宝物 — 杂物 — Miscellaneous
录入时间:2022-03-21 00:08:02 最后修改时间:2022-03-24 22:06:23
望远镜(Telescope) |
杂物(Miscellaneous) — 道具(Item) — 500金币 | |
宝物功能 | 英雄在地图上视野半径+1。 |
拾取介绍 | 你发现一个单独的精巧装置扔在一堆熄灭的篝火旁边。你把那个望远镜贴近你的眼睛,发现远处的山都跑到你的眼前。不,不是山在移动,而是你的幻觉。多精巧的装置阿! |
宝物背景 | In a contest of wits, Tebenrae crafted this item without using magic to win the match in half the time it took his opponent to enchant a crystal ball with the same function. |
水晶球(Viewing Crystal) |
杂物(Miscellaneous) — 初级宝物(Treasure) | |
宝物功能 | 英雄在地图上视野半径+2。 |
拾取介绍 | 这几周,两个人在这条路上抢劫商人。他们总是能知道谁带有好货物,放过那些比较穷的商人,等待大鱼。你花了一些时间才跟踪到那些罪犯的下落,并把他们逮到法官那儿。为了报答你的辛苦,你把盗贼用来探路的水晶球留下了。 |
宝物背景 | Based on the same principles as the crystal ball, this device was created by the Elves to be used by their border guards. That's why no invading army has ever surprised an Elven nation. |
晕击箭(Arrow of Stunning) |
杂物(Miscellaneous) — 初级宝物(Treasure) | |
宝物功能 | 英雄射击时一定几率击晕射击对象,让其一回合无法行动和反击。成功率计算公式同侍从晕击技能。 |
拾取介绍 | 今天你在工作的时候觉得很无聊,你加入一个抗议该地区伐木过多的活动。很快,森林族的人袭击了人群,他们带着弓和晕击箭。在混乱中,你捡起一支箭就跑了,你环境保护论的观点消失了。 |
宝物背景 | These arrows were created as a way of peacefully subduing a criminal or dispersing an angry crowd. |
蛛丝箭(Spider's Silk Arrows) |
杂物(Miscellaneous) — 初级宝物(Treasure) | |
宝物功能 | 英雄射击敌飞行部队时,让其丧失飞行能力,并且速度和战场移动力减半。。 |
拾取介绍 | 那双明亮的眼睛看到的是,你被一张白色有黏性的网粘着,这网比任何一根绳子都牢固。你不能动弹。一个小精灵走向你。“你好!”他说,“对不起!你不是我想抓的人。”精灵把你从他的圈套中放出来,为了表示他的歉意,他送你一支刚才用来抓住你的蛛丝箭。 |
宝物背景 | Elves may have pacifistic tendencies, but they are also realists. They know what kind of world they live in, and so they defend themselves the best they can. Still, they develop less lethal weapons like these arrows to deal with their enemies. |
勇气徽章(Badge of Courage) |
杂物(Miscellaneous) — 初级宝物(Treasure) | |
宝物功能 | 使英雄所带领的生物不受恐惧类效果(包括骨龙的“引起恐惧”技能、梦魇兽和黑骑的恐惧魔法,还有恐惧结界魔法以及相关宝物)影响。 |
拾取介绍 | 一个长头发狡诈的发起者在路边设立一个拳击擂台。你简直不能相信自己的眼睛,你看到一个半身人要对付食人魔法师。这是不公平的格斗,特别是有人把一个勇气徽章放在半身人的背后。你偷偷爬上去,偷走那个徽章,并在半身人被打败的时候趁乱逃走。 |
宝物背景 | When even a few soldiers retreat during a battle it can turn the tide of the fight. So, war leaders would give some of their troops badges like this one to encourage them to stay on the front line no matter what. |
记忆水晶(Crystal of Memory) |
杂物(Miscellaneous) — 初级宝物(Treasure) | |
宝物功能 | 英雄及其带领的所有部队(包括生物和英雄)不受健忘魔法影响。 |
拾取介绍 | 你发现一只小知更鸟在路中间。它一定是从巢里掉下来的。你小心的把它放在斗篷里,不让它沾上你的气味,然后爬上树,把它放回它的家。但这是什么?在巢里藏着一个记忆水晶。你悄悄拿走水晶,爬下树,然后像普通的小偷一样,在知更鸟妈妈回来前偷偷溜走。 |
宝物背景 | In the depths of the earth lives a worm that will crawl into your head through your ear and steal your fondest memories, which is why Dwarven spellcasters created these protective crystals. |
英勇徽章(Crest of Valor) |
杂物(Miscellaneous) — 初级宝物(Treasure) | |
宝物功能 | 英雄及其带领的所有部队(包括生物和英雄)士气+1。 |
拾取介绍 | 你以为没有人能见证你在和巨人战斗中的显赫战功,但是一个骑士骑马迅速赶上你。“看这是什么!”他说,在你的衣服上别上一枚英勇徽章。“今天,你得到它了。” |
宝物背景 | Kings and queens of old awarded Crests of Valor only to the boldest hero who completed a great quest. |
四叶草(Four Leaf Clover) |
杂物(Miscellaneous) — 初级宝物(Treasure) | |
宝物功能 | 英雄及其带领的所有部队(包括生物和英雄)幸运+1。 |
拾取介绍 | 你看到一朵蒲公英,忽然回忆起孩提时候的一个场景。思乡使你跑过去,踢着那些花。当年踢到最后一株的时候,一个可怕的打击让你紧张起来,叫道:“它怎么自己飞起来了!”蒲公英飞到空中,一些花瓣落在我的肩上。当你捡起它的时候,你看到了四叶草! |
宝物背景 | You may think all clovers are lucky, but they're not. Only the ones plucked from a Leprechaun's garden possess this much power. |
赌徒之牌(Gambler's Deck) |
杂物(Miscellaneous) — 初级宝物(Treasure) | |
宝物功能 | 英雄及其带领的所有部队(包括生物和英雄)幸运+1。 |
拾取介绍 | 这是一场争吵,两个人在你前面打架。他们更像是一场竞技,没有人拔出武器,所以你停下来观看。最后他们中的一个摔倒在地上,不省人事。另一个人从它口袋中掏出赌徒之牌,并把它扔掉,说:“别在赌博!”你悄悄的捡起那个牌,继续赶路。 |
宝物背景 | The best gamblers don't believe in luck. In fact, the best gamblers make their own luck. As for the rest of us, it's good to have a little help once in a while. |
马蹄铁(Horseshoe) |
杂物(Miscellaneous) — 初级宝物(Treasure) | |
宝物功能 | 英雄及其带领的所有部队(包括生物和英雄)幸运+1。 |
拾取介绍 | 在路边,一个人把马蹄铁拿下扔掉。你看到了那个马蹄铁在石头上弹了一下,掉在路中,被一辆疾驰的马车踢起。最后,这个离奇的马蹄铁掉到你的口袋中。这个难以置信的事情使你决定保留它。 |
宝物背景 | One wonders if horseshoes were lucky before Leprechauns started enchanting them. |
黄金包(Purse of Gold) |
杂物(Miscellaneous) — 初级宝物(Treasure) | |
宝物功能 | 装备后每天生产250金。 |
拾取介绍 | 当你在路边经过一辆豪华的马车时,那丝绸帘子忽然卷起来,探出一个珠光宝气的妇人。“你这穷光蛋,看起来真可怜!”她傲慢的说。“给你,拿上这东西能让你脱离贫民窟。”那贵妇人扔给你一个黄金包,然后放下她的帘子。 |
宝物背景 | Why have the power to turn everything you can touch into gold when you could just have the gold appear out of thin air? As for where all that gold comes from, no one is quite sure. Maybe every lost coin or gold piece thrown into a well ends up in some magical place. |
黄金袋(Bag of Gold) |
杂物(Miscellaneous) — 初级宝物(Treasure) | |
宝物功能 | 装备后每天生产500金。 |
拾取介绍 | 你来到一个安静的村庄,打算买一个苹果,却发现它需要70金币!你不想买下,但很快你发现这个城镇所有的价格都十分离谱。似乎是因为这个城镇有黄金袋,造成通货膨胀。所以当镇长悄悄要你取偷走他们的袋子的时候,你很高兴能效劳。 |
宝物背景 | Why have the power to turn everything you can touch into gold when you could just have the gold appear out of thin air? As for where all that gold comes from, no one is quite sure. Maybe every lost coin or gold piece thrown into a well ends up in some magical place. |
木材马车(Cart of Lumber) |
杂物(Miscellaneous) — 初级宝物(Treasure) | |
宝物功能 | 装备后每天生产2木材。 |
拾取介绍 | 那些丢掉木材马车的人,要么就是太匆忙,要么就是富得流油,否则他们不会丢掉它。你把那破车轮装上,这就是它被扔掉的原因,然后你拉住驮马,骑上它扬长而去。 |
宝物背景 | The magic that gives this cart a neverending supply of wood is long forgotten, and lately the search for that lost magic has become the obsession of many greedy scholars. |
矿石马车(Cart of Ore) |
杂物(Miscellaneous) — 初级宝物(Treasure) | |
宝物功能 | 装备后每天生产2铁矿石。 |
拾取介绍 | 一个小矮人坐在矿石马车上,在路边等着。当你走近他的时候,他跳下来,向你微笑,说:“今天你很走运。”“为什么”,你很惊讶的问。“因为有人要求我把这辆车送给第一个路过这的人。这是为了惩罚我做过某些事情。你正好路过,它就是你的了。” |
宝物背景 | The magic that gives this cart a neverending supply of ore is long forgotten, and lately the search for that lost magic has become the obsession of many greedy scholars. |
六分仪(Sextant) |
杂物(Miscellaneous) — 初级宝物(Treasure) | |
宝物功能 | 海上行动力提高50%。 |
拾取介绍 | 在当地一个酒馆外,三个满脸皱纹的人正在和四个人打架。你跳下来,站在落败者的这一边,并追赶那些凶手。但是一个凶手用刀扎了你的同伴。在那个不幸的人临时之前,他给你他的六分仪。“别让它生锈了。”他在咽气前说。 |
宝物背景 | Most sea captains favor their Sextant over their sword. In fact, they never allow it out of their sight, going so far as to carry it with them even when they go ashore. |
杀戮之箭(Arrow of Slaying) |
杂物(Miscellaneous) — 中级宝物(Minor) | |
宝物功能 | 让英雄本人在射击四级生物时可造成双倍伤害。 |
拾取介绍 | 你观察到它在很高的天空,是一个盘旋的黑点。不管它是什么,它一定超出你从这能看到它的距离。那个黑点迅速的向地面下降,慢慢变大直到你认出它是一条黑龙。当地面撞击后一阵振动,它摔在地上,死了。在这只畜生的肋骨下突出着一支杀戮之箭,这吸引你鼓起勇气走近它的尸体。 |
宝物背景 | Inscribed on the shaft of this mysterious arrow are the words, "Fly true my arrow of destruction! Stab the hearts of monsters!" |
毒箭(Poison Arrow) |
杂物(Miscellaneous) — 中级宝物(Minor) | |
宝物功能 | 英雄远程攻击时能使敌人中毒,作用与死亡魔法的施毒术相同。 |
拾取介绍 | 你觉得有什么东西在跟着你,你又不能确定。忽然一个全身穿着黑衣,头上蒙着头巾的人吓你一跳。他从阴影中走出来,一手拿着弓,另一手拿着毒箭。他将箭扔到你的脚下,说:“我本来可以杀死你无数次。有一天,莎尔娜会回来找你。下一次,你只能到咽最后一口气时才能看到我。 |
宝物背景 | Poison has long been the tool of the assassin, but no one has used it as skillfully as the infamous murderer known only as 'the Shroud'. For the distant kill, he hollowed out the shaft of an arrow and filled it with a deadly venom. |
吝啬鬼钱包(Purse of Penny Pinching) |
杂物(Miscellaneous) — 中级宝物(Minor) | |
宝物功能 | 装备此宝物的英雄招募部队时花费降低10%。 |
拾取介绍 | 你驻足在商人的帐篷前看他的陶器,发现一个旧的花瓶你很喜欢。你问了价钱,并同意了。你只是想,一定要那个花瓶。但是当你付完前后,那个商人摆摆手,递给你一个吝啬鬼钱包。“你不要争了。我曾经以半价出售这个花瓶。现在你将比我更需要它。” |
宝物背景 | This is one of the famous purses of the Merchants of Stinistan. Some say that ten kings wouldn't have been able to match the wealth of the Merchants of Stinistan, nor could anyone bargain with one of these men without losing on the deal. |
黄金麻袋(Sack of Gold) |
杂物(Miscellaneous) — 中级宝物(Minor) | |
宝物功能 | 装备后每天生产750金。 |
拾取介绍 | 你听到一间倒塌小屋里传来哭声需要帮助,你迅速的过去挪开碎石。但当你来到最底下时,你发现除了一个黄金麻袋外,什么也没有。太好了!你的劳动得到了回报。 |
宝物背景 | Why have the power to turn everything you can touch into gold when you could just have the gold appear out of thin air? As for where all that gold comes from, no one is quite sure. Maybe every lost coin or gold piece thrown into a well ends up in some magical place. |
硫磺火盆(Brazier of Sulfur) |
杂物(Miscellaneous) — 中级宝物(Minor) | |
宝物功能 | 装备后每天生产1硫磺。 |
拾取介绍 | 你沿着路穿过一个不值一提的小村庄,一个十几岁疲惫的男孩被拷在城镇边的树干上。在他的脸下是硫磺火盆。从里面释放出来的气味足以将你窒息。你不知道那个男孩做了什么,但是这已经足够了。所以你把他放了,并拿走了那个火盆。 |
宝物背景 | The magic that gives this brazier a neverending supply of sulfur is long forgotten, and lately the search for that lost magic has become the obsession of many greedy scholars. |
水晶雕像(Crystal Figurine) |
杂物(Miscellaneous) — 中级宝物(Minor) | |
宝物功能 | 装备后每天生产1水晶。 |
拾取介绍 | 在地上一个黑乎乎的裂缝边,站着一个石化了的石像鬼石像。如果凝固在它脸上的表情要说明什么的话,那就是它一定是在逃避什么可怕的生物而误入有阳光的地方,然后就死了。在它的手上是一个水晶雕像,也许是从那个神秘怪兽守护的地方偷来的。现在,它是你的了。 |
宝物背景 | The magic that gives this figurine a neverending supply of crystal is long forgotten, and lately the search for that lost magic has become the obsession of many greedy scholars. |
水银瓶(Flast of Mercury) |
杂物(Miscellaneous) — 中级宝物(Minor) | |
宝物功能 | 装备后每天生产1水银。 |
拾取介绍 | 一群人聚集在这。一定发生了神秘事情。你小心的靠近那里,看到一个瘦小的人拿着两个瓶子,高举在头顶。他向旁边围着的守卫喊道:“后退!如果我把这两个瓶子摔了,我们都得死!”既然那个疯狂的炼金术士没有注意到你,你冲上前从他手里夺过那水银瓶。一下子,那些守卫们抓住那个罪犯,带走他,并对你表示感谢。 |
宝物背景 | The magic that gives this bottle a neverending supply of mercury is long forgotten, and lately the search for that lost magic has become the obsession of many greedy scholars. |
宝石箱(Gem Casket) |
杂物(Miscellaneous) — 中级宝物(Minor) | |
宝物功能 | 装备后每天生产1宝石。 |
拾取介绍 | 傲慢的男爵夫人通过她的财富,在这块土地上得到权利。她的财富都是从她的魔法宝石箱得到的。你偷偷潜入她的庄园,制服守卫,拿走她最值钱的财产,很快她那残酷的规矩就要到头了。 |
宝物背景 | The magic that gives this casket a neverending supply of gems is long forgotten, and lately the search for that lost magic has become the obsession of many greedy scholars. |
马兰迪酒杯(Maranthea's Mug) |
杂物(Miscellaneous) — 高级宝物(Major) | |
宝物功能 | 英雄及其带领的所有部队(包括生物和英雄)士气+3。 |
拾取介绍 | 没有错过酒馆,你走进去坐在一群酒醉的侏儒的桌子旁边,他们正在传递一个杯子。谁喝最后一杯,谁就在下一轮付帐。每一轮都是以你付帐作为结束,但是你并没有觉得不好,因为你离开的时候拿走了他们的马兰迪酒杯。 |
宝物背景 | Unlike most wizards who lock themselves in remote towers, Maranthea wandered the land conversing with the locals. She was especially known for staying up late into the night telling stories and always drinking from the same mug. |
战争枷锁(Shackles of War) |
杂物(Miscellaneous) — 高级宝物(Major) | |
宝物功能 | 在战场上禁止双方投降或逃跑。 |
拾取介绍 | 刚开始它看起来只不过是地上的一个洞,但是它相对于普通的洞来说太宽、太深。不,它曾经是一个竞技场。那些长凳已经长时间废弃,满是凹坑的墙上经历了风吹雨打,爬满藤蔓。你跳进去以便更近点的看,只是为了找到那个还挂在一块旧砖头上,声名狼藉的战争枷锁。在弄碎那块石头后,你带着你的发现爬出来。 |
宝物背景 | Forged by an evil emperor before recorded history, these magical cuffs were used in the arenas to force brother against brother, man against wife, and parent against child in cruel games for the emperor's amusement. |
火炎之箭(Flaming Arrow) |
杂物(Miscellaneous) — 超级宝物(Relic) | |
宝物功能 | 装备后使英雄的射击带范围攻击属性。在3.0版本的游戏中,除射击中心之外,周围波及范围造成的伤害类似于火魔法,不能损伤具备火抵抗能力的部队。。 |
拾取介绍 | 一个小磷火在你的身边突然燃烧起来,把你吓了一跳。幸亏你脑筋转得快,你设法用土将它熄灭。在火焰的中心是一支火炎之箭。 |
宝物背景 | During a famous siege, Ravenwood helped improve the normal fire arrow by enchanting it so it would rain even more destruction upon her enemy. |
圣杯(Grail) |
杂物(Miscellaneous) — 超级宝物(Relic) | |
宝物功能 | 收集藏宝图挖掘获得,可用于在城镇中建造圣杯建筑/奇观。 |
拾取介绍 | 当你拿起圣杯的时候,你能感觉到力量从它里面溢出流到你的手里。这是一件值得为它死战的宝物! |
宝物背景 |