战役 - 死之舞 - Danse Macabre
录入时间:2013-05-09 11:49:45 最后修改时间:2013-05-09 11:57:33
公牛公国的陷落 - 公牛海岸
Years ago, Sandro was expelled from the ranks of the Spider Cult, banished from the Seven Cities, and had his staff of power confiscated. To further his new plans, Sandro must first find the Staff of the Netherworld, an ancient artifact currently held in the private collection of Duke Ovidio of the Bull.
黑死病的面具 - 衫提瑞废墟
Just before his exile, Sandro stole an artifact known as the Ring of the Unrepentant from Belketh`s vault. Sandro has studied its legend and believes the ring actually contains its own pocket dimension within the Spirit World. For reasons of his own, Sandro intends to enter that "Realm of the Unrepentant", where an old Shantiri Priest moved his temple at the cost of his own life...