录入时间:2015-10-05 17:26:11 最后修改时间:2015-10-14 19:47:58
图标 | 名称 | 宝物等级 | 装备位置 | 价格 | 装备需求 | 效果 |
Shards of Fire 火焰碎片 |
战役 | 背包 | / | / | 圣堂战役第二关开启右下地下入口用。一块与火焰魔法有关的神秘魔法石,可以用于魔法仪式。 A mysterious magical stone that is linked to Fire magic, it can be used to perform magical rituals. |
Ymoril's Magic Sword 伊摩利尔的魔法剑 |
战役 | 主手 | / | / | 圣堂战役第二关伊摩利尔自带。英雄力量+5,所带兵种主动性+8。 伊摩利尔随身携带的一把漂亮的剑,看上又光亮锐利,应该是把魔法剑。 %stat Might. %buff1.buff.stat Initiative to friendly creatures. A beautiful sword that Ymoril always carries with her. It looks sharp and light and it is most likely magical. |
Morning Light 晨曦 |
战役 | 主手 | / | / | 圣堂战役第三关伊摩利尔自带。英雄力量+5,所带兵种主动性+8。 伊摩利尔的魔法剑是他父亲,血铁匠大师莱恩-红盾亲手锻造的,是把攻防兼备的好剑,适合强大的战士使用。 %stat Might. %buff1.buff.stat Initiative to friendly creatures. Ymoril`s magic sword was forged by her own father, Ryan Redshield, who was a master bloodsmith. It is a weapon of both attack and defence, fit for a mighty warrior. |
Soulkey Shard1 魂匙碎片 |
战役 | 背包 | / | / | 圣堂战役第三关访问方尖塔获得。某件古代杉提瑞宝物的碎片。 A fragment of an ancient Shantiri artefact. |
Soulkey Shard2 魂匙碎片 |
战役 | 背包 | / | / | 圣堂战役第三关访问方尖塔获得。某件古代杉提瑞宝物的碎片。 A fragment of an ancient Shantiri artefact. |
Shantiri Soulkey 杉提瑞魂匙 |
战役 | 背包 | / | / | 圣堂战役第三关组合而得。古代杉提瑞制作的宝物,可以用来激活长老战争中建造的强大的魔法装置。 An ancient artefact, crafted by the Shantiri, that is able to activate powerful magical devices from the Elder Wars. |
Silverfang 银牙 |
战役 | 主手 | / | / | 圣堂战役第四关。英雄力量+5,领导力(士气)+6。一把刻印着远古杉提瑞祝福的阔剑,由托马斯-沃尔夫持有。 %stat1 Might. %stat2 Leadership. A broad sword engraved with ancient Shantiri blessings, it has been forged for the hand of Tomas Wolf. |
Queenscale 女王鳞甲 |
战役 | 胸甲 | / | / | 圣堂战役第四关。英雄防御+6,移动力+5。一件由艾拉锻造,适合女性穿戴的铠甲,她年轻时曾穿着这件铠甲和魔鬼信徒战斗,现在她觉得这件铠甲更适合给像伊摩利尔这样更年轻的战士使用。 %stat1 Defence. %stat2 hero maximum Movement. A wonderful suit of armor shaped for a woman, it has been made for Ella, and has been used to fight demonists at the time of her youth, but she decided it was more fitting for a younger warrior like Ymoril. |
Smasher 粉碎者 |
战役 | 主手 | / | / | 圣堂战役第四关。英雄力量+6,所带兵种主动性+4。一根闪亮而且强大带有巨龙魔法的钉头锤,粉碎者是制造给兽人这种拥有大手的家伙用的。 %stat Might. %buff1.buff.stat Initiative to friendly creatures. A shiny and powerful mace imbued with the magic of dragons, Smasher was made for the large hands of an orc. |
Warden of Winter 冬之守望者 |
战役 | 副手 | / | / | 圣堂战役第四关。英雄防御+5,精神+5。一个刻有恶狼家徽章的由魔力金属锻造的巨盾,这个盾牌是为康拉德-沃尔夫锻造的。 %stat1 Defence. %stat2 Spirits. A large shield with a the arms of the House of Wolf carved in its magical metal, this item was forged for the likes of Konrad Wolf. |
Crest of Evergrey 永灰纹章 |
战役 | 背包 | / | / | 圣堂战役第四关?英雄防御+5,精神+5。所有城镇和野外兵营的龙力剑士和卓绝剑士基础产量+1。 Increases the base production of Landsknechts and Swordmasters by 1 in all towns and dwellings. |
Flower of the Desert 沙漠之花 |
战役 | 项链 | / | / | 学院战役第一关。英雄魔法值上限+50,魔法值恢复+10/天。这个闪亮的远古蓝宝石包含着巨龙之泪。 %stat1 maximum Mana. %stat2 Mana per day. This ancient blue gleaming gem contains the tear of a dragon. |
Flower of Dolor 哀伤之花 |
战役 | 项链 | / | / | 学院战役第二关。英雄魔法值上限+50,每场战斗可以使用一次气系魔法连锁闪电和水系魔法海啸。这个闪亮的远古蓝宝石包含着巨龙之泪。在牺牲了卡里达之后,它闪烁的更明亮了。 %stat1 maximum Mana. Allows to cast the Air spell %spell1.name and the Water spell %spell3.name once per combat. This ancient gem contains the tear of a dragon. After the sacrifice of Khalida it is glowing in bright colours. |
Malathua's Cleaver 玛剌刹的砍刀 |
战役 | 主手 | / | / | 学院战役第四关,兽人战役。英雄力量+6,防御+6,初始血怒值+2。 %stat1 Migh. %stat2 Defense. %stat3 Bloodrage. |
Deadwood Staff 死木法杖 |
战役 | 主手 | / | / | 墓园战役第三关。英雄魔力+10。 %stat Magic. |
Vein's Skull 凡恩的头骨 |
战役 | 副手 | / | / | 墓园战役第四关。传奇夺魂者的头骨。 The skull of the legendary Reaper of Souls. |
Piece of the Blade of Truth 真实之剑的碎片 |
战役 | 背包 | / | / | 伊凡战役第一关。这单独的碎片似乎看起来还存在着不少的力量。 The piece alone seems to hold a lot of power. |
The Blade of Truth 真实之剑 |
战役 | 主手 | / | / | 伊凡战役第一关。英雄精神+8,天命(幸运)+8。这把强大的剑曾经由女皇玫芙持有。 The powerful sword was once handled by Empress Maeve herself. |
The Griffin's Gorget 狮鹫的护喉甲 |
战役 | 胸甲 | / | / | 伊凡战役第二关。英雄防御+2,天命(幸运)+5。本方兵种身上的正面状态持续回合+2。 %stat1 Defence. %stat2 Destiny. %special duration to positive spells on friendly creatures. |
The Griffin's Mantle 狮鹫的披风 |
战役 | 肩甲 | / | / | 伊凡战役第二关。英雄使用光明魔法时有效魔力+12,魔法值上限+80。 %stat1 Magic for Light spells. %stat2 maximum Mana. |
The Griffin's Resolve 狮鹫的决心 |
战役 | 主手 | / | / | 伊凡战役第二关。英雄攻击+3,精神+3,领导力(士气)+5。 %stat1 Attack. %stat3 Spirit. %stat2 Leadership. |
The Griffin's Talons 狮鹫之爪 |
战役 | 靴子 | / | / | 伊凡战役第二关。英雄移动力+3,所带兵种移动力+1。 %stat hero maximum Movement. %buff1.buff.stat Movement to friendly creatures. |