火元素(Fire Elemental,精英),当火焰龙神阿尔卡斯的的愤怒强烈到击穿了火元素位面和亚山世界的障壁的时候,暴躁的火元素便会从这种愤怒所产生的元素魔潮中生发而出。他们中的大多数产生于自发的森林山火之中,而另一些则来自巨大的熔岩流、或者火山爆发。在亚山地壳深处临近谢尔戈之门的地方所产生的火元素较不稳定,而且经常为混沌之龙鄂加斯的影响所污染;而在虔敬阿尔卡斯的家庭的炉火中或是矮人符文牧师的祈祷所点亮的火盆里,同样也会产生火元素。矮人铁匠们经常召唤火元素来协助他们铸造传说中的武器和护甲。
When the anger of Arkath, the Dragon-God of Fire, grows great enough that it breaks the barrier between the Elemental Plane of Fire and the world of Ashan, this rage can create a wave of elemental magic that generates rash and ill-tempered Fire Elementals. The intensity and cause of the fire determine to an extent the personality and power of the Elemental. Most are born from spontaneous forest fires, others from unusual flows of lava, or volcanic eruptions. Fire Elementals born deep in the bowels of Ashan, near the gates leading to Sheogh, are unstable and occasionally contaminated by the influence of Urgash, the Dragon of Chaos. A Fire Elemental can also rise up from the hearth of a household devoted to Arkath, or a sacred brazier lit by the prayers of a Dwarven Rune Priest. Dwarven smiths often summon Fire Elementals to help them in the forging of their legendary weapons and armour.