| 我了个去…………网站各种大姨妈,等到现在才把翻译好的都发出来……困死爹了 |
 | Staff of the tides
While Medusae are known to be solitary, they occasionally join pirate crews, or unite to form small sects dedicated to the Wrecker. They can then join their powers to summon tsunamis and tempests to destroy merchant ships and even small coastal villages. The Staff of the Tides once belonged to the headmistress of such a cult. The famous bounty-hunter Hamato was hired to find and destroy the cult and beheaded the Medusa leader, claiming the staff as a trophy along with her head.
虽然众所周知美杜莎是很孤立的,但她们有时候也会加入海盗,或者形成一些供奉Wrecker的教派。藉此她们能聚合她们的力量来召唤津波和风暴以摧毁商船、甚至是岸上的小村庄。潮汐之杖曾经属于这种教派的一个女祭司。有人雇佣著名的赏金猎人Hamato去摧毁了这个教派并且斩杀了美杜莎首领,他将这根杖和美杜莎首领的头作为纪念品保存了下来。 |
 | Note from Dev Team: This is the first of the four maps of the Sanctuary campaign and will introduce you to the brand new Sanctuary factions! You have now all the elements in your hand to start exploring this new environment, land of the nagas, and discover their specific units, powers and culture.
这是四张瀛洲地图中的第一张,会向你展示全新的瀛洲势力!(这有啥好感叹的……)你现在拥有对周围环境展开探索的所有要素,去探索娜迦的土地、新兵种、力量和文化吧! |
 | Story: Feisty and headstrong, Irina`s already limited tolerance for her assigned role in imperial society was broken the day she was forcibly betrothed to Gerhart, the odious Duke of the Wolf. Imprisoned in the Wolf`s fetid dungeons after maiming Gerhart during their wedding night, Irina was determined to die rather than apologize to the tyrant. But she was freed by Sandor, and they both escaped to the south-eastern islands of the Jade Ocean. Irina finds herself a stranger in a strange land, but with the means to get her revenge on Gerhart and the Holy Emperor himself.
故事:作为一个个性很强而又倔强的女子,Irina对自己在帝国社会上的既定角色本来就很有限的忍耐在她被迫与令人作呕的狼之大公订婚的那一天彻底破裂了。在新婚之夜她把她的新郎弄成了重伤,现在她被囚禁在恶臭的地牢中。她已经决定宁死也不向那暴君道歉。但幸好她被Sandor解救了,他们一同逃往东南翡翠海上的岛屿。Irina发现自己成了置身于一个奇特国度的陌生人,但是这里却能找到她向Gerhart以及神圣帝国进行报复的办法。 |
 | 3. The Fury and the Mire
Sewing, music, poetry. Irina, the eldest daughter of Cate and Slava Griffin, could care less about these traditional female pursuits. Instead, falling in with her rough-and-tumble half-brother, Sandor, Irina enjoyed the broadest of possible educations, even convincing House Griffin's Master-of-Arms to teach her the art of swordplay on the sly. Despite her subsequent imprisonment in the Duke of Wolf's fetid dungeons, Irina has no regrets, her pride demanding that she dies rather than apologizes to the tyrant.
女红、音乐、诗歌。Irina, Cate和Slava年龄最大的女儿,并不把这些传统的女性追求放在眼里。与此相反,她却与她粗鲁莽撞的同父异母兄弟Sandor很合得来。Irina喜欢学习各种各样的东西,甚至说服了Griffin家族的武技长传授她旨在杀戮的剑技。尽管她随后被狼大公关进了恶臭的地牢,但她并不后悔,她的骄傲要求她宁死也不向那个暴君道歉。 |
 | Sword of the Griffin
Forged by the Angel`s greatest Weapon Smiths, the Sword of the Griffin is part of a set of seven remarkable swords. Each of them represents a virtue of Elrath, and they were offered to the leaders of the new nation. The Sword once called the Blade of Revelation was given to the free spirited clan of Griffins in an effort to channel their audacity and courage to a higher calling.
此剑由天使的一流武器匠打造,是七柄最杰出的剑组成的一套武器中的一部分。(这句翻的很崩……)(七柄剑)其中每一柄都代表了Elrath的一种美德,他们曾被赠与新国家的缔造者。这柄剑曾经被称作启示神剑,并被赐予富于自由精神的狮鹫部落,以帮助他们把他们的勇气和魄力与更高的使命联系在一起。 |
 | Note from Dev Team: In this second map we discover a Duke Slave older and wiser, ready to defy the Wolf Duchy and the Emperor`s will and to defend his friends the Orcs. The player will be able to carry on his adventure with the already level-up Duke Slava character and learn all the new features available in Heroes VI including the Area of Control, the Dynasty Weapons & Traits, the Town Conversion, the Unique Buildings, etc… The player will also have to defend his town against aggressive Wolf heroes and angry ghosts.
在这第二张地图中我们发现Slava大公更加成熟和理智了。做好了抗拒帝皇之意志和狼之大公,并保卫他的空调朋友。玩家将要控制已经升级的Slava大公,并且学习因胸无敌六的新特性,其中包括:控制区域(Area of control),王朝武器和王朝特性(Dynasty Weapons & Traits),城镇归化(Town Conversion),特有建筑(Unique Buildings),玩家还必须在狼家军队和愤怒的异鬼(冰火乱入请无视)的猛烈攻势下防守自己的城镇。 |
 | 翻译一下,恶搞物怪……
2. The Emperor`s Will
Story: Years have passed - Slava has known war against Elves, found and lost love, eventually marrying a daughter of the Stag Duchy and fathering five promising children. Friendship between Slava and Kraal`s Orc remains strong. When the Emperor issues a decree authorizing Slava`s old enemy, Duke Gerhart of the Wolf, to deport the Orcs and claim their lands, Slava doesn`t hesitate to defy the Emperor`s will to defend his friends.
话说这代不是马扎儿人做的么,怎么文案透着一股毛子味………… |
 | 一个普通人 回复于 2011-06-24 23:53: 不能理解的请参考水楼兔子漫画 |
 | 一个普通人 回复于 2011-06-24 23:51: 为了凑齐6个回帖
那个什么“南塔茹”会不会有很多只 |
 | skass 回复于 2011-06-24 15:27: 回复 skass
wokunnima 发表于 2011-6-24 15:00 
啥?svel是从娜迦领地带回了南塔茹蜘蛛母,并且因此成为亡灵法师教团的传奇人物。再说南塔茹成为boss也不一定是svel的战役,有可能是地狱战役里边的。不过我还是怀疑这个boss是不是会真的被消灭,因为显然亡灵法师还要靠着她继续发达下去……,在英雄交锋和h5的时代,虽然没提南塔茹是不是继续存在,但是我记得肉e给的一篇赫莱仕亡灵法师阶层的介绍中仍然提到,亡灵法师变成吸血鬼的途径是食用南塔茹的毒液。markal的传记中则称马卡尔后来接受了蜘蛛女神之吻(这应该是亡灵法师变成巫妖以后要经历的二次转化)。反正看人家咋编了,死不死还不是一句话 |
 | 回复 54# [i]skass[/i]
也就是说纳塔如主母是在40年前挂的? |
 | skass 回复于 2011-06-24 11:58: 其实应该是姑奶奶了吧,对于那五娃...
回复 天空马甲
nitedemon 发表于 2011-6-24 11:01 
是的。sveltana的实际年龄可能在七十到九十之间。她比她弟弟pavel年长十岁左右,h6开始时,slava有五个成人子女(平均年龄可能20岁左右),slava本人大约四十岁左右。假设她弟弟二十岁生下slava,那时候她三十岁上下,那么在slava四十岁的时候她最少七十岁。 |
 | 其实应该是姑奶奶了吧,对于那五娃...
回复 50# [i]天空马甲[/i] |
 | 者行孙, 行者孙
回复 43# [i]天空马甲[/i] |
 | skass 回复于 2011-06-23 16:59: 没研究过,反正现在 的瀛洲和兽人名字各种弄不懂…… |
 | 天空马甲 回复于 2011-06-23 16:49: 姑妈传记什么的……我对H6消息关注不够 我的错……
话说Toghrul本来就是蒙古名字吧...? |
 | skass 回复于 2011-06-23 16:05: Toghrul 怎么念怎么像...托葫芦
nitedemon 发表于 2011-6-23 11:51 
陶格尔,好吧,直接翻成腾格尔算了 |
 | skass 回复于 2011-06-23 16:04: 狮鹫家既然能允许一个身为亡灵巫师的家族成员存在(而且这名成员还能摄政直到继承人成年)就应该是有什 ...
天空马甲 发表于 2011-6-23 12:24 
sveltana的传记早都出来了。情形是她年幼时就倍受压力,在父亲有了新的继承人后她出走银色城邦,后来加入亡灵法师派系。尽管在教团之中身份尊贵,但是她仍然不被光之龙信徒认可,被诟骂为污秽之人、异教徒。不过好像这个时期其它势力对亡灵法师的认识也不算很深入。 |
 | 打破联盟居然重新出现了……看来这一代真是要把H2进行到底啊
Jaina 发表于 2011-6-23 13:11 
谈不上H2到底。。官方其实交待过的。本代是魔法门25周年庆。。所以用了很多魔法门旧作的元素。。 |
 | 很期待啊 |
 | Jaina 回复于 2011-06-23 13:11: 打破联盟居然重新出现了……看来这一代真是要把H2进行到底啊 |
 | 那是亡灵刚兴起的年代吧。。。
还没发展到被羡慕嫉妒恨的时候。。 |
 | 天空马甲 回复于 2011-06-23 12:26: Toghrul 怎么念怎么像...托葫芦
nitedemon 发表于 2011-6-23 11:51 
 | 天空马甲 回复于 2011-06-23 12:24: nec势力的信仰在其它派系看来要么病态要么邪恶,光之龙信徒会尤其排斥,认为是异教徒。
skass 发表于 2011-6-23 10:42 
大概斯拉瓦面临的成长环境就是缺少父爱而且启蒙人是信仰不同的姑妈……说因为“姑妈是亡灵巫师”也没差啦 不过想了想还是模糊化吧
嘛……要是有姑妈的英雄传记就好了 现在终究只是脑补啊…… |
 | Toghrul 怎么念怎么像...托葫芦 |
 | skass 回复于 2011-06-23 10:42: nec势力的信仰在其它派系看来要么病态要么邪恶,光之龙信徒会尤其排斥,认为是异教徒。 |
 | 天空马甲 回复于 2011-06-23 10:37: [color=PaleTurquoise]昨天半夜睡不着觉的时候[/color]想了想还是得修改下……
Raised by his Regent and Aunt, the Necromancer Sveltana, after the death of his father Duke Pavel when he was only a boy, Slava nonetheless managed to grow up a rash but good-natured young man. Taking up the title of Duke of Griffin when he came of age, Slava led a strong House, and has five healthy, determined children who he is certain will do the Griffin name proud.
[color=DarkOrchid]斯拉瓦幼年丧父,抚养他长大的是摄政的姑母 Sveltana ,一位亡灵巫师。尽管如此,斯拉瓦还是成长为一个优秀的年轻人——有些鲁莽,但心地善良。斯拉瓦成年后,继承了“狮鹫大公”(Duke of Griffin)的头衔。强大的家族力量是他的支持,五个健康而坚定的孩子是他的臂膀——他坚信这些年轻人不会辱没了狮鹫的姓氏。[/color]
[color=DarkOrchid]原来译成“尽管Sveltana 是个亡灵巫师”
亡灵巫师怎么了……歧视人家是不对的 这里似乎展开得有差 还是直译“尽管如此”吧 同时进行语句微润色[/color]
Story: Years have passed since the death of Duke Pavel (Reveal Trailer), killed by Demons summoned by the dying wish of the Orc Shaman Toghrul whose tribe had been slaughtered by the Griffin armies. Now a young man, Pavel`s only son Slave accompanies his aunt, Sveltana (Reveal Trailer), in the mountains of the Griffin Duchy to investigate signs of a new Demon threat.
[color=DarkOrchid]Pavel公爵 曾经血腥地肃清了兽人萨满 Toghrul 的部落,Toghrul 为了复仇,以生命为代价召唤魔鬼杀死了 Pavel公爵 ,这是多年前的事情了。现在 Pavel公爵 的遗孤 斯拉瓦大公 和他的姑母 Sveltana 来到了 Griffin Duchy 山脉,调查一支新的魔鬼军队的动向。 [/color]
[color=Red]Toghrul 到底死没死啊……大公出征的目的是learn more about his plans,如果是几十年前就挂了的话难道是遗计
所以dying wish似乎翻错了...?求指正[/color]
Note from Dev Team: This first map will set the story of the father of all the Campaign Heroes. The player will control Duke Slava, a Knight who will investigate strange Demon activities on his lands and befriend Orc warriors led by Kraal. The player will discover and control the first Haven and Orc units as well as learn all the basics of the Heroes game mechanics. His travels will bring him through the Haven plains, as well as the Underground before learning more about the plans of the damned Orc Shaman Toghrul.
[color=DarkOrchid]这张地图故事的主角是五位战役英雄的父亲 斯拉瓦大公,玩家将控制这位骑士,启程调查他领土上不寻常的恶魔活动,并和Kraal领导的兽人(Orc)勇士重归于好。玩家将第一次控制圣堂(Haven)和兽人(Orc)单位,同时了解游戏的基本操作技巧。斯拉瓦大公将穿越 Haven平原并深入地下,以了解杀父仇人——该死的兽人萨满 Toghrul 的邪恶计划。[/color]
[color=Red]微润色[/color] |
 | skass 回复于 2011-06-23 10:10: 有点像信徒的导入英雄??
安戴德耐特 发表于 2011-6-22 17:25 
不需要导入,你做一个英雄,多人地图直接用就行了 |
 | 狮鹫之剑是天使锻造的七把神剑中的一把。人类帝国创立时交给了人类的领导者们,每把都代表了光明之龙的一项美德。狮鹫之剑本名“启示之剑”
一个帝选侯一把神剑,这是战锤中古帝国的符文之牙吗?怪不得狮鹫公爵和饿狼公爵拿的剑都一个德行,原来是量产货…… |
 | 这么他一搞,弄个正版的好处就更多了
不然弄个鸟文正版还是看起来不舒服 |
 | 羡慕&嫉妒&恨 |
 | 呵呵,这是另外一个问题了,作为一个老玩家,如果有中文正版,会考虑买的,以利公司推出h7 |
 | “创建在线信息,成就系统,同步存档。”这个必须是正版上线玩才有吧?我的意思是单机盗版的有没有专门搞个 ...
huangfachong 发表于 2011-6-22 21:40 
人心不足蛇吞象。 。做游戏的难道就不要吃饭了? |
 | “创建在线信息,成就系统,同步存档。”这个必须是正版上线玩才有吧?我的意思是单机盗版的有没有专门搞个成就系统,比如无损mf次数之类的 |
 | 有没有成就系统?强化RPG色彩 |
 | yxwd5 回复于 2011-06-22 17:28: 这武器也能升级啊,很不错啊。 |
 | 安戴德耐特 回复于 2011-06-22 17:25: 有点像信徒的导入英雄?? |
 | 回复 邪翼
pql1192 发表于 2011-6-22 16:19 
谈不上全新。。重新拼凑然后取个名而已。 |
 | 回复 26# [i]邪翼[/i]
....也就是完全自己造一个新英雄呗...只能用于多人对战? |
 | 这游戏的开发小组,很多部分都不是黑洞的。。
然后保存起来。。 |
 | 不过保存定制英雄是什么意思?指的是解锁英雄还是保存等级和能力啊? |
 | 回复 23# [i]skass[/i]
不是黑洞小组的吗?具体我也不太清楚..不过真的狠像那位光头哥.... |
 | skass 回复于 2011-06-22 13:52: 你们没糊涂吧……制作人是ubi的不是黑洞的…… |
 | 安戴德耐特 回复于 2011-06-22 13:41: 我敢肯定那一只眼睛瞎的圣堂英雄肯定是以黑洞光头制作人为原形来的画...
pql1192 发表于 2011-6-22 13:29 
+1!太像了!这老小子为了上镜不惜以破相为代价... |
 | 我敢肯定那一只眼睛瞎的圣堂英雄肯定是以黑洞光头制作人为原形来的画... |
 | 天空马甲 回复于 2011-06-22 12:37: house这里是家族之类的意思。狮鹫家是公爵,有自己的封地,那段是说slava背后有强大的家族力量,同时有五个 ...
skass 发表于 2011-6-22 12:32 
强大的家族力量是他的支持,五个健康而坚定的孩子是他的臂膀……这样还不错吧 |
 | skass 回复于 2011-06-22 12:32: house这里是家族之类的意思。狮鹫家是公爵,有自己的封地,那段是说slava背后有强大的家族力量,同时有五个子女。h6的猎鹰帝国不是内阁制,地方公爵更加不会自己组阁。我印象里h5的时代依然没有内阁制。 |
 | 天空马甲 回复于 2011-06-22 12:12: [color=DarkOrchid]总之第一个地图是这样……[/color]
Griffin Bane
Raised by his Regent and Aunt, the Necromancer Sveltana, after the death of his father Duke Pavel when he was only a boy, Slava nonetheless managed to grow up a rash but good-natured young man. Taking up the title of Duke of Griffin when he came of age, Slava led a strong House, and has five healthy, determined children who he is certain will do the Griffin name proud.
[color=DarkOrchid]斯拉瓦大公幼年丧父,被摄政的姑母Sveltana 抚养成人。尽管Sveltana 是个亡灵巫师,斯拉瓦还是成长为一个优秀的年轻人——有些鲁莽,但心地善良。当他成年时,他就继承了“狮鹫大公”(Duke of Griffin)的头衔。强大的家族力量是他的支持,五个健康而坚定的孩子是他的臂膀——他坚信这些年轻人不会辱没了狮鹫的姓氏。[/color]
Story: Years have passed since the death of Duke Pavel (Reveal Trailer), killed by Demons summoned by the dying wish of the Orc Shaman Toghrul whose tribe had been slaughtered by the Griffin armies. Now a young man, Pavel`s only son Slave accompanies his aunt, Sveltana (Reveal Trailer), in the mountains of the Griffin Duchy to investigate signs of a new Demon threat.
[color=DarkOrchid]Pavel公爵 曾经血腥地肃清了兽人萨满 Toghrul 的部落,Toghrul 为了复仇,以生命为代价召唤魔鬼杀死了 Pavel公爵 ,这是多年前的事情了。现在 Pavel公爵 的遗孤 斯拉瓦大公 和他的姑母 Sveltana 来到了 Griffin Duchy 山脉,调查一支新的魔鬼军队的动向。 [/color]
Note from Dev Team: This first map will set the story of the father of all the Campaign Heroes. The player will control Duke Slava, a Knight who will investigate strange Demon activities on his lands and befriend Orc warriors led by Kraal. The player will discover and control the first Haven and Orc units as well as learn all the basics of the Heroes game mechanics. His travels will bring him through the Haven plains, as well as the Underground before learning more about the plans of the damned Orc Shaman Toghrul.
[color=DarkOrchid]这张地图由所有战役英雄的父亲出任主演,玩家将控制 Duke Slava (就是斯拉瓦大公……),这位骑士将要启程调查他领土上不寻常的恶魔活动,并和Kraal领导的兽人(Orc)勇士重归于好。玩家将第一次控制圣堂(Haven)和兽人(Orc)单位,同时了解游戏的基本操作技巧。斯拉瓦大公将穿越 Haven平原并深入地下,以了解杀父仇人——该死的兽人萨满 Toghrul 的邪恶计划。[/color]
[color=DarkOrchid]玩够了 别的不翻了[/color] |
 | 天空马甲 回复于 2011-06-22 12:09: Note from Dev Team: This first map will set the story of the father of all the Campaign Heroes. The player will control Duke Slava, a Knight who will investigate strange Demon activities on his lands and befriend Orc warriors led by Kraal. The player will discover and control the first Haven and Orc units as well as learn all the basics of the Heroes game mechanics. His travels will bring him through the Haven plains, as well as the Underground before learning more about the plans of the damned Orc Shaman Toghrul.
[color=DarkOrchid]这张地图由所有战役英雄的父亲出任主演,玩家将控制 Duke Slava (就是斯拉瓦大公……),这位骑士将要启程调查他领土上不寻常的恶魔活动,并和Kraal领导的兽人(Orc)勇士重归于好。玩家将第一次控制圣堂(Haven)和兽人(Orc)单位,同时了解游戏的基本操作技巧。斯拉瓦大公将穿越 Haven平原并深入地下,以了解杀父仇人——该死的兽人萨满 Toghrul 的邪恶计划。[/color] |
 | 聚合点....这名字有点儿奇怪..总的来说就是战网系统呗 |
 | 玩公测要钱不要? |
 | 天空马甲 回复于 2011-06-22 11:53: Story: Years have passed since the death of Duke Pavel (Reveal Trailer), killed by Demons summoned by the dying wish of the Orc Shaman Toghrul whose tribe had been slaughtered by the Griffin armies. Now a young man, Pavel`s only son Slave accompanies his aunt, Sveltana (Reveal Trailer), in the mountains of the Griffin Duchy to investigate signs of a new Demon threat.
[color=DarkOrchid]Pavel公爵 曾经血腥地肃清了兽人萨满 Toghrul 的部落,Toghrul 为了复仇,以生命为代价召唤魔鬼杀死了 Pavel公爵 ,这是多年前的事情了。现在 Pavel公爵 的遗孤 斯拉瓦大公 和他的姑母 Sveltana 来到了 Griffin Duchy 山脉,调查一支新的魔鬼军队的动向。 [/color]
[color=DarkOrchid]a new Demon threat——新的恶魔威胁……想不出好翻译 求替换……
slaughter——屠杀 肃清似乎不太合适……求替换
dying wish——遗愿? 咱翻译成“以生命为代价召唤”应该没差……[/color] |
 | 英语达人啊 |
 | 天空马甲 回复于 2011-06-22 11:33: Griffin Bane
Raised by his Regent and Aunt, the Necromancer Sveltana, after the death of his father Duke Pavel when he was only a boy, Slava nonetheless managed to grow up a rash but good-natured young man. Taking up the title of Duke of Griffin when he came of age, Slava led a strong House, and has five healthy, determined children who he is certain will do the Griffin name proud.
[color=DarkOrchid]斯拉瓦大公(Slava)还是个孩子的时候他的父亲 Pavel公爵 就去世了,他被他的姑母——摄政的亡灵巫师 Sveltana 抚养大。尽管如此, 斯拉瓦大公还是成功的成长为了一个鲁莽但心地善良的年轻人。当他成年时获得了 “狮鹫公爵”的头衔(Duke of Griffin……狮心王...?),他背后有强大的家族支持,还有五个健康坚定的孩子——他坚信这些孩子一定能将“Griffin”这个姓氏发扬光大[/color]
[color=DarkOrchid]↑↑↑以上略废话……不直译的话能舒服点 大概是这样↓ 恩……[/color]
[color=DarkOrchid]斯拉瓦大公幼年丧父,被摄政的姑母Sveltana 抚养成人。尽管Sveltana 是个亡灵巫师,斯拉瓦还是成长为一个优秀的年轻人——有些鲁莽,但心地善良。当他成年时,他就继承了“狮鹫大公”(Duke of Griffin)的头衔。强大的家族力量是他的支持,五个健康而坚定的孩子是他的臂膀——他坚信这些年轻人不会辱没了狮鹫的姓氏。[/color]
[color=DarkOrchid]咱只是实在太无聊了恩 [/color] |
 | 宝物也能升级,不错 |
 | 回复 9# [i]captainlei[/i]
DRM?哪有? |
 | 又见DRM
看来这次不掏银子不行 |
 | 刁民四 回复于 2011-06-22 10:04: 想起H5那个半成品BATA。 |
 | 回复 6# [i]mephisto1987[/i]
神马叫做保护光驱版? |
 | 只要放出程序,可定会有人来破解的,坐等28日保护光驱版 |
 | 回复 4# [i]邪翼[/i]
那我就认了,过两天预购steam dulex edition去.. |
 | 回复 邪翼
想问下版主,这次beta有机会弄出破解版吗?我想和朋友一起研究那幅多人图,但预购好贵 ...
真·Zero 发表于 2011-6-22 08:10 
而且还是这种很多功能都需要联机才能用的。。 |
 | 回复 2# [i]邪翼[/i]
想问下版主,这次beta有机会弄出破解版吗?我想和朋友一起研究那幅多人图,但预购好贵.. |
 | 以下求译
1. Griffin Bane
Raised by his Regent and Aunt, the Necromancer Sveltana, after the death of his father Duke Pavel when he was only a boy, Slava nonetheless managed to grow up a rash but good-natured young man. Taking up the title of Duke of Griffin when he came of age, Slava led a strong House, and has five healthy, determined children who he is certain will do the Griffin name proud.
Story: Years have passed since the death of Duke Pavel (Reveal Trailer), killed by Demons summoned by the dying wish of the Orc Shaman Toghrul whose tribe had been slaughtered by the Griffin armies. Now a young man, Pavel`s only son Slave accompanies his aunt, Sveltana (Reveal Trailer), in the mountains of the Griffin Duchy to investigate signs of a new Demon threat.
Note from Dev Team: This first map will set the story of the father of all the Campaign Heroes. The player will control Duke Slava, a Knight who will investigate strange Demon activities on his lands and befriend Orc warriors led by Kraal. The player will discover and control the first Haven and Orc units as well as learn all the basics of the Heroes game mechanics. His travels will bring him through the Haven plains, as well as the Underground before learning more about the plans of the damned Orc Shaman Toghrul.
2. The Emperor`s Will
Story: Years have passed - Slava has known war against Elves, found and lost love, eventually marrying a daughter of the Stag Duchy and fathering five promising children. Friendship between Slava and Kraal`s Orc remains strong. When the Emperor issues a decree authorizing Slava`s old enemy, Duke Gerhart of the Wolf, to deport the Orcs and claim their lands, Slava doesn`t hesitate to defy the Emperor`s will to defend his friends.
Note from Dev Team: In this second map we discover a Duke Slave older and wiser, ready to defy the Wolf Duchy and the Emperor`s will and to defend his friends the Orcs. The player will be able to carry on his adventure with the already level-up Duke Slava character and learn all the new features available in Heroes VI including the Area of Control, the Dynasty Weapons & Traits, the Town Conversion, the Unique Buildings, etc… The player will also have to defend his town against aggressive Wolf heroes and angry ghosts.
Sword of the Griffin
Forged by the Angel`s greatest Weapon Smiths, the Sword of the Griffin is part of a set of seven remarkable swords. Each of them represents a virtue of Elrath, and they were offered to the leaders of the new nation. The Sword once called the Blade of Revelation was given to the free spirited clan of Griffins in an effort to channel their audacity and courage to a higher calling.
3. The Fury and the Mire
Sewing, music, poetry. Irina, the eldest daughter of Cate and Slava Griffin, could care less about these traditional female pursuits. Instead, falling in with her rough-and-tumble half-brother, Sandor, Irina enjoyed the broadest of possible educations, even convincing House Griffin's Master-of-Arms to teach her the art of swordplay on the sly. Despite her subsequent imprisonment in the Duke of Wolf's fetid dungeons, Irina has no regrets, her pride demanding that she dies rather than apologizes to the tyrant.
Story: Feisty and headstrong, Irina`s already limited tolerance for her assigned role in imperial society was broken the day she was forcibly betrothed to Gerhart, the odious Duke of the Wolf. Imprisoned in the Wolf`s fetid dungeons after maiming Gerhart during their wedding night, Irina was determined to die rather than apologize to the tyrant. But she was freed by Sandor, and they both escaped to the south-eastern islands of the Jade Ocean. Irina finds herself a stranger in a strange land, but with the means to get her revenge on Gerhart and the Holy Emperor himself.
Note from Dev Team: This is the first of the four maps of the Sanctuary campaign and will introduce you to the brand new Sanctuary factions! You have now all the elements in your hand to start exploring this new environment, land of the nagas, and discover their specific units, powers and culture.
Staff of the tides
While Medusae are known to be solitary, they occasionally join pirate crews, or unite to form small sects dedicated to the Wrecker. They can then join their powers to summon tsunamis and tempests to destroy merchant ships and even small coastal villages. The Staff of the Tides once belonged to the headmistress of such a cult. The famous bounty-hunter Hamato was hired to find and destroy the cult and beheaded the Medusa leader, claiming the staff as a trophy along with her head. |