Often jokingly described as the offspring of a toad and a turtle, Kappas are in truthminor Water Spirits linked to the rivers and lakes, bound to a material shape by their alliance with the Naga priesthood. Travelers from other lands oftenmake fun of the Kappa`s appearance and demeanor, but the Nagas know better and never underestimate the martial talents of these strange creatures. The Kappa Shoya is the upgraded Kappa.
注:这里的Shoya的意思似乎应该是日本江户时代的村长的名称,英文描述大约为Village headman,日文说法大概是庄屋,しょうや,しょ(syo)う(u)や(ya) ,庄屋(名主,村长)、组头(年寄,村干部)、百姓代(村民代表)是江户时代的地方三役。顺便,初夜(しょや)的日文读音也是shoya……
以及魔法门编年史卷三(英文)。游侠的40040328做的水族原画剪纸版本。Paul Anthony Romero又在youtube上传了一段音乐视频,youku点这里。