英雄特技 - Specialization
录入时间:2015-10-06 00:02:54 最后修改时间:2015-10-06 00:02:54
图标 | 名称 | 城主 | 类型 | 描述 |
Gladiator 角斗士 | / | 指数奖励 | 英雄力量+4。 The hero has %stat Might. | |
Painless 不痛不痒 | / | 指数奖励 | 英雄防御+4。 The hero has %stat Defence. | |
Spellweaver 织咒者 | / | 指数奖励 | 英雄魔力+4。 The hero has %stat Magic. | |
Spirit Walker 灵魂行者 | / | 指数奖励 | 英雄魔法值上限+60。 The hero has %stat maximum Mana. | |
Natural Born Leader 天生领袖 | / | 指数奖励 | 英雄领导力(士气)+10。 The hero has %stat Leadership. | |
Acolyte of Fortune 命运门徒 | / | 指数奖励 | 英雄天命(幸运)+10。 The hero has %stat Destiny. | |
Imperial Presence 皇家风采 | / | 指数奖励 | 英雄领导力(士气)+5,防御+2。 Hero starts with %stat1 Leadership and %stat2 Defence. | |
Son of the Wolf 恶狼之子 | / | 指数奖励 | 英雄领导力(士气)+5。 Hero starts with %stat Leadership. | |
Spirit Channeler 通灵者 | / | 指数奖励 | 英雄每日恢复12点额外法力。 The hero regenerates additional %stat.norm Mana per day. | |
Pugnacious 争强好斗 | / | 指数奖励 | 英雄的直接攻击增加4点每英雄等级。 The hero attack deals additional %stat1 damage per hero level. | |
Eagle Eye 鹰眼 | / | 指数奖励 | 英雄的视野增加2格。 The hero starts with %stat Scouting Radius. | |
Centurion 百夫长 | 城主 | 兵种特长 | 城主:英雄主管的城镇范围内哨卫和军团卫产量+11。 Governor: %buff1.buff.stat Sentinel and Legionnaire growth in the town`s area of control. | |
Beast Tamer 训兽师 | 城主 | 兵种特长 | 城主:英雄主管的城镇范围内恐狼和银背狼产量+5。 Governor: %buff1.buff.stat Dire Wolf and Silverback growth in the town`s area of control. | |
Justicar Captain 诛罪官队长 | 城主 | 兵种特长 | 城主:英雄主管的城镇范围内监察官和诛罪官产量+2。 Governor: %buff1.buff.stat Guardian and Justicar growth in the town`s area of control. | |
Cavalry Officer 骑兵军官 | 城主 | 兵种特长 | 城主:英雄主管的城镇范围内骑兵和重骑兵产量+1。 Governor: %buff1.buff.stat Cavalier and Cuirassier growth in the town`s area of control. | |
Swordmaster's Commander 剑圣指挥官 | 城主 | 兵种特长 | 城主:英雄主管的城镇范围内龙力剑士和卓绝剑士产量+1。 Governor: %buff1.buff.stat Landsknecht and Swordmaster growth in the town`s area of control. | |
Cabir Leader 精怪领导 | 城主 | 兵种特长 | 城主:英雄主管的城镇范围内火精怪和炎精怪产量+8。 Governor: %buff1.buff.stat Cabir and Cabir Master growth in the town`s area of control. | |
Golem Builder 魔像建造者 | 城主 | 兵种特长 | 城主:英雄主管的城镇范围内魔像和砂岩魔像产量+4。 Governor: %buff1.buff.stat Golem and Sandstone Golem growth in the town`s area of control. | |
Apprentice Trainer 学徒训练师 | 城主 | 兵种特长 | 城主:英雄主管的城镇范围内法师学徒和法师门徒产量+2。 Governor: %buff1.buff.stat Apprentice and Disciple growth in the town`s area of control. | |
Rakshasa Officer 罗刹指挥官 | 城主 | 兵种特长 | 城主:英雄主管的城镇范围内罗刹和罗刹王产量+2。 Governor: %buff1.buff.stat Rakshasa and Rakshasa Raja growth in the town`s area of control. | |
Skeleton Master 骷髅主宰 | 城主 | 兵种特长 | 城主:英雄主管的城镇范围内骸骨士卒和骸骨甲兵产量+13。 Governor: %buff1.buff.stat Skeleton and Skeleton Hoplite growth in the town`s area of control. | |
Ghost Caller 幽魂召唤师 | 城主 | 兵种特长 | 城主:英雄主管的城镇范围内幽魂和哀魂产量+9。 Governor: %buff1.buff.stat Ghost and Banshee growth in the town`s area of control. | |
Spider Tamer 蜘蛛训师 | 城主 | 兵种特长 | 城主:英雄主管的城镇范围内黑檀蛛和织死蛛产量+5。 Governor: %buff1.buff.stat Ebon Spider and Death Spider growth in the town`s area of control. | |
Lich Scholar 尸巫学者 | 城主 | 兵种特长 | 城主:英雄主管的城镇范围内尸巫和大尸巫产量+2。 Governor: %buff1.buff.stat Lich and Archlich growth in the town`s area of control. | |
Vampire General 吸血鬼将军 | 城主 | 兵种特长 | 城主:英雄主管的城镇范围内吸血鬼和吸血鬼爵士产量+1。 Governor: %buff1.buff.stat Vampire and Vampire Lord growth in the town`s area of control. | |
Reaper of Souls 夺魂之镰 | 城主 | 兵种特长 | 城主:英雄主管的城镇范围内惊魂幽骑和掠魂死镰产量+1。 Governor: %buff1.buff.stat Grim Rider and Grim Reaper growth in the town`s area of control. | |
Gnoll Chieftain 豺狼人酋长 | 城主 | 兵种特长 | 城主:英雄主管的城镇范围内豺狼人和豺狼人猎手产量+12。 Governor: %buff1.buff.stat Gnoll and Gnoll Hunter growth in the town`s area of control. | |
Orc General 兽人将军 | 城主 | 兵种特长 | 城主:英雄主管的城镇范围内暴行兵和碎击兵产量+6。 Governor: %buff1.buff.stat Brute and Crusher growth in the town`s area of control. | |
Wyvern Tamer 飞龙训师 | 城主 | 兵种特长 | 城主:英雄主管的城镇范围内沙漠飞龙和毒液飞龙产量+3。 Governor: %buff1.buff.stat Sand Wyvern and Venomous Wyvern growth in the town`s area of control. | |
Centaur Chieftain 半人马酋长 | 城主 | 兵种特长 | 城主:英雄主管的城镇范围内半人马和半人马掠夺者产量+3。 Governor: %buff1.buff.stat Centaur and Centaur Marauder growth in the town`s area of control. | |
Pixie Enchanter 花精术师 | 城主 | 兵种特长 | 城主:英雄主管的城镇范围内花精和花妖产量+10。 Governor: %buff1.buff.stat Pixie and Sprite growth in the town`s area of control. | |
Dryad Conjurer 林妖召唤师 | 城主 | 兵种特长 | 城主:英雄主管的城镇范围内林妖和橡木林妖产量+10。 Governor: %buff1.buff.stat Dryad and Oak Dryad growth in the town`s area of control. | |
Druid Grand Master 德鲁伊宗师 | 城主 | 兵种特长 | 城主:英雄主管的城镇范围内德鲁伊和德鲁伊长老产量+3。 Governor: %buff1.buff.stat Druid and Druid Elder growth in the town`s area of control. | |
Blade Dancer Leader 剑舞者领袖 | 城主 | 兵种特长 | 城主:英雄主管的城镇范围内剑舞者和剑舞大师产量+2。 Governor: %buff1.buff.stat Blade Dancer and Blade Master growth in the town`s area of control. | |
Stalker Officer 追猎者军官 | 城主 | 兵种特长 | 城主:英雄主管的城镇范围内追猎者和追迹者产量+10。 Governor: %buff1.buff.stat Stalker and Tracker growth in the town`s area of control. | |
Assassin Mentor 刺客导师 | 城主 | 兵种特长 | 城主:英雄主管的城镇范围内刺客和暗影产量+10。 Governor: %buff1.buff.stat Assassin and Shade growth in the town`s area of control. | |
Strider Blacksmith 挺进者匠师 | 城主 | 兵种特长 | 城主:英雄主管的城镇范围内挺进者和离魂者产量+2。 Governor: %buff1.buff.stat Strider and Soulless growth in the town`s area of control. | |
Minotaur General 牛头人将军 | 城主 | 兵种特长 | 城主:英雄主管的城镇范围内牛头人和牛头人守卫产量+1。 Governor: %buff1.buff.stat Minotaur and Minotaur Guard growth in the town`s area of control. | |
Father of Golems 魔像发明者 | 城主 | 兵种特长 | 城主:英雄主管的城镇范围内魔像和砂岩魔像产量+3,石像怪和黑矅石像怪产量+6。 Governor: %buff1.buff.stat Golem and Sandstone Golem growth in the town`s area of control. %buff2.buff.stat Gargoyle and Obsidian Gargoyle growth in the town`s area of control. | |
Djinn Spirit Link 灯神灵链 | 城主 | 兵种特长 | 城主:英雄主管的城镇范围内灯神和通法灯神产量+1。英雄精神+4。 %stat Spirit. Governor: %buff1.buff.stat Djinn and Djinn Channeler growth in the town`s area of control. | |
Cyclops Master 独眼主宰 | 城主 | 兵种特长 | 英雄麾下的独眼和怒目独眼攻防各+8。 %buff.buff.stat1 Attack and %buff.buff.stat2 Defence for Cyclops and Enraged Cyclops in the hero`s army. | |
Sea Warfare 海战专家 | / | 兵种特长 | 英雄麾下的猎手、德鲁伊、剑舞者及其升级模式获得船战能力。 All Hunters, Druids, Blade Dancers and their upgrades controlled by the hero gain the %spell1.name ability. | |
Ghost Conjurer 唤灵师 | / | 兵种特长 | 本方幽魂和哀魂在攻击非亡灵和构装生物时,如果至少杀死一个,则会数量增加1个,可以超过原始数量。 Whenever a friendly Ghost or Banshee kills at least one creature that isn`t Undead or Construct its stack size grows by %spell.spell.buff.buff.special. | |
Insatiable Thirst 无尽饥渴 | / | 兵种特长 | 英雄麾下的吸血鬼和吸血鬼爵士的吸血能力从50%增加到75%。 The Life Drain ability of Vampires and Vampire Lords in the hero`s army regenerates 75% of the damage they deal as Health instead of half the damage. | |
Kobold Elder 地鼠长老 | / | 兵种特长 | 英雄麾下的地鼠探子和地鼠斥候+15的士气和幸运。 Kobold Scouts and Kobold Pathfinders in the hero`s army have %buff.buff.stat1 Luck and %buff.buff.stat2 Morale. | |
Shieldmaiden 执盾仕女 | / | 兵种特长 | 戍卫和盾卫被敌方兵种攻击时不会受到“无法行动”类的效果。 Defenders and Shieldguards in the hero`s army cannot get Incapacitated from any creature attack. | |
Feral Child 熊孩子 | / | 兵种特长 | 英雄麾下的战熊和黑熊的兵种特长在近战和远程攻击中均会被触发。 The abilities of Bears and Black Bears in the hero`s army trigger on both, being attacked in melee and on range. | |
Vikingr 维京海盗 | / | 兵种特长 | 英雄军队中的所有戍卫、地鼠探子、符文祭司以及升级形态获得“海战”能力。 All Defenders, Kobold Scouts, Rune Priest, and their respective upgrades in the hero`s army gain the %spell1.name creature ability. | |
Archery Master 箭术专长 | / | 力量技能 | 英雄初始就拥有新手级『进攻术』主技能和『箭无虚发』能力。 The hero starts with the Offense skill on novice rank and the %spell1.name ability. | |
Artillery Master 炮术专长 | / | 力量技能 | 英雄初始就拥有新手级『军备学』主技能和『强化耐久』能力。附送本族远程攻击类军备单位。 The hero starts with a warfare unit, the Warfare skill on novice rank and the %spell1.name ability. | |
Catalyst 源介专长 | / | 力量技能 | 英雄初始就拥有新手级『源力魔法』主技能和『魔力焕发』能力。 The hero starts with the Prime magic skill on novice rank and the %spell1.name ability. | |
Enlightened 启蒙专长 | / | 力量技能 | 英雄初始就拥有新手级『典范学』主技能和『启蒙导师』能力。 The hero starts with the Paragon skill on novice rank and the %spell1.name ability. | |
Explorer 探索专长 | / | 力量技能 | 英雄初始就拥有新手级『探索术』主技能和『根生土长』能力。 The hero starts with the Exploration skill on novice rank and the %spell1.name ability. | |
Frenzy 狂乱专长 | / | 力量技能 | 英雄初始就拥有新手级『进攻术』主技能和『好勇斗狠』能力。 The hero starts with the Offense skill on novice rank and the %spell1.name ability. | |
Lucky 幸运专长 | / | 力量技能 | 英雄初始就拥有新手级『天命学』主技能和『旅者之幸』能力。 The hero starts with the Destiny skill on novice rank and the %spell1.name ability. | |
Master Builder 建筑专长 | / | 力量技能 | 英雄初始就拥有新手级『经济学』主技能和『建筑行家』能力。 The hero starts with the Economy skill on novice rank and the %spell1.name ability. | |
Master of Warcries 战嚎专长 | / | 力量技能 | 英雄初始就拥有新手级『战嚎』主技能和『重兵压上』能力。 The hero starts with the Warcries skill on novice rank and the %spell1.name ability. | |
Plenipotentiary 协调专长 | / | 力量技能 | 英雄初始就拥有新手级『外交术』主技能和『必要之盟』能力。 The hero starts with the Diplomacy skill on novice rank and the %spell1.name ability. | |
Protector 守卫专长 | / | 力量技能 | 英雄初始就拥有新手级『防御术』主技能和『保家卫国』能力。 The hero starts with the Defence skill on novice rank and the %spell1.name ability. | |
Tactician 战术专长 | / | 力量技能 | 英雄初始就拥有新手级『领导术』主技能和『排兵布阵』能力。 The hero starts with the Leadership skill on novice rank and the %spell1.name ability. | |
Treasure Hunter 寻宝专长 | / | 力量技能 | 英雄初始就拥有新手级『天命学』主技能和『寻宝大师』能力。 The hero starts with the Destiny skill on novice rank and the %spell1.name ability. | |
Vitality 活力专长 | / | 力量技能 | 英雄初始就拥有新手级『防御术』主技能和『身强体壮』能力。 The hero starts with the Defence skill on novice rank and the %spell1.name ability. | |
Seafarer 航海专长 | / | 力量技能 | 英雄初始就拥有新手级『探索术』主技能和『船舶领航』能力。 The hero starts with the Exploration skill on novice rank and the Navigation ability. | |
Backstab 背刺 | / | 力量技能 | 本方兵种的侧击伤害加成+15%。 Friendly creatures` full flanking damage bonus is increased by %buff1.buff.stat.norm percentage points. | |
Cautious 小心翼翼 | / | 力量技能 | 本方部分如果移动后没有攻击自动进入防御状态。 Any friendly creature that only moved without attacking during its turn also defends automatically. | |
Chef 主厨 | / | 力量技能 | 本方的活体生物士气+5,在每回合结束时回复10点生命。 Friendly living creatures regenerate %d.min Health at the end of each combat round. Friendly living creatures get %buff.buff.stat Morale. | |
Namtaru Caller 蛛女召唤者 | / | 力量技能 | 英雄开始就有军备单位娜姆塔茹,等级状态为满级5级。 The hero starts with a Namtaru unit. The Namtaru unit is considered maximum level for this hero. | |
Ballista Commander 弩车指挥官 | / | 力量技能 | 英雄初始就携带圣堂弩车,并且弩车攻击力+10。 The hero starts with a Haven ballista unit. Haven ballista in this hero`s army get %buff.buff.stat Attack. | |
Vestal 女神官 | / | 兵种特长 | 英雄初始就携带修女,修女会治疗所有临近的本方单位。 The hero starts with a Healing Sister unit. Healing Sisters in the hero`s army also heal all friendly units next to its target. | |
Hotheaded 急性子 | / | 力量技能 | 英雄初始就携带精灵弩车,并且弩车主动性+10。所有本方单位第一回合主动性+10。 The hero starts with a Sylvan ballista. Sylvan ballista in the hero`s army get %buff1.buff.stat Initiative. All friendly units get %buff2.buff.stat Initiative in the first combat round. | |
Ingineer 工程师 | / | 力量技能 | 英雄初始就携带符文石和矮人弩车,如果英雄没有辅助和攻击军备单位或者战时损毁,战后会自动补足。 The hero starts with a Rune Stone and a Dwarven Ballista. As long as the hero doesn`t own a support or attack warfare unit at the end of any battle he receives the corresponding Dwarven unit. | |
Chosen of Death 死神选民 | / | 其它 | 每当本方有一支部队全灭时,其它本方部队获得攻击+5的状态,效果持续3回合。 When a friendly creature is destroyed, all other friendly creatures get %buff1.buff.buff.buff.stat Attack for %buff1.buff.buff.buff.durini turns. | |
Soulvenom Aura 魂鸩光环 | / | 其它 | 所有敌方部队在开始行动时受到40点土属性伤害。 All enemy creatures receive %buff1.buff.d.min Earth poison damage at the start of their turns in combat. | |
Pathfinder 寻路者 | / | 其它 | 英雄在恶劣地形的移动额外消耗减少20%。 Reduces the penalty for moving on rough terrain by X%. | |
Delver of the Royal Purse 皇室钱包 | / | 其它 | 每天金币+350。 The hero provides %special Gold per day to this kingdom. | |
Black Marketeer 黑市商人 | / | 其它 | 英雄每天提供随机一种稀有资源1份。 The hero provides 1 random rare resource per day to this kingdom. | |
Charismatic 魅力四射 | / | 其它 | 野兵加入英雄的几率增加10%,外交成功后所需的金币减少10%。 %stat1.norm higher chance that neutral armies offer to join the hero. Neutral armies ask for %stat2.norm less Gold when they offer to join the hero. | |
Marauder 掠夺者 | / | 其它 | 英雄从掠夺中获得的资源翻倍。 The hero gains twice the amount of resources from plundering. | |
Fireheart 火焰之心 | / | 魔法特长 | 英雄在使用火系魔法后会在本回合获得第二次行动机会,第二次行动中施放的魔法效果会按-20魔力计算。 After the hero cast a fire spell in combat he gets a second turn for this combat round. Spell cast in this second turn will be cast with %buff.buff.stat2 Magic. | |
Lightning Adept 闪电精通 | / | 魔法特长 | 英雄初始就拥有新手级『气系魔法』主技能和『闪电矢』魔法,并且此魔法的效果按高一技能等级计算。 The hero starts with the Air magic skill on novice rank and the %spell1.name spell. This spell is cast one rank above the current rank in this magic school. | |
Chain Lightning Specialist 连闪精通 | / | 魔法特长 | 英雄初始就拥有『连锁闪电』魔法,在新手级使用时有效魔力+1,在专家级使用时有效魔力+2,在大师级使用时有效魔力+4。 The hero starts with the %spell1.name spell and can cast it on Novice rank with %stat1 Magic. %stat2 Magic when casting %spell1.name on Expert rank. %stat3 Magic when casting %spell1.name on Master rank. | |
Stone Skin Adept 石肤精通 | / | 魔法特长 | 英雄初始就拥有新手级『土系魔法』主技能和『石头皮肤』魔法,并且此魔法的效果按高一技能等级计算。 The hero starts with the Earth magic skill on novice rank and the %spell1.name spell. This spell is cast one rank above the current rank in this magic school. | |
Blizzard Adept 暴雪精通 | / | 魔法特长 | 英雄初始就拥有新手级『水系魔法』主技能和『暴风雪』魔法,并且此魔法的效果按高一技能等级计算。 The hero starts with the Water magic skill on novice rank and the %spell1.name spell. This spell is cast one rank above the current rank in this magic school. | |
Fire Bolt Adept 火矢精通 | / | 魔法特长 | 英雄初始就拥有新手级『火系魔法』主技能和『火矢』魔法,并且此魔法的效果按高一技能等级计算。 The hero starts with the Fire magic skill on novice rank and the %spell1.name spell. This spell is cast one rank above the current rank in this magic school. | |
Heal Adept 治疗精通 | / | 魔法特长 | 英雄初始就拥有新手级『光明魔法』主技能和『治疗』魔法,并且此魔法的效果按高一技能等级计算。 The hero starts with the Light magic skill on novice rank and the %spell1.name spell. This spell is cast one rank above the current rank in this magic school. | |
Weakness Adept 虚弱精通 | / | 魔法特长 | 英雄初始就拥有新手级『黑暗魔法』主技能和『虚弱』魔法,并且此魔法的效果按高一技能等级计算。 The hero starts with the Dark magic skill on novice rank and the %spell1.name spell. This spell is cast one rank above the current rank in this magic school. | |
Time Adept 时间精通 | / | 魔法特长 | 英雄初始就拥有新手级『源力魔法』主技能和『时间控制』魔法,并且此魔法的效果按高一技能等级计算。 The hero starts with the Prime magic skill on novice rank and the %spell1.name spell. This spell is cast one rank above the current rank in this magic school. | |
Regeneration Adept 再生精通 | / | 魔法特长 | 英雄初始就拥有新手级『土系魔法』主技能和『再生』魔法,并且此魔法的效果按高一技能等级计算。 The hero starts with the Earth magic skill on novice rank and the %spell1.name spell. This spell is cast one rank above the current rank in this magic school. | |
Disciple of Air 天之信徒 | / | 魔法派系 | 当英雄使用气系魔法时有效魔力+6。 The hero has %buff.buff.stat Magic when casting Air spells. | |
Disciple of Earth 地之信徒 | / | 魔法派系 | 当英雄使用土系魔法时有效魔力+6。 The hero has %buff.buff.stat Magic when casting Earth spells. | |
Disciple of Water 水之信徒 | / | 魔法派系 | 当英雄使用水系魔法时有效魔力+6。 The hero has %buff.buff.stat Magic when casting Water spells. | |
Disciple of Fire 火之信徒 | / | 魔法派系 | 当英雄使用火系魔法时有效魔力+6。 The hero has %buff.buff.stat Magic when casting Fire spells. | |
Disciple of Light 光之信徒 | / | 魔法派系 | 当英雄使用光明魔法时有效魔力+6。 The hero has %buff.buff.stat Magic when casting Light spells. | |
Disciple of Darkness 暗之信徒 | / | 魔法派系 | 当英雄使用黑暗魔法时有效魔力+6。 The hero has %buff.buff.stat Magic when casting Dark spells. | |
Disciple of Prime 源之信徒 | / | 魔法派系 | 当英雄使用源力魔法时有效魔力+6。 The hero has %buff.buff.stat Magic when casting Prime spells. | |
Rune Keeper 符文守护者 | / | 魔法派系 | 所有符文的光环效果范围增加到5×5。 The auras of all friendly runes affect a 5x5 area. |