英雄介绍#亡灵#Sir Jaywoods#Scatha
来源:Facebook@Week of the Tavern Heroes
在24岁那年,斯嘉萨受到了亚山最强的武器大师之一的魔刃Deras Ban的要求,离开图德哈娜王国前往七城学习剑术。作为学生她表现优异;然而在她的女王受到神圣猎鹰帝国攻击的时候她中止了学业。钟爱着这名学生的Deras Ban让她藏身于他的家乡Al-Betyl,以防最高法师联席会议为了向Liam皇帝示好而逮捕她。在隐藏于Al-Betyl的奢华阁楼的那段日子里,斯嘉萨被拜蜘蛛神后教征服了。关于她的皈依到现在为止都疑云重重,但她的虔诚和娜姆塔茹蛛母与亡灵法师斯维尔塔娜对她的信任都是有目共睹的。
Scatha left the kingdom of Tuidhana at the age of twenty-four to study the way of the sword in the Seven Cities at the invitation of the Mageblade Deras Ban, one of the greatest weapon masters in Ashan. She was a brilliant student and studied up until the time her queen was attacked by the Holy Falcon Empire. Deras Ban, extremely fond of his prize student, sent her into hiding in his native city, Al-Betyl, fearing that the High Mages of the Seven Cities would side with Emperor Liam, and that she would be imprisonned as a sign of good faith. While hiding in a luxurious cellar in Al-Betyl, Scatha became aquainted with the cult of the Spider Goddess. There is a great deal of mystery around her conversion, but she is devout and trusted by both the Mother Namtaru and the Necromancer Sveltana.
Agony Master (Hero starts with the Agony ability, with efficiency bonus)
Sir Jaywoods, formerly a knight of the Unicorn Duchy, would tell you that he chose to become a Vampire because there`s more life in half-dozen ghosts than a hundred living, breathing townsfolk, and the truth of the matter is not far off. Sir Jaywoods is obsessed with the future, a fascination that was sparked by his father`s passion for history. He wants to know who will rule Ashan in five hundred years, what the constant discoveries of arcane magic might bring, and whether there will always be space for chivalrous men such as himself. Becoming an immortal Vampire was one way to find out. He wagers that life will remain cruel and bloodied whatever the age, but he`s happy to hunt Demons while he waits to find out.
Enlightened (Hero starts with the Enlightenment ability, with efficiency bonus)