森林狼(Timber Wolf,核心,白),在亚山绝大多数森林中都能找到这些高贵的捕食者;它们的捕猎依赖于速度和狼群战术。和嗜血的恐狼不同,森林狼一向远离人烟,但也有攻击独行旅人的记录(尤其是在缺少猎物的严冬)。狼会对月嚎叫,因此在民间传说和传奇中它们往往被认为是亚莎的仆从。
Inhabitating most of the forests of Ashan, these noble predators use their speed and pack tactics to hunt. Contrary to the bloodthirsty Dire Wolves, Timber Wolves usually stay away from people, but have been known to attack lonely travelers, especially during harsh winters when game becomes rare. Wolves howl at the moon, and are thus often believed to be servants of Asha in folklore and legends.
恐狼(Dire Wolf,精英,黑),在神圣帝国的疆域上,恐狼是原野中最可怕的捕食者。苍狼公国的铁血战士们选择了这些嗜血的野兽作为他们的纹章;同时他们也懂得如何将它们训练成有力(虽然有时不太可靠)的猎手——以及战士。
In the Holy Empire, Dire Wolves are among the most feared predators of the wild. The ruthless warriors of the Wolf Duchy have chosen this bloodthirsty beast as their blazon animal, and they have learned to train them into efficient, if somewhat unreliable companions for their hunting parties, and of course, for war.