失落传说 — 重塑魔法

录入:EvilP 作者: 翻译:
录入时间:2021-06-08 19:42:45 最后修改时间:2021-06-09 20:15:51

The Lost Tales of Axeoth: Unity

The Reckoning not only threw civilization into chaos, but the study of magic as well. Many of the spell libraries on Erathia were destroyed before their contents could be saved. Many Wizards who attempted to gather the books took too much time and died. Untold centuries of knowledge was lost. An organized effort to collect and rewrite the lost spells from the memories of those magic users who survived is being met with a little resistance. Few sorcerers want to give up their precious spell books for such a cause, so the process is slow and painful.

Too slow for Genevieve Seymour.



秩序群岛 - The Isle of Order


Genevieve and Pherlon embark on a journey to the Broken Isles in search for a greater understanding of magic. Genevieve knows in her heart that in the past magic users have forced magic into an unnatural organization based on the elements. There must be another way, and Genevieve is determined to discover it.


生命群岛 - The Isle of Life


A tremendous storm sweeps out of nowhere, damaging Pherlon's ship, the Stormwatcher, before she's able to bring it into the gentle lagoon of one of the Broken Isles. Genevieve suspects magic is behind the storm, but who is behind that magic is still a mystery.


自然群岛 - The Isle of Nature

Fleeing sea serpents, the Stormwatcher hides in a shallow bay on one of the Broken Isles. A Wizard with a powerful command over the element of water demands Genevieve's surrender or in two months he will raise a tidal wave that will destroy the entire island. Unless Genevieve can find a way to stop the Water Wizard, they are all dead.


混沌之岛 - The Isle of Mayhem

The Stormwatcher approaches the shores of the infamous Isle of Mayhem where numerous ships have disappeared. Genevieve hopes to learn something about the Chaos Magic here on this treacherous island, but one of the elemental Wizards has come here as well.


死亡群岛 - The Isle of Death

The Isle of DeathGenevieve lands in the middle of an island swarming with the Undead to investigate the final form of Unity Magic called Death Magic. Meanwhile, Pherlon sails toward this dead island to come to her aid because the two surviving elemental Wizards have come here to stop her.
