view.
Of course, you're not alone: You control a four-member party chosen from 12 typical fantasy classes like elves, dwarves, orcs and mages, and you can switch between them on the fly — even within a turn — to attack foes in multiple ways. The first time Le Breton came across a group of enemies in the world, he started off by hurling a few fireballs from his mage. Then he crept closer to the group so his dwarf, a melee-focused character, could hit them directly. Then he finished them off with a lightning bolt from the mage. Combat offers experience so you can level up, which unlocks skill points that can be spent on class upgrades.
Dungeons are also available to explore, and Le Breton estimated that Might and Magic X Legacy will take about 25 hours to complete. The game world itself is a setting that's new to the original series: the planet of Ashan.
"It's not a true sequel to [Might and Magic 9], but it's really a tribute to the series of old," said Le Breton.
Might and Magic X Legacy is being co-developed by Limbic Entertainment and Ubisoft Paris. Limbic has experience with the franchise, having made two adventure packs for Might and Magic Heroes 6. But while Legacy is a decidedly old-school game, it is being developed with extensive community input — a relatively new method of making games.
For Heroes 6, Ubisoft offered private, VIP forums to the game's most dedicated players. Like Heroes 6, Might and Magic X Legacy is being developed with an "actively involved" community, said Le Breton. Limbic and Ubisoft showed their fans early concept art and design ideas, and solicited their feedback by letting them vote on features.
Le Breton noted that involving fans is a double-edged sword, because while they have a deep knowledge of the games themselves, they often don't know what they want unless it's put in front of them. They tend to be much better at commenting on something that's presented to them than at coming up with ideas themselves.
"You need to come up with a strong vision at first, and you need to be ready for that vision to be challenged," explained Le Breton.
| 魔幻战士 回复于 2013-03-25 09:55: 看来看去还是魔法门6好玩,前几天刚又打爆了一次,那个空间记录和传送非常好用 |
| cruse 回复于 2013-03-25 09:16: Might and Magic X Legacy is set for release in September as a downloadable title on Windows PC.
九月发布,PAX EAST现场记者Polygon报道
According to Le Breton, the word "legacy" in the title is meant to signal that intention to fans of the franchise, which consisted of traditional turn-based RPGs. Might and Magic X Legacy is being designed in that vein. You move through the world one pace at a time, and with each step, something may or may not happen — an enemy might attack, or a character might give you a quest. Everything takes place from a first-person view.
看来真是全回合,一次走一步,当头一盆冷水 |
| 安戴德耐特 回复于 2013-03-25 08:38: 好几天没看到动静原来是贴到这边了啊...全回合制太囧了,对于我这种MM6才开始玩的恐怕完全没有回归感吧...挂着飞行退着射箭风筝怪物神马的最有爱了 |
| 作为一个深深衷爱魔法门的老玩家,不管mmx质量如何,能够延续下来就值得高兴。
尽管老滚系列和mm系列有相当的共同之处,并且老滚系列取得了辉煌的成功,但我还是固执的认为,某些方面,老滚依然比不上mm系列,比如怪物、升级,魔法。 |
| cruse 回复于 2013-03-24 22:55: 不是吧?国外论坛有人说是彻底回到1-4的模式,看截图真是这样!!!
话说1-4模式是咋样的?太OLD SCHOOL了,没玩过 |
| cruse 发表于 2013-3-24 22:44
话说全回合是咋回事?走路也是?Jesus!不能切换即时?? 才。。。反应过来么。。。 |
| cruse 回复于 2013-03-24 22:44: 话说全回合是咋回事?走路也是?Jesus!不能切换即时?? |
| 牛顿他二叔 发表于 2013-3-24 22:33
这个界面,是没有小地图的。。。 右下那个圆就是。。不过这个版本没有。。
我到是见过有小地图的截图。。各种格子和红点。=。= |
| 牛顿他二叔 回复于 2013-03-24 22:33: 这个界面,是没有小地图的。。。 |
| [attach]700580[/attach][attach]700581[/attach][attach]700582[/attach][attach]700583[/attach] |
| 牛顿他二叔 回复于 2013-03-24 22:18: 全回合制。。。 |
| tyfon 发表于 2013-3-24 18:33
这几天没有什么玩后感之类的么 那DEMO我有,短的要死。。展露不了啥。。反正关键的就是全回合制。。。
[url]http://www.rpgcodex.net/forums/index.php?threads/hell-is-freezing-over-ubisofts-might-magic-x-is-actually-a-blobber.81510/[/url] |
| tyfon 回复于 2013-03-24 18:33: 这几天没有什么玩后感之类的么 |
| 山德罗 回复于 2013-03-24 14:59: MM6的真实人物头像没能延续真是遗憾,当年玩6的时候觉得头像,建筑还有武器装备杂货什么的很质朴很贴近真实场景真的有冒险的感觉 |
| 作为一个深刻了解MM系列精髓的,从93年开始玩PC游戏的老玩家,对MM10基本不抱期望 |
| cruse 发表于 2013-3-23 21:37
[attach]700088[/attach] |
| cruse 回复于 2013-03-23 21:37: 好像看到H5圣堂野外兵营 |
| [attach]700071[/attach][attach]700072[/attach] |
| 塞勒斯 回复于 2013-03-23 12:08: 我仿佛看到了安雯……这人设也不带新作的…… |
| 塞勒斯 回复于 2013-03-23 12:07: 疯狂滴用英雄无敌6的资源啊,我已经失望了…… |
| 邪翼 发表于 2013-3-22 11:42
H5还好,NIVAL还算功能身退,H5最大的问题是AI回合过慢,另外随机图质量 ... 那他的亲儿子是?疯狂兔子? |
| 白莲酱 回复于 2013-03-23 04:04: 关于“至于那些还认为黑暗弥赛亚是魔法门十的二货们,貌似你们也被事实抽了一巴掌吧。”这句话
而且黑暗弥赛亚是动作RPG,玩的大多是动作、RPG及M&M系列玩家,那又是另外一群人,隔空骂无关人员有意义么 |
| 写了一大堆还是编辑掉算了...... |
| 其实俺感觉虽然H5H6开始,系列的美术风格虽然越来越炫酷帅呆,但也感觉越来越不亲切了= = ,一想到MM10肯定得延续这种美术风格,其实期望值已经不是很大了...非常怀念曾经3DO时期MM系列那种质朴真实的美术风格,当然那种画风放到现在是肯定也吸引不了多少人了。还有那些刻骨铭心的游戏音乐,感觉从弥赛亚和H5开始,音乐也越来越抓不住人了,所以总感觉MM归入育碧之后,离自己越来越远= = 个人观点啦 |
| 宇文泰 回复于 2013-03-22 20:55: cmwang 发表于 2013-3-22 18:47
既然大家都这么不爽,到时候出来了别玩就好了......不,从现在开始就无视掉这个东西...... 没有经历过286~586时代,你是不会懂的,魔法门是一个梦幻
为了它的延续,即时不玩,也该支持下的 |
| so? |
| Berein 发表于 2013-3-22 20:04
游戏本身还没出怎么这么消极 比起来游戏系统和冷饭 咱更关心会不会有ubi特色的恶心人的东西在里面 比如DRM ... 这种时候想想模拟BUG5就心理平衡了。。
[url]http://www.bilibili.tv/video/av509064/[/url] |
| 游戏本身还没出怎么这么消极 比起来游戏系统和冷饭 咱更关心会不会有ubi特色的恶心人的东西在里面 比如DRM 比如国内销售会不会再出来双重激活 比如会不会出现各种兼容问题…… |
| 既然大家都这么不爽,到时候出来了别玩就好了......不,从现在开始就无视掉这个东西...... |
| 幻雷惊风 回复于 2013-03-22 14:42: 不抱有什么期望了 |
| 第一人称玩起来感觉会眼花啊 |
| 牛顿他二叔 回复于 2013-03-22 12:47: 虽说MM10这个名字很怀旧很温馨,可是,当年的MM玩家们,现在都等老了吧,放了这么多年,品牌影响力显著降低了。现在的孩子们,普遍都不知道MM系列是怎么回事了。。。 |
| tyfon 回复于 2013-03-22 12:34: 说白了还不是育碧不想自己养一个制作组……
不需要弥赛亚那么动作性,选中谁换谁的手就行了嘛。 |
| cruse 回复于 2013-03-22 11:53: 不是吧?全回合?连走路都是回合?
6、7、8、9那样的即时、回合任意切换不是很好吗? |
| lafaaier 发表于 2013-3-22 11:36
求科普 什么是 H5 H6的教训 干儿子项目预算少逼的紧。。。
H6就惨了。。原版做完制作组BLACKHOLE就因为预算不够贴钱贴的太多和/被UBI拜拜了,之后的DLC和资料片开始再次经过了Limbic和维塔士的之手,预计在第一个资料片之后就没有后续了。完成度很渣,BUG多,没有随机图,原版甚至没有像样的城镇界面,地图编辑器复杂的没人想用。。。玩完战役基本就没啥可以玩的了。。 |
| 求科普 什么是 H5 H6的教训 |
| 战斗要是像黑暗弥赛亚就好了 |
| 没有和ancient的联系真说不上传承 |
| 希望这次的十不会像九那个样子,呵呵. |
| 黑暗弥赛亚其实跟传统MM区别很大的,所以要把其归纳到MM系列中也实在过于牵强。 |
| 四人组伸谁的手好,点下头像换下手么。。。 |
| tyfon 发表于 2013-3-22 03:57
手上还要有把匕首 |
| tyfon 回复于 2013-03-22 03:57: 开发时间太短的话质量不好保证啊……
其实我觉得用老滚那种第一人称模式还是不错的,起码看见个手啥的。 |
| 没办法。。。往市面上现有RPG的水平靠吧,成本高不说,也没有脱颖而出的把握;还是吃吃老本,把4人组队看不见自己的老瓶子翻出来。但这个老本一吃,名字里就不得不加上MMX权当遮羞布了。。。 |
| 再来 |
| http://worthplaying.com/article/2013/3/21/news/88569/
In the wake of the spectacular events in Might & Magic Heroes VI, [color=Blue]you will play in a party of four adventurers entangled in intrigue and political machinations unfolding in and around Karthal. The city, on the verge of secession, is prey to competing factions vying for its control. Your actions will determine the fate of the city.[/color]
Might & Magic X Legacy is an authentic solo experience in the[color=Blue] classic first-person RPG genre[/color]. Create and lead your group into an exciting world and battle powerful mythical creatures while collecting ancient magical treasures. Through a [color=Blue]turn-based gameplay system[/color], defeat creatures and bosses to accomplish unique quests and make your way through dangerous dungeons, cities and labyrinths full of traps.
Dive into vintage Might & Magic and play old school, new rules!
Ubisoft announced Might and Magic X Legacy today, the next installment in the Might and Magic first-person role-playing game series.
Might and Magic X Legacy,[color=Blue] in development with Limbic Entertainment[/color], will be showcased at PAX East this weekend in Boston.
[color=Blue]The game picks up after the events of the previous title, 2011's Might and Magic Heroes 6.[/color] Players will send their character, one in a party of four heroes, into a world of political intrigue and warfare between competing factions. The paths players take and the actions they choose will define the fate of the in-game city of Karthal.
Along the way players will battle fantasy creatures and enemies in a turn-based battle system, collect ancient treasures, complete quests and explore dungeons, labyrinths and towns as they unravel the story.
Earlier this week Ubisoft teased the reveal with a website bearing the roman numeral X and numerous visual elements from the Might and Magic series.
Check out the reveal trailer above for a first look at Might and Magic X Legacy.
Ubisoft have announced Might & Magic X Legacy from Limbic Entertainment and revealed the game will be showcased at PAX East this weekend.
In a press statement Ubisoft said the game has been developed by "a team of devoted Might & Magic fans" and "will bring a new chapter to the Might & Magic RPG series, with both the unique core formula and a set of improved and fine-tuned features.
"You will play in a party of four adventurers entangled in intrigue and political machination unfolding in and around Karthal. The city, on the verge of secession, is prey to competing factions vying for its control. Your actions will determine the fate of the city. Might & Magic X Legacy is an authentic solo experience in the classic first-person RPG genre."
The press release promises to allow gamers to "dive into vintage Might & Magic and play old school, new rules!"
[color=Blue]The game is set to release sometime this year.[/color]
| [url]http://might-and-magic.ubi.com/mightandmagicx-legacy/en-GB/game/index.aspx[/url]
In the wake of the events of Might & Magic® Heroes® VI, the city of Karthal, once a proud colony of the Holy Empire located in the Agyn Peninsula, is on the verge of secession.
The player will control the destinies of four adventurers, as they become entangled in the political machinations and intrigues unfolding in and around Karthal. Various powers, both old and new, are vying for control of the city.
As they grow in power and fame, the adventurers’ actions will determine the fate of the Agyn Peninsula, and if they are heroic and diligent, prevent the ghosts of the past from casting a dark shadow upon the region’s future.
Want to know more about the Might & Magic universe and its history? Check our portal!
Forge your own tactics:
Through the Might & Magic traditional and acclaimed first-person turn-based gameplay system, lead your team of four Heroes in their journey!
Choose your gender among four different races: Humans, Orcs, Elves, Dwarves, the choice is yours! Each race also boasts three unique classes, each one having their own skills and abilities.
Defeat creatures and unique bosses, fulfill challenging quests, level up your group, and earn new powerful artifacts.
Classic RPG at its finest!
Might and Magic x Legacy - The Freemage
The Freemage has the potential to strengthen or heal, since she is familiar with all schools of magic. Due to her physical weakness, she must be protected from harm by her companions.
Might and Magic x Legacy - The Ranger
The Ranger is a great damage dealer with the bow. She can also rely on the support of Earth and Air magic. Like all Elves, she prefers light armor and is pretty fragile, but she can evade attacks quite well.
Might and Magic X legacy - discover ashan
Discover a new part of Ashan:
The world of Ashan is full of mysteries hidden in remote places; it is so gigantic that numerous parts of it remain unexplored even by the bravest of Heroes.
Take a look around the Agyn Peninsula, a totally new environment in the Might & Magic universe. Get familiar with its epic wilderness and meet the locals who are full of surprises…
Explore twisted dungeons:
What would be a classic RPG without numerous Dungeons to explore? In Might & Magic X® Legacy, you will need to crawl and fight your way through twisted dungeons, immense cities, and mind-boggling labyrinths.
You must avoid hidden traps and solve puzzling riddles in order to survive!
Beware! You never know what is hiding around that next corner! |