| 这就是蛋嘛~ |
| 这就是爱嘛…… |
| 是啊。。DND类型的游戏最大的特点是说明书我要看一个星期,理解一个星期,应用一个星期,找一个星期的漏洞。
一个月过去了 |
| 酒馆老板小声说道:是你要玩游戏,不要让游戏玩你 |
| 两个制作组互相冲突是常事,反正h5的背景 剧情看了完全没印象。。。 |
| skass 回复于 2011-01-27 00:42: 如果要拿一般的女神对应法,是朔月对应少女(珀尔塞福涅或者阿尔忒密斯),中女(中妇)对应满月(朱诺(赫拉)),老妪对应黑月(月蚀或者月晦)(赫卡忒),其中泊尔塞福涅和赫卡忒都是冥府女神,也就是说都和死亡有关系,相应的,还和新生、重生有关系。sprial塔罗的设计就采用了这种观念。(而且作者特意把赫卡忒化成一手持镰刀,一手持蛛网的死神形象)
有谁记得英雄交锋里fiona的那个复活仪式?我记得就是和月亮有关系,好像是新月祭 |
| 皓月圣母、瞽晦室女, 朔蛛女皇
长女(白),少女(灰),中女(黑) |
| skass 回复于 2011-01-26 22:21: 刚想起来,最厚道的是us-games,他们出塔罗牌,说明书分量十足,不需要另外购置大块头的说明书。最不厚道的意大利人的lascrabo公司,说明书就是一茶几…… |
| 设定这种蛋疼货,你不去嚼,它就不存在~
继续等着看AI算法和地图编辑器。 |
| skass 回复于 2011-01-26 22:00:
phinex 发表于 2011-1-26 21:47
我就是说,关心有几个月亮这种事太奇怪了。h5的亡灵城堡可以看到大小不同的三个月亮,现在又变成只有一个月亮 然后官方又如此顺手的抛出来一套月相崇拜系统。他们难道就不能省事一点,学习一下卢埃林公司,厚道一点,出游戏的时候附带一本设定书什么的一次说清楚,不要每次都改口好不好 而且问游戏发生时间我也不太理解,因为这个更是可以随便说的……
现在游戏背景,你不要说游戏机制,就连正经的游戏剧情都没怎么说。光是一堆看起来很有嚼头的设定,亡灵起源和社会结构直接涉及了古希腊和埃及的密教崇拜、三相说、二元论、炼金术、蜘蛛崇拜、冥神信仰、一些很眼熟的神秘主义,恶魔的设定在极尽可能的让人联想酒神和他的祭司……总之可以让人有无限联想,但是完全就是逗你玩……就好比有个网络小说作者,在书的前半部分写了近几万字的设定,然后正文只有两千字…… |
问不问在人,爱答不答 问问题并不一定是想要得到回答。至少我还从来没要求我问的问题一定得回答,不回答就不行。但是我想问的话,我肯定会问。
你应该说:不要对游戏机制发问,问点无关紧要的~~也可以去试试 ...
skass 发表于 2011-1-26 21:43
即使问了,也没答案,所以就不放出来了 |
| skass 回复于 2011-01-26 21:43:
phinex 发表于 2011-1-26 21:38
问不问在人,爱答不答 问问题并不一定是想要得到回答。至少我还从来没要求我问的问题一定得回答,不回答就不行。但是我想问的话,我肯定会问。
你应该说:不要对游戏机制发问,问点无关紧要的~~也可以去试试看。 |
| 我倒是真佩服提这些诸如“”时间是啥时候,有几个月亮,地图上还有什么地区“之类问题的,真是铁杆粉丝,问这做什么嘛=3=这就好比问明星的真实年龄,然后人家一口气给你报好几个。
skass 发表于 2011-1-26 21:29
你去问h6游戏机制试试,看看谁答你 |
| skass 回复于 2011-01-26 21:29: 我倒是真佩服提这些诸如“”时间是啥时候,有几个月亮,地图上还有什么地区“之类问题的,真是铁杆粉丝,问这做什么嘛=3=这就好比问明星的真实年龄,然后人家一口气给你报好几个。 |
| 所以这个问答就完全围绕lore打转,对游戏机制一律比绕不谈? |
| 出来了码? |
| 就是知道了一个月亮 |
| skass 回复于 2011-01-26 18:22: 技能截图是没有的,技能列表倒是有
phinex 发表于 2011-1-26 18:13
其实据说黄石火山快爆了,也许都等不到h6了 |
| 技能截图是没有的,技能列表倒是有 |
| skass 回复于 2011-01-26 18:13:
邪翼 发表于 2011-1-26 18:02
有图和没图一个样……有啥错不错= =
话说有没有人觉得那个刑魔长得超级像食人花…… |
| skass 回复于 2011-01-26 18:02: 太阳神崇拜不是全世界都有嘛。连佛教的阿弥陀佛、大日如来、日月遍照菩萨都脱离不了这种天体崇拜的联系……
对了,话说既然月亮是神,那嘛太阳到底是爱诗阿创造的还是果然是个神? |
顺便继续bs官方的无料图,敢不敢放技能截图= =
另外别对照着看就不会纠结了。 |
| 看来太阳才是最牛的神嘛 |
| skass 回复于 2011-01-26 17:48: 生命—Life,洁白圣母(White Mother),象征为满月;
命运—Destiny,盲眼仕女(Blind Maiden),象征为其它形态的,盈亏中的月亮
建议改成皓月圣母、瞽晦室女,蜘蛛女皇如果要排队型,建议 变成 朔蛛女皇
顺便继续bs官方的无料图,敢不敢放技能截图= = |
| 关于月亮,在亡灵城镇里看的话,不是有三个么?
然后一直很纳闷,既然是月蚀,那为什么5当初的宣传片中是日蚀?(是日蚀吧?就是有个角魔跳出来那段) |
| 1. How much time passes between the M&M Heroes V games? Like how much time passes in each game, how much time passes between the end of H5 and the beginning of HoF, etc. How many years pass total between the beginning of H5 to the end of ToE?
The essential dates to remember, and what is really important in the big picture, is the time that passes between the end of the original H5 game (YSD 969) and the beginning of Dark Messiah (YSD 990). Those twenty years are the period in which Sareth, son of Queen Isabel and Kha-Beleth, who is the potential Dark Messiah, grows up.
2. What happens to the Sylvan faction after their High King Alaron dies? Who takes charge of Irollan?
Findan, due to his exemplary conduct during Queen Isabel's War, is appointed regent. It is a safe choice, as he has never coveted the throne and his integrity is unquestioned. Thus, it will lie to him to decide how the next ruler and ruling clan will be selected. This is a separate episode in the history of Irollan.
3.What are other Dark Elf Clans exist besides Shadowbrand, Soulscar and Nightshard? And what are other Free Cities exist besides Stonehelm?
Further details of the Dark Elves are planned to be unveiled in future episodes, so we would rather not give out that information right now.
Other notable Free Cities include Foster's Reach, Listmoor, Eridan Crossing, and Karthal. And there is another one that the community will learn more about over the coming months...
4. Are there really 3 moons in Ashan? If so, which one is the Primordial Dragon Asha buried in? Can all 3 open the gate to the demon prison during eclipse?
Ashan has only a single moon where Asha lives to overlook her creation.
The moon is in fact a cocoon that Asha wove around herself to heal and rest after the Dragon Wars.
However, this moon, like ours, has several phases, and the people of Ashan consider that, like Asha, it has three main aspects, or “faces”.
1) The face of Death (the Spider Queen), symbolized by the New Moon
2) The face of Life (the White Mother), symbolized by the Full Moon
3) The face of Destiny (the Blind Maiden), symbolized by the Changing Moon (waxing, waning, crescent, half, etc. - all the potentialities of existence)
As the moon is Asha’s realm, within Ashan’s fiery core is Urgash’s prison.
A Blood Moon Eclipse is a time when the planet Ashan blocks the sun's rays from striking the moon; Asha is thus “eclipsed” by Urgash. |