王国特性/开局奖励 - Dynasty Trait
录入时间:2011-10-19 00:54:18 最后修改时间:2011-10-20 22:09:26
图标 | 名称 | 等级 | 价格 | 描述 |
Gambler 赌徒 | 初始拥有 | 0 | The Hero is awarded a Tarot Deck at the start of the map. 主英雄初始就获得宝物『占卜纸牌』。 | |
Heritage 遗产 | 初始拥有 | 0 | The Hero starts the game with an extra 2500 Gold. 游戏开始时获得额外的2500金币。 | |
Supply Waggon 补给车 | 初始拥有 | 0 | The Hero starts the game with an extra 5 Wood and 5 Ore. 游戏开始时获得额外的5木材和5矿石。 | |
Trait Slot 王国特性位2 | 青铜级 | 3000 | Unlocks the second trait slot. 解锁第二个王国特性位。 | |
Trait Slot 王国特性位3 | 白银级 | 4000 | Unlocks the third trait slot. 解锁第三个王国特性位。 | |
Trait Slot 王国特性位4 | 黄金级 | 5000 | Unlocks the fourh trait slot. 解锁第四个王国特性位。 | |
Trait Slot 王国特性位5 | 其它方式 | 0 | Unlocks the fifth trait slot. 解锁第五个王国特性位。 通过U点解锁,在UPLAY中以40U点获得 | |
Estates 财产 | 黑铁级 | 60 | Provides 200 Gold per day. 每天获得额外的200金币。 | |
Demographist I 人口学家 I | 黑铁级 | 60 | The production of Core creatures in the Hero`s kingdom is increased by 3 per week. 核心兵种产量+3/周。 | |
Acclaimed Leader 赞美领袖 | 黑铁级 | 100 | Each battle won without losses increases Morale in the Hero`s army by 5 for the next combat. 无损胜利后下一场战斗英雄的军队士气+5。 | |
Artifact Finder 寻宝尖兵 | 黑铁级 | 100 | Picking up any Artifact on the Adventure Map increases Luck by 15 in the Main Hero`s army until the next Combat. 当在冒险地图上拾取到宝物时,主英雄的军队下场战斗幸运+15。 | |
Master of Artillery 炮术大师 | 黑铁级 | 100 | Increases the damage of fortification towers by 10%. 守城时箭塔伤害增加10%。 | |
Noble Mount 优质坐骑 | 黑铁级 | 100 | The Hero`s Movement is increased by 5 in the first week. 英雄第一周的移动力增加5点。 | |
Dark Renewal 黑暗再生 | 黑铁级 | 100 | The Hero`s Mana Regeneration is increased by 4. 英雄的魔法恢复速度+4。 | |
Wanderlust 漫游癖 | 黑铁级 | 60 | Whenever the Main Hero starts their turn in a Town, their Movement points are increased by 6. 如果回合开始时主英雄起点在城镇里,那么今天移动力+6。 | |
Aggressor 侵略者 | 青铜级 | 200 | The Hero`s Might Power is increased by 3. 英雄的物理力量+3。 | |
Serene Spirit 宁静之灵 | 青铜级 | 200 | The Hero`s Magic Defense is increased by 3. 英雄的物理防御+3。 | |
Burning Spirit 燃烧之灵 | 青铜级 | 200 | The Hero`s Magic Power is increased by 3. 英雄的魔法力量+3。 | |
Warden 守望者 | 青铜级 | 200 | The Hero`s Might Defense is increased by 3. 英雄的魔法防御+3。 | |
Commander 指挥官 | 青铜级 | 200 | The Hero`s Leadership is increased by 3. 英雄的领袖魅力(士气)+3。 | |
Chosen One 受选者 | 青铜级 | 200 | The Hero`s Destiny is increased by 3. 英雄的天命力(幸运)+3。 | |
Wise 明智 | 青铜级 | 400 | All experience gained by the Hero is increased by 15%. 英雄获得的经验+15%。 | |
Explorer 探险者 | 青铜级 | 200 | The Hero`s Land and Sea Movement is increased by 3. 英雄的陆地和海上移动力+3。 | |
Architect 建筑师 | 青铜级 | 100 | Ore cost for all town buildings is reduced by 1. 所有本方城镇建设时矿石消耗量-1。 | |
Carpenter 木匠 | 青铜级 | 100 | Wood cost for all town buildings is reduced by 1. 所有本方城镇建设时木材消耗量-1。 | |
Entrenched 根深蒂固 | 青铜级 | 300 | Your starting town(s) comes with a Basic Fort already built. 你的初始主城开局便有基础城防。 | |
Golden Flair 黄金天赋 | 青铜级 | 400 | Reveals all the Gold Mines and Crystal Mines on the Map. 显示地图上所有的金矿和水晶矿。 | |
Suzerain 领主 | 青铜级 | 300 | The first generic Hero recruited in a game costs 0 Gold. 招募第一个酒馆英雄不需要花费金币。 | |
Medicine Man 治疗师 | 青铜级 | 200 | All creatures` growth rates will not be influenced by Week of Fever and Week of Disease. 兵种产量不受热病之周(1/3减产)和疾病之周(1/2减产)影响。 | |
Admiral 海军上将 | 白银级 | 400 | The cost for buying boats at Shipyards is reduced by 50%. 在船坞造船的价格减少50%。 | |
Demographist II 人口学家 II | 白银级 | 600 | The production of Elite creatures in the Hero`s kingdom is increased by 1 per week. 精英兵种产量+1/周。 | |
Master of Blessings 佑福大师 | 白银级 | 400 | Your Hero`s buffing abilities are 5% more efficient. 本方英雄施放的正面魔法的效果增强5%。 | |
Master of Curses 诅咒大师 | 白银级 | 400 | Your Hero`s debuffing abilities are 5% more efficient. 本方英雄施放的负面魔法的效果增强5%。 | |
Quick Minded 敏捷思维 | 白银级 | 400 | The Hero`s instant abilities are 5% more efficient. 本方英雄施放的即时魔法(比如伤害魔法)的效果增强5%。 | |
Siege Master 攻城大师 | 白银级 | 400 | Increases the damage of catapults controlled by the Hero by 1. 本方英雄的攻城机器造成的伤害+1。 | |
Gilded Seat 镀金座椅 | 白银级 | 400 | Gold income is increased by 10% for all sources. 所有金币来源获得+10%。 | |
Silver Tongue 银舌 | 白银级 | 400 | Artefacts are worth 50% more Gold when sold. 出售宝物时价格+50%。 | |
Escapist 跑路专家 | 黄金级 | 600 | Decreases creature loss caused by retreating by 50%. 撤退时损失减少50%。 | |
Hunter 猎手 | 黄金级 | 1200 | Instantly restores 50% of the Hero`s already spent movement points each time he discovers an enemy Hero while revealing the fog of war. May trigger once per day. 当英雄探开迷雾发现敌方英雄时,恢复一半已消耗的移动力,每天能触发一次。 | |
Merchant 商人 | 黄金级 | 800 | Cost of buying Wood, Ore or Blood Crystal in the Marketplace is reduced. 在市场中购买木石和水晶的消耗减少。 | |
Perfectionist 完美主义者 | 黄金级 | 800 | Blood Crystal cost for building creature dwellings is reduced by 1. 所有本方城镇建设时龙血晶消耗量-1。 | |
Living Legend 活着的传奇 | 黄金级 | 1200 | Reputation gained is increased by 10%. 声誉点获得+10%。 | |
Demographist III 人口学家 III | 白金级 | 1600 | The production of Champion creatures in the Hero`s kingdom is increased by 1. 冠军兵种产量+1/周。 | |
Fanatic 狂信徒 | 白金级 | 2000 | Friendly Heroes are awarded 150 points of their respective racial gauge at the start of each combat. 本方英雄在战斗开始时获得150点种族技能充能点。 | |
Planeswalker 位面行者 | 白金级 | 2400 | Using town portals consumes only 50% of the Hero`s movement points. 使用城镇时空门消耗的移动力减少50%。 | |
Castle Conqueror 城堡征服者 | 白金级 | 2000 | Friendly stacks will not be influenced by an enemy`s moat in siege combat. 本方部队在攻城战中不受护城河的影响。 | |
Attuned 协调 | 其它方式 | 1400 | Dynasty Weapons used by the Hero gain 10% more experience. 英雄装备的国器升级速度增加10%。 通过成就获得:GametoWeb(未知) | |
Mystic 神秘 | 其它方式 | 600 | The Hero`s Mana regeneration on the Adventure Map is increased by 3% of his Maximum Mana each turn. 英雄在大地图上每天多回复最大值3%量的魔法值。 通过成就获得:GametoWeb(未知) | |
Voice of Elrath 艾尔拉思的声音 | 其它方式 | 0 | Increases the Leadership of the Hero by 4. Only selectable by Haven Heroes. 英雄的领袖魅力(士气)加4点。只有开局选择圣堂英雄时才能使用。 通过成就获得:临危授命(Bad Heir Day) | |
Chosen of Urgash 鄂加斯的选民 | 其它方式 | 0 | Increases the Destiny of the Hero by 4. Only selectable by Inferno Heroes. 英雄的天命力(幸运)加4点。只有开局选择地狱英雄时才能使用。 通过成就获得:立足炎狱(Can Stand the Heat) | |
Grim Reaper 死神 | 其它方式 | 0 | Morale of enemy creature stacks is decreased by 4 when fighting against the Avatar`s army. Only selectable by Necropolis Avatars. 主英雄战斗时敌方兵种的士气和幸运各减4点。只有开局选择亡灵英雄时才能使用。 通过成就获得:回归黑暗(Back in Black) | |
Barbarian Hero 野蛮人英雄 | 其它方式 | 0 | Increases Might Attack and Magic Defense of the Hero by 2. Only selectable by Stronghold Heroes. 英雄的物理力量和魔法防御各加2点。只有开局选择据点英雄时才能使用。 通过成就获得:蠕虫剁手(Wormchopper) | |
Unyielding 百折不屈 | 其它方式 | 0 | Increases Might Attack and Might Defense of the Hero by 2. Only selectable by Sanctuary Heroes. 英雄的物理力量和物理防御各加2点。只有开局选择瀛洲英雄时才能使用。 通过成就获得:复仇在我(Vengeance Is Mine) | |
Lookout 瞭望台 | 其它方式 | 0 | +5 scouting radius for the Main Hero. 主英雄视野+5。 通过成就获得:劈来砍去(Hack and Slash) | |
Persuader 说服者 | 其它方式 | 0 | After you have conquered a town, you can instantly recruit 50% of its weekly core creatures once. 在你征服一个城镇后,你可以立即招募该城镇50%周产量的核心兵种一次。 通过成就获得:虚空崛起(Rise of the Nethermancer) | |
Seal of Darkness 黑暗封印 | 其它方式 | 0 | Might Defense and Magic Defense of enemy creature stacks is decreased by 2 when fighting against the Avatar`s army. Only available for Dungeon Avatar. 只有地牢英雄能用,当其战斗时,敌方兵种的物理力量和物理防御-2。 通过成就获得:黑暗之惧(Fear of the Dark) | |
Windrunner 风行者 | 其它方式 | 0 | Increases the movement of all the Avatar`s army by 1. 所有英雄的部队的战场移动力+1。 通过成就获得:进军虚空(Into the Void) |