英雄介绍#圣堂#Lord Haart#Eileen
来源:Facebook@Week of the Tavern Heroes
作为雄鹿家族的门徒,罗德-哈特从很小的时候就开始崭露头角,年仅十三岁时就以Kieran领主扈从的身份参加了精灵战争。在Kieran领主神秘失踪之后,罗德-哈特更加专注自身剑术的修习,成为了走遍了整个公国的最年轻的骑士,不用说也是最勇敢的一个。有传言说,当这位久负盛名的骑士对于他在精灵战争的经历保持沉默,从而遭到了不羁的旅店老板Bardon Fleece的嘲笑时,哈特帮他换了一身行头,只不过他是在三步之外用剑梢做到的。(注:Lord是领主的意思,这里用罗德-哈特是遵从H3)
A protegee of the House of Stag, Lord Haart showed his mettle from a young age, fighting as Lord Kieran`s squire during the Elven Wars when he was only thirteen winters old. After Lord Kieran`s mysterious disappearance, Lord Haart dedicated himself even more fully to the ways of the sword, becoming the youngest Knight to ever walk the entire Duchy. Not to mention one of the bravest. Gossip has it that when the rambunctious innkeep, Bardon Fleece, mocked the renowned Knight for his reticence in discussing his experiences during the Elven Wars, Lord Haart gave him an impromtu change of dress -with the tip of his blade from three paces.
Natural Born Leader (Hero starts with +4 Leadership)
Lady Eileen first became famous for bringing identical triplets into the world. This miraculous blessing from Elrath was soon defiled as her three sons were captured by mercenaries seeking ransom, and held captive for seven years. During this period where Emperor Liam himself offered a tremendous reward for the children`s return, Eileen turned to Elrath for guidance and became an extremely devout priestess. Upon the return of her children and the beheading of their captors, her sons were far from the gentle Angels that she had once known and were sent to the schools of the inquisitors for a desperate reeducation. Eileen continues to see them regularly, but she relies more on prayers to Elrath and the education of the church for their upbringing than her personal attention. Eileen`s secret rage at the turn of fate in her life, has given her an extremely pragmatic if not expediant(呃,expedient? ) sense of justice.
Sister Master (production of Sisters and Vestals is increased by 6 per week)