录入时间:2022-03-21 00:08:30 最后修改时间:2022-03-24 22:06:09
康复药水(Potion of Healing) |
背包(Backpack) — 药水(Potion) — 500金币 | |
宝物功能 | 只能对英雄本人使用,完全治愈,同时解除所受的中毒和瘟疫状态。可在地图上饮用。 |
拾取介绍 | 你到来时,一群野狗正在攻击一群牧师。你跳去援助,在和野狗战斗中,你受了很多伤。后来,一个牧师给了你一瓶味道像蜂蜜的东西。你的伤口消失了!做为答谢他又给了你一瓶康复药水。 |
宝物背景 | Just about every society has created some kind of device to heal its people, but the strongest is the comination of herbal curatives and holy water created by some monks who manned a retreat for lepers. |
不朽药水(Potion of Immortality) |
背包(Backpack) — 药水(Potion) — 1000金币 | |
宝物功能 | 英雄饮用后,在战场上阵亡时可自动复活一次。可以在战前或战斗中使用。 |
拾取介绍 | 你来到一辆大蓬车前。Manny在练习他那不可思议的吞剑的动作,但是你发现了他的秘密-一种不管伤害多大都能使他复活的药水。做为保守Manny秘密的偿还,他给了你一瓶不朽药水。 |
宝物背景 | A paranoid enchanter named Staad spent several years visiting seers and soothsayers before he came up with the ingredients for this potion, only to discover that he couldn't use it because it gave him a terrible rash. |
寒冷药水(Potion of Cold) |
背包(Backpack) — 药水(Potion) — 500金币 | |
宝物功能 | 英雄饮用药水后,近战攻击时有可能将敌人冻结两回合。可在地图上饮用。 |
拾取介绍 | 你脚下的大地冻结了。你观察后,发现在冰中有一些玻璃碎片和一瓶完整的寒冷药水。你把药水弄碎后放进了你的背包内,希望下次有机会找到篝火取暖。 |
宝物背景 | Deep within the oldest glaciers is a substance called Eternal Ice, the primary ingredient in a Potion of Cold. Balshar the Wanderer discovered it, and found that when it melted under special circumstances that it gave its imbiber special abilities. |
防火药水(Potion of Fire Resistance) |
背包(Backpack) — 药水(Potion) — 500金币 | |
宝物功能 | 获得火抵抗效果。 |
拾取介绍 | 你几乎不相信自己的眼睛。你看到一位老人高兴的坐在烧着炽热炭火的床上。他的周围有一些空瓶子和几个满的瓶子。因为不想打扰他,你偷偷的拿走了一瓶防火药水。 |
宝物背景 | Dwarves were the first to create a fire resistant substance that protected them from the heat of their deepest mines. What they used was a sort of grease that had to be rubbed on the skin. Later, a wizard created a version that could be ingested. |
抵抗药水(Potion of Resistance) |
背包(Backpack) — 药水(Potion) — 500金币 | |
宝物功能 | 英雄在战斗中饮用后,提高50%抗魔能力。 |
拾取介绍 | 很荣幸,你见证了两个看上去很强大的魔法师之间的战斗。一个看上去几乎不受另一个人进攻的伤害,当他用冰把对手围住时他取得了胜利。“你是怎样做到的?”你问胜利者。他笑着抚摸着他的蓬乱的红胡子。“这个”他说,仍给你一瓶抵抗药水,“使他的魔法不能伤害我。”然后他高兴的吹着口哨走了。 |
宝物背景 | As the story goes, a wizard was trying to create this formula using the magical essence of a Golem, but along came his new apprentice, Tebenrae, who just threw a few things together in the lab and succeeded in three minutes what his teacher couldn't do in three decades! |
恢复药水(Potion of Restoration) |
背包(Backpack) — 药水(Potion) — 500金币 | |
宝物功能 | 解除英雄身上的所有负面魔法。 |
拾取介绍 | 你前面,一个邪恶的魔法师想捕获三个妇女,所以你冲上去拯救她们。施法者看到你冲过来就怒气冲冲的把他的魔法对向你。你设法打败了他,但是他的魔法效果仍然沉重的压在你身上。因此,她们给了你一瓶可以去掉魔法的气味发臭的混合物,后来她们又给了你第二瓶恢复药水。因为当你救助你遇到的每一个妇女时,你可能需要他。 |
宝物背景 | Maranthea's extensive battles with other mages took its toll on her, especially in the aftermath of these fights. So, she developed a way to remove some of the results of a mage battle - although she could still do nothing about the bruises. |
速度药水(Potion of Speed) |
背包(Backpack) — 药水(Potion) — 500金币 | |
宝物功能 | 在战斗中提高英雄速度3点。 |
拾取介绍 | 你在看到那个人之前,看到一片灰尘,为了避免和他相撞你突然跳了下去。令人吃惊!他在跑——而不是你想象的骑在一匹快马上面。你不可能赶上他,即使你想这样。地上有一个瓶子,它一定是从那个健步如飞的人身上掉下来的。 |
宝物背景 | Also known as the "Student's Helper", this potion is often used by apprentices so they can get all their tasks completed and still have enough time to go out with their friends. |
力量药水(Potion of Strength) |
背包(Backpack) — 药水(Potion) — 500金币 | |
宝物功能 | 英雄伤害力提升25%。可在地图上饮用。 |
拾取介绍 | 一个油腔滑调的推销员在他的一种药水上给你一笔很好的交易。为了证实它真的很有效,他喝下一瓶然后用一只手抬起了他的货车的一边。“我买了!”你说。不久你就发现你祖父给你的戒指不见了——和力量药水做了交易。 |
宝物背景 | This is probably one of the oldest potions known to man. No one knows who was the first to create it, but ever since warriors and normal people alike have used it in their work. |
强壮药水(Potion of Toughness) |
背包(Backpack) — 药水(Potion) — 500金币 | |
宝物功能 | 英雄生命值上限提升25%。可在地图上饮用。 |
拾取介绍 | 你停下看一场看上去势均力敌的拳击比赛。你甚至下了赌注。但是你很快意识到你下注的选手要输了。他们在每回合休息时在给另一个选手喝什么?那不是水!你偷偷的靠近拳击场偷了一瓶,发现那是一瓶强壮药水。很好,这补偿比你失去的要多很多。 |
宝物背景 | Barbarian witchdoctors created this mystical potion to feed to their warriors just before battle. Perhaps this is one of the reasons such an uncivilized lot has been so successful at warfare. |
魔力药水(Potion of Mana) |
背包(Backpack) — 药水(Potion) — 500金币 | |
宝物功能 | 在战斗中或地图上使用,提高英雄魔力值25点,可以超过上限。。 |
拾取介绍 | 一个高大的魔法师突然出现在你面前,他的表情好像他在找人或东西。他撞到了你,他一边四处张望一边道歉。“我想不在这里!”他说,然后一眨眼不见了。在你脚下的地上,你找到一瓶魔力药水。不幸的是你不可能把它还给那个人了。 |
宝物背景 | The mage Maranthea found a way to bottle the water from a Well of Magic, but unlike others who have tried she discovered a way to keep the water stable. To this day, she still hasn't revealed these special ingredients. |
幸运药水(Potion of Luck) |
背包(Backpack) — 药水(Potion) — 500金币 | |
宝物功能 | 饮用后英雄幸运值提到最高(+10)。 |
拾取介绍 | 一个外貌奸猾的商人在路边开了一个商店。今天,他在卖魔法药水,当你研究它们时你发现他是一个骗子。你抓住这个人的衬衣威胁他要把他交给法官。当他拿出一瓶幸运药水给你求你饶恕他时,“不要再被我抓到。”你边说边拿着药水走了。 |
宝物背景 | Take sweat from the Luck Stone on a warm summer morning and mix it with a crushed four leaf clover. At least, that's how a Potion of Luck is created in the folk tales. |
振奋药水(Potion of Mirth) |
背包(Backpack) — 药水(Potion) — 500金币 | |
宝物功能 | 饮用后英雄士气值提到最高(+10)。 |
拾取介绍 | 一群年青的学徒围坐在篝火旁大笑的流出了眼泪。当你向他们问候时,他们只是傻笑着。很明显他们用了太多的振奋药水。你为了帮助他们而拿走了最后一瓶。 |
宝物背景 | Satyrs - those magical, mystical brewers of nature - found a way to enchant ordinary wine into a Potion of Mirth. And they didn't stop there. They brewed huge quantities of it and gave it away to 'spread the joy'. |
急速药水(Potion of Quickness) |
背包(Backpack) — 药水(Potion) — 500金币 | |
宝物功能 | 英雄饮用药水后在主动攻击时可以多打一下,效果延续两回合(从喝药水的下一回合开始算)。 |
拾取介绍 | 你看到一个人不停的摇动另一个人,痛哭流涕。你讯问发生了什么事情,他解释道,“我们在试验那些药水时,发生了事故...我移动的太快了。噢,我杀死了自己的兄弟!把这瓶急速药水从我的视线中拿走!”你听从了那个伤心欲绝的人。 |
宝物背景 | Some say this is an ancient potion created by druids back before written history. Like much of what they have done, they were inspired by a snake's lightning strike and wondered what a warrior with that ability would be like. |
耐力药水(Potion of Endurance) |
背包(Backpack) — 药水(Potion) — 500金币 | |
宝物功能 | 部队地图移动力+3(如果还有加移动的技能或宝物,同比例提升),每天每支部队只能饮用一瓶此药水。 |
拾取介绍 | 你遇到了一个运气很好的冒险家。你们两个互相讲述自己的经历并交换饮品。当他要离开时,为了感谢你对他长途旅行的款待他给了你一瓶耐力药水。 |
宝物背景 | All of those long hours of study usually takes its toll on wizards, so when they need to travel long distances they resort to magic like a Potion of Endurance to help them . |
圣水(Holy Water) |
背包(Backpack) — 药水(Potion) — 500金币 | |
宝物功能 | 对敌人使用时,相当于圣言(Holy Word)魔法;对英雄本人使用时,相当于死亡抵御魔法和祝福魔法(早期版本有Bug,不能对英雄本人使用,2.0以及更高版本已经修正错误)。 |
拾取介绍 | 一个可怜的牧师拼命努力想修好他的货车的车轮。你停下来帮助他,很快他就上路了,并给你一瓶圣水做为报酬。 |
宝物背景 | Monks learned long ago that normal water could become a powerful weapon again evil if blessed over several complicated ceremonies. |
绝望烟雾瓶(Cloud of Despair) |
背包(Backpack) — 药水(Potion) — 500金币 | |
宝物功能 | 投掷后影响半径4英尺(直径9英尺)范围内的多支敌方部队,使它们士气降到最低(-10)。 |
拾取介绍 | 一个流泪的人给了你一个装满绝望之云的瓶子。“我七天前闻了一下里面的东西,结果我就不能停止哭泣!”他告诉你。“你拿走它吧!” |
宝物背景 | Long ago a man was born who brought sorrow to a room simply by entering it. Sad and alone, he wandered the land looking for a cure, but all his attempts only resulted in failures such as the Cloud of Despair. |
恶魔之火瓶(Demon Fire) |
背包(Backpack) — 药水(Potion) — 500金币 | |
宝物功能 | 对半径4英尺范围内的敌方部队进行攻击,效果同火球魔法。 |
拾取介绍 | 一个很差的早晨几乎成为可怕的一天。你费尽九牛二虎之力把挡在路上的石头推开后,你跪下去看几乎被石头碰到的瓶子,你发现它是一瓶魔鬼火。于是,你小心的把它放进你的背包里。 |
宝物背景 | Alchemists claim that they are the inventors of Demon Fire. Even if an alchemist had created it, many believe that he must've been a demon in disguise to come up with such an evil substance. |
酸液瓶(Vial of Acid ) |
背包(Backpack) — 药水(Potion) | |
宝物功能 | 对敌人部队使用,可以使其近战和远程防御力降低20%;对倒在地上的部队尸体使用,可以将尸体毁去。 |
拾取介绍 | 躺在路边的是一个死人,一个可怕错误的牺牲品。不知何故他弄错了药剂的标签,结果喝下了酸液而不是恢复药水!你在他的东西中找到了另一瓶酸液。你把它仔细的做上标签,放进你的供应品中。 |
宝物背景 | Even a freshman apprentice knows how to create a Vial of Acid. They also usually have an ugly scar somewhere as a result of an unfortunate spill or splash. |
粘结剂瓶(Vial of Binding Liquid) |
背包(Backpack) — 药水(Potion) — 500金币 | |
宝物功能 | 只能对敌人飞行部队使用,使其丧失飞行能力,并且速度与战场移动力减半。 |
拾取介绍 | 你突然发现一个蜘蛛巢穴——你以前肯定从来没有见过这样的地方!看了一会,你忘记了脊背上冒出的凉气,在蛛网的中间你发现了一瓶被人遗忘的粘结药水。这个“蜘蛛农场”一定是一位炼金术士的杰作,而今天你成为了受益者。 |
宝物背景 | A brilliant but nameless alchemist is responsible for isolating a powerful substance found in all spider webs and using it to create the Binding Liquid as a humane way of capturing and holding criminals. |
迷雾瓶(Vial of Blinding Smoke) |
背包(Backpack) — 药水(Potion) — 500金币 | |
宝物功能 | 在半径4范围内制造迷雾。迷雾不影响部队的移动,只是对远程攻击而言,相当于普通障碍物,对一般远程攻击有伤害减半效果。 |
拾取介绍 | 浓雾封锁了道路。你听到一个老妇人无条理的大喊大叫,你冲了进去,发现它在冒烟。在你看到一个可怜的孩子正在努力摆脱老妇人的惩罚之前,你被迫停下等它变的清楚。“没有烟雾我就会找到你在哪儿,孩子!”她大叫,抓着那个淘气的孩子的耳朵。她搜了他的口袋,找到一个迷雾瓶并把它扔给了我。 |
宝物背景 | General Hoeden, who practiced alchemy as a hobby, created the Blind Smoke and used it to great benefit in his later campaigns. |
毒气瓶(Vial of Choking Gas) |
背包(Backpack) — 药水(Potion) — 500金币 | |
宝物功能 | 投掷后影响半径4英尺范围内的多支敌方部队,使其攻击力和防御力下降15%。 |
拾取介绍 | 路边一个脏兮兮的人请求你帮忙。时代对这个可怜的农民很残忍。他愿意用窒息毒气瓶和你给他的任何食物交换。你停下来拿出你食物的一半。当你试图不要窒息毒气瓶时,他仍然给了你,因为他不需要它。 |
宝物背景 | The creator of Blinding Smoke, General Hoeden, met his fate in battle when he came up against an alchemist who had created a gas that suffocated him and many of his troops. |
毒液瓶(Vial of Poison) |
背包(Backpack) — 药水(Potion) — 500金币 | |
宝物功能 | 英雄饮用后,攻击时能使对方部队中毒。 |
拾取介绍 | 两个阴险的人装作清白的样子在路边徘徊。他们的埋伏一点都不让人吃惊。你很容易就制服了他们并且发现了一瓶混战中掉下来的毒液瓶。 |
宝物背景 | High in the coldest of mountain peaks grows one of the deadliest plants in the land. If harvested quickly and carefully, one can extract a deadly poison that is effective against all living creatures. |