来源:Stronghold Warrior concept arts
在帕欧岛(Pao islands)的兽人中,斑豹战士(Jaguar Warrior)是最精锐的狂暴战士。他们是整个兽族中最高大、最健壮、也是最易怒的一群。要成为一位斑豹战士,一名兽人勇士必须先空手杀死岛上最凶猛的捕食者之一——剑齿豹。毋庸多言,斑豹战士的面具下必然是在这生死交关的仪式里留下的无以计数的疤痕。在战斗中,他们狂暴而奋不顾身地冲进敌群,用他们黑曜石的爪子撕裂一切。斑豹战士经常充当兽人酋长和萨满中最强大者的荣誉近卫。黑豹战士(Panther Warrior)是斑豹战士的进阶形态。
Among the Pao islands` Orcs, the Jaguae Warriors are elite berserkers. Of their people, they are the tallest, the strongest and the meanest. To become a Jaguar Warrior, an Orc brave must first kill a saber-toothed jaguar, one of the fiercest predators of the islands, with his bare hands. Needless to say, the mask of a Jaguar Warrior often hides numerous scars earned during this perilous rite of passage. In combat, they rush violently and blindly into the enemy, raking with their obsidian claws. Jaguar Warriors are often used as honor guard by the greatest Orc chieftains and shamans.The Panther Warrior is the upgraded Jagua Warrior.